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Explore the geographic reach of Maher, managing homes for the oppressed and empowerment programs, with a focus on Maharashtra. Learn about their initiatives in Pune, Ratnagiri, Sangli, and more locations in India. This paper provides insights into Maher's growth and impact as of 2018.
Maher in Geographic Terms • Pune, February 2019 (Version 1: English, Euro)
Objectiveofthispaper Objectiveofthispaperistovisualizethegeographicareas, in which Maher isworking. The workofmahercoversthemanagementofhomesfortheoppressedaswellasthemanagementofempower-mentprogrammes in tribal villages. Most ofthevillages Maher addressesare in theneighborhoodof Maher homes. Totally, Maher has 44 homesforoppressedwomen, men and children. The 44 homesarelocated in 29 different buildings. This paperdescribesthegeograhyof Maher asof 2018. In theupcomingyears Maher will inaugu-rate furtherbuildings in Kolkatta and Santara.
India has 29 statesunder different economicconditions State ranking in termsofeconomichealth
Maher isworking in three out of 29 Indian states Remarks 2 Maher isengaged in threestates: Maharashtra withitscapital MumbaiJharkandwiththecapital Ran-chiKeralawithitscapitalThiruvan-anthapuram. The mainofficeof Maher is in Pu-ne, Maharashtra. Maharashtra has a populationofaround 113 Million, Kerala and Jharkandofaround 34 Million. Jharkandisoneofthepooreststa-tesof India, rankednumber 25 out of 29 in economicterms. 1 2 1 3 3
In Maharashtra, Maher serves in fourdistrictswith 35 homes Remarks 1 In Maharashtra Maher isactive in fourdistrictswith 35 homes: DistrictofGreater Mumbai (1 home).Districtof Pune (29 homes).DistrictofRatnagiri (4 homes).DistrictofSangli (1 home). 35 out of 44 homesof Maher (=53%) arelocated in Maharashtra in the di-strictof Pune. 1 2 2 3 4 3 4
29 out of 35 homes in Maharashtra are in thedistrictof Pune Remarks In thedistrictof Pune Maher has 29 homes: In Wadgaonsheri (Vadgadon Sheri) Ma-her hasthreehomes In Thakerwasti (ThakurVasti ) Maher hasonehome In Kendur Maher operatestwohomes InAptiMaher hasonehome In VaduBudrukMaher hastenhomes In Shirur Maher operatesonehome In Bakori Maher hasthreehomes In Awalwadi, Manjri(Vatsalyadham) Maher manageseighthomes.
In thedistrictsof Mumbai, Sangli and Ratnagiri Maher has 6 homes Remarks 1 • In thedistrictofMumbai Maher managesonehomeforboys. • In thedistrictofSangliMaher hasonehomeforwomen and children. • In thedistrictofRatnagiriMaher operatesfourhomesforgirls (Bal-gruha), forboys & girls (PrennakurBalsadan), forelderlyagedwomen (Snehasadan) and forelderlyagedmen (Sandhya). 2 3 1 3 2
In Jharkand Maher operatessevenhomes Remarks • In Jharkand, Maher isactive in thedistrictsofBokaro and Ranchi withsevenhomes. • In districtofRanchi Maher hasfivehomes: • In thevillageXavier Nagar Maher hasonehomeforboys and girls (Ma-Ka-Ghar). • In Karkat Village Maher hasthree ho-mes: oneforgirls (Tara), oneforboys (Snehalaya) and oneforwomen (Shanti-niketan). • In Dulli Village thereisonehomeforboys & girls, namedPremalaya • In thedistrictofBokara Maher hastwo ho-mes in thevillageofKaswagarhi: oneforbo-ys & girls (namedJeevordaya) and oneformentallyillwomen (namedSarvodaya). 1 4 2 3 2 1 3 4
In Kerala Maher ismanagingtwohomes Remarks 1 In Kerala, Maher hastwohomes. In thishomesboys and girlsaredomiciled. The Maher nameofthehomeforgirlsisSnehabhavan Girls, forboysSnehabhavan Boys. 1
2018 Maher has 44 homeswith a focus in Maharashtra Homes of Maher bylocation (state / district), April 2018 2 1 Total Kerala Jharkand Mahara- shtra Pune Ratnagri Sangli Mumbai Indian States Districtsof Maharashtra
82% of Maher homesareforchildren Homes of Maher byusage, April 2018 2 Total Girls Boys Boys and Girls Mentallysick /challenged Elderly Woman Woman and child, unwedmothers