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Communicaton with the world. Yuki SUGIYAMA Pei Lynn Wang Yusuke ITO Ho Yen Wei Ai SATO Wenning chi Hikaru OYAMA Iyin Kuo Akiko NASHIKI Kelly Shu Takahiro YOSHIKAWA Kuan yu Chen. Topic. Introduction questionnaire in Japan World youth meeting (WYM) The condition in Taiwan
Communicaton with the world Yuki SUGIYAMAPei Lynn Wang Yusuke ITOHo Yen Wei Ai SATOWenning chi Hikaru OYAMAIyin Kuo Akiko NASHIKIKelly Shu Takahiro YOSHIKAWAKuan yu Chen
Topic • Introduction • questionnaire in Japan • World youth meeting (WYM) • TheconditioninTaiwan • The prospects in Taiwan • Conclusion of Taiwan and Japan
English Study Typical High school and Junior high school University
Questionnaire N=105
Why do they like English study after they entered university? English study in our university is different from that in typical high school
Turning point at WYM
Until WYM・・・・・ We not get to talk with foreigners uneasy and But As time passes・・・・ found fun of speaking English and joy of being able to communicate want to talk more and study!!
WYM Information exchange Host family visa Communicate with participants very well
1st grade・WYM progress 2nd grade・WYM
The condition in Taiwan • The defeat of English education -the entrance exam system
The in Taiwan prospects • The prevail academic communication -international exchange program
We take actions to communicate - international voluntary activities The growth rate of voluntary community service in Taiwan is 123% in 10 years Now in Taiwan, one out of seven people has done voluntary actions
Tsu Chi foundation International institute: What do they do: international voluntary services How do they communicate: Attribute our passion and love
WYM conclusion we ask them to do presentation
Persons from other countries Persons from other countries Yuki Japan Japan Alan Taiwan Taiwan Persons from other countries Persons from other countries For Example 1st Group 2nd Group presentation using the video conference presentation
We all use English as the powerful tool! Taiwanese members Japanese members RANGE TIME
Our prospects Range Time