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By: Faye Ensermu Chemeda Data Analysis Expert

Ethio-Italian Development Co-operation. Wageningen February 2004. Arsi-Bale Rural Development Project. Action Plan Prepared for PPM&E Objective: To Develop Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for Rural Microfinance Component by June 2004. By: Faye Ensermu Chemeda Data Analysis Expert.

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By: Faye Ensermu Chemeda Data Analysis Expert

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  1. Ethio-Italian Development Co-operation Wageningen February 2004 Arsi-Bale Rural Development Project Action Plan Prepared for PPM&EObjective: To Develop Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for Rural Microfinance Component by June 2004 By: Faye Ensermu Chemeda Data Analysis Expert

  2. Definition of M&E plan: • a plan which has: • an overall framework of performance and learning questions, • information gathering requirements (including indicators), • reflection and review events with stakeholders, • resources and activities required to implement a functional M&E plan.

  3. The M&E plan • the reference point for stakeholders through out the project life. • give fine detail on schedules, responsibilities, budgets and so on. In general, M&E plan lists how data will be collected, when, by whom and where. So it covers detail schedules, responsibilities, budgets & so on

  4. The purpose to develop M&E plan • To minimize the problem persist in the project area related to performance questions, information needs and indicators, and lack of participatory planning, i.e., it helps us to establish the purpose and scope, identify performance questions, information needs and indicators through: • information gathering and organizing, • developing critical reflection processes and events, communication and reporting, and • developing capacities.

  5. Over all goal of the project develop small farmers and rural producers to contribute to the national food security. 5

  6. Specific objectives: • increase crops and livestock production and productivity among small farmers; • promote the development of rural entrepreneurs and generate employment; • improve rural economic and social infrastructure; and • improve natural resource conservation/ management. 6

  7. Main purpose of the project • to increase of agricultural production, improve rural entrepreneurship and construct rural economic and social infrastructure. 7

  8. Main components: • support to Agricultural development and Micro-Projects; • seed multiplication and marketing; • small-scale irrigation and rural water supply; • infrastructure development; and • institutional support.

  9. Objective of Rural Microfinance component Øto promote the development of rural entrepreneurs and generate employment .

  10. Purpose of Rural Microfinance component • to be sustained and client oriented rural financial services for poor in order to increase productivity and income; and to create employment opportunities.

  11. Steps to be under taken to develop M&E Plan

  12. Steps to be under taken to develop M&E Plan (continue)

  13. The responsibility of stakeholders in relation to activities for the preparation of M&E plan

  14. Budget required accomplishing the proposed action plan, in EURO

  15. Constraints If any problem encountered especially on Budget constraints and MFIs reluctance: • create conducive learning environment • Giving awareness

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