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Explore warnings and insights on spiritual warfare, including the real enemy, the armor of God, God's will, and the significance of prayer and intercession. Discover the need to be spiritually strong and vigilant in the face of unseen battles.
I. WarningsconcerningspiritualwarfareA. PrincipalitiesandPowers(Eph6:10-13) 1. TheNeedtobespirituallystrong(Ps62:1-4)a. TrustinginHismightandPower - Notbyourintelligence(1Cor1:19) b. Whyisitnecessary? -Weareinspiritualwarfare
SpiritualWarfareisnota“fleshly”war Eph6:10-13A. Whoistherealenemy(v12)- NotagainstfleshandbloodB. AgainstPrincipalities,powers,(1)Principalities (GK: archai), the highest-ranking evil spirit. (2) Powers (GK: exousia), highly ranked evil spirits, which authority to influence the welfare of people in different strata of societies. (3) Rulers (GK: Kosmokratoras) of darkness: These have assigned powers to wreak havoac and leading people into darkness. (4) Spiritual hosts of wickedness (GK:poneria): These have delegated powers to cause people to indulge in wicked thoughts. They are numerous in numbers and they exist in all places. C.Rulersofdarknessofthisworldwickednessinhighplaces- makeusofpeopleandcircumstances- todeceive
2. TheWholeArmorofGodis required(Eph6:11,13)a. Godhaspreparedforusawholearmor - forustoresistthetheenemy- tostandfirmly b. Puttingontheamourisourresponsibility- put(v11)- take (v13) - application
3.God’swarningconcerningtheinfluenceofsin(Matt24:12-13)4. God’swillinourlives- fruitsbearing5. Satanwantstodepletesourstrength(Heb12:13;Rev2:3)-throughdiscouragement,-despondencyanddespair
II. TheNeedtobesober(1Peter5:8)a. Vigilant,cautious-Mark13:33b. Yourenemy,thedevil-1Peter5:5-6 c. roamsaroundlikearoaringliondevours=,gobble,swallow
ISANYTHINGREQUIREDOFTHEBELIEVER?A.TheresponsibilityoftheBeliever1.Tokeephimself1Jn5:18-fromidols 1Jn5:21--IntheloveofGodJude21 2. TofollowJesusJn 14:30-31-nothinginme3. TowatchandprayMatt26:41 4. ToprayinthespiritJude 20 5. ToKeeptheanointing- theyokeisdestroyedIs10:27 6. ToabideinChristPs91:1- underGod’sprotection
THESIGNIFICANCEOFPRAYER & INTERCESSIONINSPIRITUALWARFARE 1. A Powerful Spiritual Weapon • It can be fired to any spot on Earth – Psa 2:8 • It travels at the speed of thought • It always hits its target 2.A Tremendous Weapon • There is no defense against it – Mt 16:18,19 • The gates of Hell shall not prevail against it 3.Unleashing God’s Power On Earth
PRAYING IN THE SPIRIT1.God’s command – Isa 41:13,14a.do not fearb.fear rules out faith2.God’s word of comforta.I am with youb.I will hold your hand 3.God’s provision – Isa 41:15,16a.I will give you a new sharp instrumentb.God’s promisec.I will enable you to conquerd.I will make you victorious