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Earth/Space Science Mr. Putchinski. Rules of Mr. Putchinski’s Class. 1. Do no harm 2. Be respectful of others 3. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak 4. Always come to class prepared 5. If you have a question make sure to ask it! 6. One student out of class at a time.
Rules of Mr. Putchinski’s Class 1. Do no harm 2. Be respectful of others 3. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak 4. Always come to class prepared 5. If you have a question make sure to ask it! 6. One student out of class at a time. 7. Stay in your seat unless given permission.
Basics of the Class The class will consist of lecture, class activities, educational videos, labs and textbook work. Student behaviour will effect the amount of each type. In order for students to do well in the class they should take notes every class.
What is expected of you? Pay attention in class, take notes (mostly what will be in the powerpoints) Review your notes at home Ask questions if you have any (if YOU have questions, other students are probably wondering the same things)
Procedures • Every day you will come in to your assigned seat • Put homework in basket BEFORE THE BELL • Take out notebook/binder and work on daily questions. • If you have a question or an answer, raise your hand
Student Info • 10 Minutes to complete worksheet. Anything not completed is homework (ask your parents) • When called on to present: -STAND UP -Give name -Say three (3!) things about yourself
Lab Safety When we are having a lab: DO NOT GOOF OFF! There will be times when we are working with materials that can harm you or someone else. Always listen to instructions
Prentice Hall Earth Science Laboratory Manual Read pp x-xiii • On a separate piece of paper, answer questions on pp xvi-xviii • Part A: Draw and Label warning symbols • Part B: Skip • Analyze Conclude: Write what they are doing wrong in the picture • Critical Thinking: Write what they are doing wrong in the scenario
Note Taking • Having well organized notes helps you find the information when you need it. • Writing the question or concept on the left side and the answer or definition on the right side is the method we will be using in this class.
Note-Taking Cont. • Example: one that is representative of a group as a whole. Ex: A squirrel is an example of a rodent. • Note: A brief record, especially one written down to aid the memory
What is science? What do you think of when you hear the word science? When can we use science?
Science "scientia" Latin for knowledge Information about the universe or the methods used to obtain that information Science is the study of the physical world (everything)
What is technology? • How do you define technology? • What are some examples of technology?
Technology is often defined as the practical application of science. All electronics are technology, not all technology is electronic.