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Amoebas surround their food and also move by using which structures? A) pseudopods C) flagella B) contractile vacuole D) cilia. Which of the following terms does NOT describe fungi? A) autotrophic C) decomposer B) consumer D) heterotrophic.

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  1. Amoebas surround their food and also move by using which structures?A) pseudopods C) flagellaB) contractile vacuole D) cilia

  2. Which of the following terms does NOT describe fungi?A) autotrophic C) decomposerB) consumer D) heterotrophic

  3. Which is true of organisms that are classified in the same genus?A) they must be in the same kingdom, but may be in different phylaB) they must be in the same phylum, but may be in different kingdomsC) they must be of the same species, but may be in different phylaD) they must be in the same phylum, but may be of different species

  4. The scientific name for the fruit fly is Drosophila melanogaster. The word Drosophila refers to the classification group known asA) genus C) kingdomB) species D) phylum

  5. In which kingdom is an organism classified if it lacks a membrane separating most of its genetic material from its cytoplasm?A) animalia C) plantaeB) monera D) protista

  6. Because mushrooms absorb nutrients from decaying leaves, they are classified asA) anaerobes C) autotrophsB) heterotrophs D) protozoans

  7. Fungi, such as bread mold, use a method of digestion that is described asA) mechanical and extracellularB) mechanical and intracellularC) chemical and extracellularD) chemical and intracellular

  8. If the cilia of a paramecium were destroyed, the most direct effect would be on the ability of the paramecium toA) produce offspringB) release energyC) obtain foodD) excrete wastes

  9. Lichens are a type of fungus that have a mutualistic relationship with what other organism?A) yeast C) amoebaB) volvox D) algae

  10. Which of the following kingdoms are characterized by members that are eukaryotic and mostly all unicellular?A) Monera C) ProtistaB) Fungi D) Animalia

  11. In one modern classification system, organisms are grouped into fiveA) genera C) speciesB) kingdoms D) phyla

  12. Which organism is correctly paired with structures it uses for locomotion?A) hydra – ciliaB) amoeba – tentaclesC) paramecium – pseudopodiaD) euglena - flagella

  13. Which organism is a more distant relative of the other two (least closely related)?A) A C) CB) B D) not enough info

  14. Which of the following represents the correct method of writing a binomial nomenclature scientific name?A) ursusArctos C) ursusarctosB) UrsusArctosD) Ursusarctos

  15. Any eukaryote that is not a plant, animal or fungus would be classified as a A) eubacteria C) protistB) archaebacteria D) prokaryote

  16. If two species of organism have the same class, they also have which taxon in common?A) kingdom C) familyB) genus D) species

  17. Which of the following methods describes how species of Kingdom Monera reproduce?A) budding C) sporesB) conjugation D) binary fission

  18. What term best describes the shape of the bacteria shown above?A) bacilli C) spirillaB) oblong D) cocci

  19. Certain bacteria produce a chemical that makes them resistant to penicillin. Since these bacteria reproduce asexually, they usually produce offspring thatA) can be destroyed by penicillinB) survive exposure to penicillinC) mutate into another speciesD) are genetically different from their parents

  20. Which kingdom is an organism classified in if it is eukaryotic, multicellular and autotrophic?A) Plantae C) ProtistaB) Animalia D) Fungi

  21. Which kingdom would an organism be classified if it is eukaryotic, multicellular, heterotrophic containing cell walls made of chitin?A) Plantae C) ProtistaB) Animalia D) Fungi

  22. What root-like structures function for anchoring a fungus and absorption of nutrients?A) rhizoids C) gillsB) cap D) hyphae

  23. A microorganism observed under a microscope is unicellular and lacks an organized nucleus. This organism is classified as a A) fungus C) protistB) bacteria D) plant

  24. XThe diagram above represents a unicellular green algae known as chlamydomonas. Structure X helps chlamydomonas move through the pond in which it lives. What is X?A) a seta C) a tentacleB) a antenna D) a flagellum

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