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Air Masses and Severe Weather

Air Masses and Severe Weather. Air Mass. Huge volumes of air that can cover entire continents or oceans Several types that each have specific characteristics. Atmospheric Lifting. Clouds are indicators of weather For clouds to form, air must be lifted

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Air Masses and Severe Weather

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  1. Air Masses and Severe Weather

  2. Air Mass • Huge volumes of air that can cover entire continents or oceans • Several types that each have specific characteristics

  3. Atmospheric Lifting • Clouds are indicators of weather • For clouds to form, air must be lifted • Three types of lifting cause clouds.

  4. Lifting Type #1 • Convectional Lifting • Earth’s surface is heated by the sun, which heats the air mass above it. The heated air will then rise.

  5. Convectional Lifting

  6. Convectional Lifting • If cooling occurs near the air mass’ saturation temperature, often cumulus clouds may form

  7. Convectional Lifting • Often happens in the mid-west during summer

  8. Atmospheric Lifting Type #2 • Orographic Lifting • An air mass is pushed upward over an obstacle, such as a mountain range.

  9. Atmospheric Lifting Type #2Orographic • As the air mass is pushed over the obstacle, the air mass will lose moisture in the form of clouds, rain, or snow

  10. Atmospheric Lifting Type #2

  11. Atmospheric Lifting Type #2

  12. Atmospheric Lifting Type #2 • The clouds dump their load of rain on the windward slope • The down slope (leeward) air will be dry = rain shadow

  13. Rain shadow- orographic lifting

  14. Rain shadow • Western Kansas is so dry only certain short grasses can grow; not enough rain for trees

  15. Rain Shadow; Big Hatchet Mt, New Mexico. Notice how dry the land is

  16. Orographic Lifting – Chinook Winds • At the high elevations of the top of a mountain, the air pressure is low. • As the air descends the mountain is under more pressure. • The increased air pressure heats the air causing warm winds called Chinook Winds • Temperatures can rise 20-300 as air moves down the mountain

  17. Chinook Winds

  18. Atmospheric Lifting Type #3 • Frontal Lifting • This occurs at the mesh point between two different temperature air masses. • One air mass (warm) is pushed upward by the other (cold). • This can be associated with thunderstorms.

  19. Frontal Lifting • Four types of frontal lifting • A) warm front • B) cold front • C) Stationary front • D) Occluded front

  20. Frontal Lifting • Cold Front: When a cold air mass moves into a warm air mass. • Cold, denser air forces the warm air up where it cools and condenses, forming clouds

  21. Cold Front: • Warm air is abruptly pushed upward, cooling, condensing moisture into cumulus or cumulonimbus clouds

  22. Cold Front • Notice how steep the angle is between the two air masses • Typically brings sudden, heavy rains and storms

  23. Cumulonimbus: Lake Superior

  24. Warm Front • WARM FRONT: when a warm air mass moves into a colder,denser air mass. • Warm air rides up and over the colder air

  25. Warm front

  26. Warm Front • Notice the angle of slope between the two air masses.

  27. Warm Front • From the ground, one would observe the following cloud sequence • A) cirrus • B) cirrostratus • C) altostratus • D) stratus • E) nimbostratus

  28. Warm Front • The weather during a WARM FRONT starts with cirrus clouds about 24-48 hours before the rain begins • Cirrus clouds are “at the front of the front”

  29. Warm Front • As more warm air is pushed upward, more moisture condenses forming cirrostratus clouds

  30. Cirrostratus on Lake Superior

  31. Warm Front • As warm more warm air is pushed up, heavier clouds form mid-way up over the cold air • Altostratus and stratus

  32. Altostratus clouds: Lake Superior

  33. Warm Front • The final cloud type in a warm front is the nimbostratus • “nimbo” = “rain”

  34. Warm Front • Warm front: rain or snow is steady over several hours or days

  35. Occluded Front • the cold air mass from the cold front meets the cool air that was ahead of the warm front. • There is often precipitation along an occluded front from cumulonimbus or nimbostratus clouds.

  36. Occluded Front

  37. Quiz Yourself!!! T or F

  38. QUIZ: T or F • For clouds to form, air must be lifted • There are FOUR different types of lifting • Orographic lifting refers to air movingup and over a mountain

  39. QUIZ: T or F • Convectional lifting is the circulation of warm air rising, cold air sinking • A rain shadow is caused by WET air descending down the leeward side of a mountain • A WARM FRONT means warm air is riding up over cold air • A WARM FRONT produces sudden, severe rain and storms

  40. Severe Weather

  41. Thunderstorms • Cold Fronts • Begins with humid air rising, cooling, and condensing into a single cumulus cloud. • Cloud builds as they are “fueled” by warm, moist air from below.

  42. Thunderstorms • The droplets of water grow larger until they are so big that they fall as rain.

  43. Cumulonimbus clouds: L Superior

  44. Thunderstorms (con’t) • Lightning may be associated with T.storms • Hits Earth 100 times per second • Over 200 people in the US die each year from lightning.

  45. Lightning • Lightning is the cause of thunder • returns nitrogen to the soil • may cause fires • May have helped start pre-biotic formation of amino acids(?)

  46. Lightning Formation • During thunderstorms strong updrafts cause molecules to bump together and their charges to separate • Negative charges concentrate at the base of the clouds

  47. Lightning Formation • The ground has lost electrons, giving it a positive (+) charge • Opposites attract: The (-) from the cloud base is “pulled” to the (+) • First downward movement of (-) is called a leader

  48. Lightning Formation • When the (-) and (+) touch, they create a conductive path to the ground. • The other (-) rush down this path = lightning

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