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AFRICAN COMMISSION ON AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS (AFCAS), TWENTIETH SESSION. Food insecurity indicators based on the 2002/03 HHBS (IAF) – The experience of Mozambique. Alger December 2007
AFRICAN COMMISSION ON AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS(AFCAS),TWENTIETH SESSION Food insecurity indicators based on the 2002/03HHBS (IAF) – The experience of Mozambique Alger December 2007 Presented by: Domingos Diogo Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
SUMARY • 1. Objectifs • 2.Why? • 3. The 2002/03 HHBS • 4. Preparação dados • 5. Processamento de dados • 6. The main resultss • 8. Main findings • 9. Recomendations Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
1. OBJECTIVES • To present to the AFCAs participants the level, magnitude and characteristics of food insecurity based on statistics in Mozambique; • To discuss and share the experience on using data from HHBS for generating food insecurity indicators and using them for analysis and policy purposes; Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
2. Why? • Need of systematized statistical information on food insecurity. • Use of HHBSv data in the production of derivates statistics. • To enhance the policies formulation process as well the interventions and actions in the area of food security. Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
3. The 2002/03 HHBS • When?:July 2002 to June 2003, Conducted by INE • Objective: To estimate the HH expenditures, Income and highlight the main socio-economic characteristics at national and sub-national level; Sample:Stratified in 3 steps and Randomly • Primary Sampling Units (UPA) • Enumeration Areas (AE) • HouseHolds (AF) • Size: 8747 AF Urban Areas: 4020 Rural Areas : 4727 Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
3. The 2002/03 HHBS • Questionnaires: 4 questionnaires used in the 2002/03 HHBS: • 1. Community questionaire (in the rural areas) • 2. Questionnaire on general characteristics of the HH. • Questionnaire on expenditures and income (monthly and annual) • 4. Questionnaire on diary HH expenses Operational approach • Data collection refered 7 days of a week was done on 3 visits. • Food Consumsion: 350 diferent types of food detected, obtained trough purchases, donations, own production or out-side HH food consumtion Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
4. PREPARAÇÃO DOS DADOS • Using 2002/03 HHBS data base and other aditional information, the folowing files files were criated - FOOD.SAV : Contained Data on food consumsion • HH.SAV; HM.SAV : Contained Data on HH Characteristics • COUNTRY_NCT.SAV • INDEXES.SAV • AGE_HEIGHTS.XLS Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
5. ABOUT THE DATA • Main problems: • Data on expenditure were used as proxy of consumsion; • Data on income limited and not very reliable; • Dificulty to quantify the amount of food consumed away; • Data collected on the different unities of mesure • Limited specification of the list of food products. • The national table of energetic composition of food very limited and not complete. Data on food consumsion processed using the FAO Food Security Statistics Module Software - FSSM Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
Some concepts and definitions • CRITICAL FOOD POVERTY • The prevalence of critical food poverty (pCFP) refers to the proportion of persons living on less than the cost of the macro-nutrient balanced MDER (for MDER see below and for balanced diet see above) with food prices from households in the lowest income quintile. It can be estimated at national and sub-national levels. Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
Some concepts and definitions • DEPTH OF FOOD DEPRIVATION • It refers to the difference between the average dietary energy consumption of an undernourished population and its average minimum energy requirement (MDER). Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
Some concepts and definitions • DIETARY ENERGY CONSUMPTION Food consumption expressed in energy terms. At national level, it can be calculated from the FBS (see below); this estimate refers to both private and public food consumption. Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
Some concepts and definitions • The minimum dietary energy requirement (MDER) refers to the amount of energy considered adequate to meet the energy needs for normative minimum acceptable weight for attained height while performing light physical activity in good health. Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
Some concepts and definitions • The Magnitude of food shortage/deficit depends: • On the quantity of energy in the comsumed food; • On the inequalities in the access to food due the HH income; • On the Minimum Dietery Energy Requirement (MDER) • On the intensity of food Deprivetion Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
Results • Statistics on food consumtion and food insecurity at national, provincial and by sub-populations groups were produced, according to: • Level of Income • Geografic Location • HouseHold Size • Characteristics of the HH Head Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
7.RESULTY Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
7. RESULTADOS Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
7. RESULTADOS Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
7. RESULTADOS Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
7. RESULTADOS Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
7. RESULTADOS Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
7. RESULTADOS Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
7. RESULTADOS 4. RESULTADOS Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
7. RESULTADOS Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
7. RESULTADOS Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
7. RESULTADOS Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
7. RESULTADOS Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
5. Main Findings • Food Deprivation: 29% of the Total of Population • In the Urban Areas: 52% • In the Rural Areas: 23% • Critical food Deprivation: 8% • MDER: 1617 kcal/person/day • In the Urban Áreas : 1661 kcal/person/day • In the Rural Areas: 1596 kcal/Person/day • ADEC: 1900 kcal/Person /dia • DEUV: 2,7 Mts/1000 Kcal • Intensity of food Deprivition: 261 kcal/person/day Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
Conclusions: • - 1.Total expenditures were used as proxy of income as no reliable data for this variable were available. • 2. As the objective of the survey was for different purposes the data for food consumption were not reliable and very limited, leading to use the purchasing information as proxy of the consumption which could affect overall results. Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
Conclusions: • 3- Weakness on the food quantities reported, particularly those from own production, were found to be out of range which probably referred to production instead of consumption. • 4- In spite of having a detailed and very precise list of food items, the IAF 2002/03 contains a few broad groups of food items for which it was difficult to find corresponding nutrient values, since Mozambique does not possesses the composition for all food items. Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
Recommendations: • National Institute of Statistics should continue articulate and coordinate with others organisations involved in food security and agricultural data collection and key users of food security statistics, in all steps of survey implementation. • The country should complete and update the food composition table as well the height and weight table for population above five years. • More reliable estimates could be obtained with the review of the IAF questionnaires as to collect the household food outlay in terms of food stocks (from own consumption and purchases) food consumption and expenditure and food given away. Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
Recommendations: • The African countries should develop agricultural and food security statistic based on the national surveys in other to better monitor the MDG and FAO in partnership with other agencies should continue to support the countries in this excise. Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
Conclusion • Further analysis on food supply and food requirement/consumption at national and sub-national level can highlight the deficit/surplus and policy interventions in order to improve food security status and living conditions of people in the country. Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África
Muito Obrigado! Thank You! Merci! Asante Sana! Home page: www.ine.gov.mz Melhorar os Indicadores de Emprego para Melhores Políticas e Programas de Emprego em África