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CSC 552.201 - Advanced Unix Programming, Fall, 2008. Monday, December 1 Thread local storage, POSIX:SEM semaphores and POSIX:XSI IPC. Thread local data. int pthread_key_create(pthread_key_t *key, void (*destructor, void*));
CSC 552.201 - Advanced Unix Programming, Fall, 2008 Monday, December 1 Thread local storage, POSIX:SEM semaphores and POSIX:XSI IPC
Thread local data • int pthread_key_create(pthread_key_t *key, void (*destructor, void*)); • This function creates a thread-specific data key visible to all threads in the process. Key values provided by pthread_key_create() are opaque objects used to locate thread-specific data. Although the same key value may be used by different threads, the values bound to the key by pthread_setspecific() are maintained on a per-thread basis and persist for the life of the calling thread. Destructor may be NULL. If not, it is called for the key’s value upon thread exit. • The key acts like a hash index to access thread-local data.
Thread local data access • int pthread_setspecific(pthread_key_t key, const void *value); • Sets thread-local data for key to pointer value. • value points to a valid object that persists across calls. • void *pthread_getspecific(pthread_key_t key); • Returns the key’s value in this thread, or NULL if the key has not been set in this thread. • int pthread_key_delete(pthread_key_t key); • Deletes the mapping in this thread. • Used for distinct mappings in multiple threads.
Thread local storage example • A multithreaded database access API maintains per-thread caches for thread-local pre-commit and pre-abort database fetch and store operations. • Each database read() fetches the DBID -> value mappings for its thread. Other threads might read() or write() the same DBID prior to commit() or abort(). • Each thread must maintain a cache of the DBID -> value mappings it currently sees, along sets of DBIDs that it has created, modified, deleted, or re-created. • A thread’s commit() writes/commits all changes back to the DB and empties the thread local cache. An abort() or close() empties the thread local cache.
Thread local storage example • A multithreaded database access API maintains per-thread caches for thread-local pre-commit and pre-abort database fetch and store operations. singleton database thread DB function() call from 1 of N client threads function, resultQueue, this, DBID Transaction serviceQueue thread local cache : current transaction mappings, deltas, resultQueue DB Transaction resultQueue
Why use thread-local storage in this DB example? • This application uses thread local storage in part because it is middleware, in this case a wrapper that resides between client DB access functions and the underlying DB API calls. • It intercepts client calls to the DB access functions because the underlying DB is not robust for multithreaded commit() and abort() calls. • This middleware dedicates one worker thread to actually performing underlying DB commits and aborts. • DB calls in client threads do not have access to data parameters in the threads’ startup functions.
POSIX:SEM semaphores (Ch. 14) • int sem_init(sem_t *sem, int pshared, unsigned int value); ALSO int sem_destroy(sem_t *sem); • pshared is 0 for single process, 1 for interprocess • value is 0 for a locked semaphore, > 0 for unlocked • int sem_wait(sem_t *sem); • blocks on a 0 sem_t value, decrements if > 0 • or int sem_trywait(sem_t *sem); • int sem_post(sem_t *sem); • Adds 1 to sem_t if there are no blocked sem_wait callers, unblocks one thread if 1 or more are blocked
~parson/UnixSysProg/semwait 50 sem_t sem_hasspace ; // the buffer has space • sem_t sem_hascontent ; // the buffer has content • if ((errcode = sem_init(&sem_hasspace, 0, 1)) == -1) { • if ((errcode = sem_init(&sem_hascontent, 0, 0)) == -1) { • (void) sem_destroy(&sem_hasspace); Producer: • if ((errcode = sem_wait(&(link->sem_hasspace))) == -1) { 89 if ((errcode = sem_post(&(link->sem_hascontent))) == -1) { Consumer: 107 if ((errcode = sem_wait(&(link->sem_hascontent))) == -1) { 130 if ((errcode = sem_post(&(link->sem_hasspace))) == -1) {
Named semaphores can be opened and used across processes. • sem_t *sem_open(const char *name, int oflag, /* unsigned long mode, unsigned int value */ ...); • name is a path-like name (not necessarily a file path) with a single leading “/” identifying the semaphore. • oflag can be O_CREAT with an O_EXCL option. • O_CREAT mode_t values set permissions • S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH • O_CREAT value parameter sets the initial value • Use sem_destroy() as with sem_init().
POSIX:XSI Inter-Process Communication (IPC) (Ch. 15) • Semaphore sets, shared memory, and type-tagged message queues (sem, shm, msg). • These mechanisms support synchronization and communication among UNIX processes. • Unlike pipes and named FIFOs, they do not use file descriptors or select() or poll(). • These mechanisms predate UNIX threads, commercially available sockets and POSIX.
~ parson/UnixSysProg/ipcwait • Example code uses shared memory and a two-semaphore set to connect one producer process to two consumer processes. • Semaphore sets • Multiple, atomically updated semaphores in 1 set • ftok(), semget() (to open), semctl(), semop() • Shared memory • Select virtual pages of multiple processes map to shared physical address pages. • ftok(), shmget() (to open), shmctl(), shmat(), shmdt()
ipcs and ipcrm shell utilities -bash-3.00$ ipcs -p Shared Memory: m 1526726770 0x1008ca1 --rw------- parson faculty 4334 4334 Semaphores: s 100663397 0x8ca1 --ra------- parson faculty -bash-3.00$ pmap 4334 4334: ./ipcwait 10000 16K r-x-- /export/home/faculty/parson/UnixSysProg/ipcwait/ipcwait • 8K rwx-- /export/home/faculty/parson/UnixSysProg/ipcwait/ipcwait . . . FF250000 8K rwxs- [ shmid=0x5b000072 ]
~ parson/UnixSysProg/msgipcwait • Example code uses a message queue to connect one producer process to two consumer processes. • Message queues • Each queue includes a “long” type tag field that receivers can use to select from among typed messages. • ftok(), msgget() (to open), msgctl(), msgsnd(), msgrcv()
Single threaded, multiprocess and multithreaded server loops. • Use select() or poll() to monitor all incoming and possibly outgoing fds of interest. • In a single-threaded, single-process system, perform time-bounded work, then return to the service loop • Especially appropriate for real-time or small footprint, reactive systems • Forking or threading could apply to some requests • Use accept() or other blocking system call in a server thread to receive service requests. • fork() a worker process to perform concurrent work • pthread_create worker threads; maintain a thread pool
Programming assignment 4(modify a copy of assignment 2 or 3) • Each chess plugin starts one or more threads to monitor its incoming data streams, blocking on read(), and copying the data stream to a log file and, for gnuchess, to an output stream. • Threads reading stdout from gnuchess or pchess must detect moves as in assignment 2. • They invoke a callback function that passes the move back to the main thread via a condition variable and a queue of moves. The main thread blocks on this condition variable. There is no select() or poll() loop. • Move injection from the main thread to the stdin on a child game (gnuchess or pchess) must use a mutex to protect writing into the child’s stdin stream, only if there are multiple writers (e.g., xboard to gnuchess). • Callbacks signal end-of-file and errors in the child data connections. • The main thread must handle signals as in assignment 2. The child threads must mask out all signals.