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Pr. Jomon K. Varughese

Pr. Jomon K. Varughese. Why do we overcome?. Bible warns us to overcome ( Revelation 2:7,11,17,26; 3:2,12,21) Christian life is a battle We have an enemy Bible talks about spiritual armors ( Ephesians 6:11-18). Test Vs. Temptation. Both are different Test from God (Genesis 22:1 )

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Pr. Jomon K. Varughese

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  1. Pr. JomonK. Varughese

  2. Why do we overcome? • Bible warns us to overcome(Revelation 2:7,11,17,26; 3:2,12,21) • Christian life is a battle • We have an enemy • Bible talks about spiritual armors(Ephesians 6:11-18)

  3. Test Vs. Temptation • Both are different • Test from God (Genesis 22:1) • God allows us to have trials (James 1:2-3,12) • Temptation not from God (James 1:13-14)

  4. Introduction • Temptation is not sin • But yielding to temptation is sin • Jesus gives warning (Matt. 6:13) • If you are a child of God, satan will tempt (1 Peter 5:8, 1Cor. 7:5b) • Satan’s nickname – TEMPTER (1 Thess. 3:5)

  5. TestVs. Temptation • Test • To measure your faith • To measure your trust in God • Temptations • A force to make you fall

  6. Results of Temptations • It put a check on our loyalty to God • It builds our character • It shows us our weakness • It is test of faith – an opportunity to help us to grow in maturity

  7. Three Enemies 1. Flesh 2. World 3. Satan

  8. Flesh?

  9. Flesh • Even the 'good' we do in the flesh is like filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). This results in our sinning.  • Sin is thinking or doing wrong things, doing good things for the wrong reason/motive, or not doing good things that should be done.

  10. Flesh Temptations to worry, fear, get angry, be greedy, fulfill our lusts, think only of ourselves, feel self-sufficient or self-righteous, be jealous, gossip or criticize, etc. come from or through the flesh. (Ephesians 4:22-27).

  11. The World • organized system of ideas, people, activities, purposes, goals, motives, priorities and values that are based on Satan's system (I John 2:15; John 15:19). • Corrupted System • Satan's substitute for God's way.

  12. World • Peer pressure, rejection, pride, persecution, • problems getting along with people, • desire for popularity and success, etc., • all these things are ways Satan attacks us through the world (Matthew 4:8-10; 12:26).

  13. Satan The devil or Satan is the god of this world system and is called “evil” in 1 John 5:19

  14. Satan • The devil or Satan is the god of this world system and is called “evil” in 1 John 5:19 • The devil is the god of this present age in which we live • Evidence - Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil

  15. Satan • Luke  4:5 – 8 Adam’s sin brought this stage • Originally the dominion was given to Adam & Eve. • Because of sin they fell under the destruction power of devil.

  16. Satan • Adam’s sin brought the curse of sin to all earth. • Christ is the only hope of the redemption from this state. • He suffered the penalty of this curse to bring us back to God.

  17. Temptations will be attractive • Temptations present substitutes • Temptations will be based on your needs

  18. Understand the Temptations • They are common • They will be life long • They are powerful • They are planned attacks • They will be against your loopholes

  19. Areas of Temptations • Girl – Gold – Glory • Sex – Money – Power • Lust of Flesh – Lust of Eyes – Pride of Life (1Jn. 4:4,5)

  20. Lessons From First Temptations • Disguise (Gen. 3:1) • Doubt (Gen. 3:4) • Distrust (Gen. 3:5) • Disobedience (Gen. 3:6)

  21. How can we overcome? • Live by SPIRIT (Gal.5:16,17; Rom.8:9) • Look JESUS as model (Heb.5:15) • Control your thought life (2Cor. 10:5; Phl.4:8) • Obey the Word of God (1Jn.2:14b, Ps.119:9,11)

  22. Be conscious about the challenge • Discipline yourself to face the challenge • Establish a right relationship with God • Confess and ask for pardon when you fail

  23. Trust in God and His love • Understand and avail the ministry of the Holy Spirit • Find out your loopholes and deal with it • Seek the help of a senior mentor

  24. Decide your boundaries • Declare your boundaries • Defend your boundaries

  25. They were sensitive to the challenges of their faith • They had the discerning ability to decide what is right or wrong • They had the willpower to take a decision • They had the courage to reveal their decision / faith • They had the confidence / faith that God will help them in the dilemma (i.e. health)

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