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Launch mySQL server

Launch mySQL server. Login with user/passwd Cp /etc/my.cnf ~/. Change my.cnf [mysqld_safe] datadir=/home/externals/sc10008/data socket=/home/externals/sc10008/mysql.sock log-error=/home/externals/sc10008/mysqld.log pid-file=/home/externals/sc10008/mysqld.pid

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Launch mySQL server

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Launch mySQL server • Login with user/passwd • Cp /etc/my.cnf ~/. • Change my.cnf • [mysqld_safe] • datadir=/home/externals/sc10008/data • socket=/home/externals/sc10008/mysql.sock • log-error=/home/externals/sc10008/mysqld.log • pid-file=/home/externals/sc10008/mysqld.pid • Create necessary database files (user=sc1008) (cd data)!!! • mysql_install_db --datadir=/home/externals/sc10008/data --defaults-file=/home/externals/sc10008/my.cnf • Launch mysql server • mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/home/externals/sc10008/my.cnf & • Check it is running • less mysqld.log

  2. Create database prob Connect to MySQL with CLI mysql --socket=/home/externals/sc10008/mysql.sock -u root Create database prob create database prob\g show databases \g use prob \g

  3. Load test data from Vizier • vizier.u-strasbg.fr • 2MASS, USNO-A2 • 1 deg region • Note the format of the data (.csv)‏ • Draw ER diagrams for both catalogs • Draw UML diagrams from ER diagrams

  4. Solution

  5. Ingest data • Write a python program to ingest data • Use MySQLdb, csv packages

  6. Ingest with SQL statement • LOAD DATA <filename> INTO <tablename> DELIMITER <delimiter> • LOAD DATA '2mass.csv' INTO TWOMASS DELIMITER “|”

  7. Cross-identification • Draw ER diagram for the database (3 tables at least!) • Draw UML diagram • Create new table structure (PK,FK)

  8. Cross-identify data sets • Use python for row-by-row cross-identification • Ingest data back into database • COS(Ra1)COS(Ra2)COS(Dec1)COS(Dec2)+SIN(Ra1)SIN(Ra2)COS(Dec1)COS(Dec2)+SIN(Dec1)SIN(Dec2) > COS(angle)

  9. Home • Ingest 2 cones of 2 deg radius (one in galactic plane, 1 in NP or SP) • Cross-identify • Plot CMD • Find completeness limit for each magnitude • Find completeness limit for each color range

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