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Sathya Tech's concise C, C & Data Structures course structure covers all the essential features of the programming language.
Mail Us:sathyainhyd@gmail.com Contanct Us: 040-65538958, 65538968, 65538978 C: 1.Introduction to Computers Computer Generations Block Diagram & I/O Devices Hardware and Software Operating System 2.Introduction to ‘C’ History and Generations of Language Algorithms Flowcharts Evaluation of ‘C’ 3.Basics of ‘C’ Character set Keywords and identifiers Constants and variables Data Types Type Conversion Structure of ‘C’ Program Execution of ‘C’ under MS-Dos.
Unix / Linux 4.Operators of ‘C’ Arithmetic Assignment Relational Logical Bitwise Conditional Special Precedence of Operators 5.Control Statements If Statements Switch Statements Nested Switch / If While loop For loop Do-while loop Nested switch / if Nested loops 6.Arrays One Dimensional Two Dimensional Multi Dimensional 7.Strings String Operations String handling functions
8.Structures & Unions Accessing Structure elements Structure initialization Array of structures Nested structures Unions Typedef Enumeration Preprocessor and macro 9.Functions Types of functions Function prototype Function with arguments and return value Passing arrays as arguments Passing string as arguments Call by value Call by reference Recursion 10.Searching and sorting Selection sort Insertion sort Merge sort Sequential sort Radix sort Bubble sort Quick sort Heap sort
Linear search Binary search 11.Pointers Advantages of pointers Types of pointers Pinter arithmetic Pointer to arrays Pointer to string Structure to pointer Pointer to pointer Dynamic memory Allocation Malloc(), Calloc() Realloc(), & Free() Command line arguments 12.File handling Operating a file File I/O Character I/O Line I/O Format I/O Structure I/O Random Access file processing DS: 1.Data structures Classification of data structures List Linear Non Linear
Linked list Single Linked list Double Linked list Singly circular List Doubly circular List Operations on Linked list Insert Delete Search Sort Traverse Modify Merge Stacks Implementation of stacks Operations on stack Application on stack Infix, Postfix & Prefix Queues Implementation of Queues Operation on Queues Application on Queues Circular Queues Dequeue Priority Queue Non Linear data structures Trees Binary trees
Binary search tree Tree traversals Inorder Preorder Postorder Operations on Binary trees Insert, Delete & Modify 2.Graphs Breadth first search and traversal Depth first search and traversal 3.FAQS C++ 1.Introductions Disadvantage of C Evaluation of C++ Differences between C&C++ Features of C++ 2.C++Fundamentals Character set Data types in C++ Structure of C++ Operators in C++ 3.Control Statements
Conditional statements Un Conditional statements Switch statements Nested if Nested switch Multi dimensional String library functions 4.Loops While For Do While Nested Loops 5.Arrays and Strings Single dimensional Multi dimesional String library functions 6.Functions Function prototype Functions with passing of arguments Functions passing arrays Function passing strings Function passing structures Call by value Call by reference Recursion 7.OOPs concepts
Classes Data members Member functions Array of instances Nested classes 8.Constructors and destructors Default constructors Parameterized constructor Copy constructor Destructor 9.Functions in C++ Friend function Inline function 10.Polymorphism Early binding Function overloading Operator overloading Late binding Virtual functions Pure virtual functions 11.Tern plates Function templates Class templates Friend class 12.Exceptional Handling
Try Catch Throw 13.Inheritance Single level Multi level Multiple Hybrid Hierarchy 14 Pointers Pointers to arrays Pointers to strings Pointers to structures Pointers to classes Pointers to pointers Dynamic memory allocation New Delete This pointer 15.Searching and sorting Merge sort Bubble sort Quick sort Heap sort Linear and Binary search 16.File Handling Opening and closing a file Mode of access
Ifstream Ofsiream Fstream Sequential access Random Access DS: 1.Data structures in C++ Classification of DS Lists Linear Non Linear Linked list Single linked list Double linked list Singly circular Doubly circular Operations on Linked list Insert delete Search Sort Modify Merge Stacks Implementation of stacks Operation on stacks Application of stacks
Infix, Postfix & Prefix Queues Implementation of Queues Operation on Queues Application of Queues Circular Queues Dequeue Priority Queue Non linear Datastructures Trees Binary trees Binary search Trees Tree traversals Inorder Preorder Postorder Operations on Binary Tree Insert Delete Modify 2.Graphs Breath First search and traversal Depth first search and traversal 3.C++ Graphics 4.FAQS & Project