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Certificate of Civil Rights Power Point Training. I, ___________________________ (name), attest that I have studied the Civil Rights Power Point Presentation titled __________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ on _____________________
1. Certification of Civil Rights Power Point Training: Instructions Upon completion of your study of a Civil Rights Power Point Presentation please complete the following items for training credit.
Please print this power point file as a presentation.
Please fill out slide two of this power point titled “Certificate of Civil Rights Power Point Training.” Include your full name, the full name of the power point training presentation that you just studied, and the date. Then sign and date.
Next, send the signed certificate to your supervisor within 5 days. Your supervisor will sign the certificate and return to you for your personnel file and 230 Civil Rights File.
2. Certificate of Civil Rights Power Point Training I, ___________________________ (name), attest that I have studied the Civil Rights Power Point Presentation titled __________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ on _____________________ (date).
__________________ ______ (trainee signature & date)
__________________ _______ (supervisor signature & date)