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CS 445 / 645 Introduction to Computer Graphics. Lecture 19 Texture Maps. Texture Mapping. Limited ability to generate complex surfaces with geometry Images can convey the illusion of geometry Images painted onto polygons is called texture mapping. Texture Maps.
CS 445 / 645Introduction to Computer Graphics Lecture 19 Texture Maps
Texture Mapping • Limited ability to generate complex surfaces with geometry • Images can convey the illusion of geometry • Images painted onto polygons is called texture mapping
Texture Maps • Chapter 9 of Open GL Programming Guide (Red Book) • Images applied to polygons to enhance the visual effect of a scene • Rectangular arrays of data • Color, luminance, alpha • Components of array called texels • Or in 3D, volumetric voxels
T V U S Texture Mapping • Texture map is an image, two-dimensional array of color values (texels) • Texels are specified by texture’s (u,v) space • At each screen pixel, texel can be used to substitute a polygon’s surface property (color) • We must map (u,v) space to polygon’s (s, t) space
Texture Mapping • (u,v) to (s,t) mapping can be explicitly set at vertices by storing texture coordinates with each vertex • How do we compute (u,v) to (s,t) mapping for points in between • Watch for aliasing • Watch for many to one mappings • Watch for perspective foreshortening effects and linear interpolation
Example Texture Map Applied to tilted polygon
Example Texture Map glVertex3d (s, s, s) glTexCoord2d(1,1); glVertex3d (-s, -s, -s) glTexCoord2d(0, 0);
Example Texture Map glVertex3d (s, s, s) glTexCoord2d(5, 5); Repeating textures vs.Clamped textures glVertex3d (s, s, s) glTexCoord2d(1, 1);
The Art of 3D Computer Animation and EffectsIsaac Kerlow
Texture Coordinates • Every polygon can have object coordinates and texture coordinates • Object coordinates describe where polygon vertices are on the screen • Texture coordinates describe texel coordinates of each vertex (usually 0 -> 1) • Texture coordinates are interpolated along vertex-vertex edges • glTexCoord{1234}{sifd}(TYPE coords) s, t, r, and q (for homogeneous coordinates, an advanced topic) Why 14 coords?
Textures • Texture Object • An OpenGL data type that keeps textures resident in memory and provides identifiers to easily access them • Provides efficiency gains over having to repeatedly load and reload a texture • You can prioritize textures to keep in memory • OpenGL uses least recently used (LRU) if no priority is assigned
Example use of Texture • Read .bmp from file • Use Image data type • getc() and fseek() to read image x & y size • fread() fills the Imagedata memory with actual red/green/blue values from .bmp • Note • malloc() Image->data to appropriate size • .bmp stores color in bgr order and we convert to rgb order
Step 2 – create Texture Objects • glGenTextures(1, &texture[texture_num]); • First argument tells GL how many Texture Objects to create • Second argument is a pointer to the place where OpenGL will store the names (unsigned integers) of the Texture Objects it creates • texture[ ] is of type GLuint
Step 3 – Specify which texture object is about to be defined • Tell OpenGL that you are going to define the specifics of the Texture Object it created • glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture[texture_num]); • Textures can be 1D and 3D as well
Step 4 – Begin defining texture • glTexParameter() • Sets various parameters that control how a texture is treated as it’s applied to a fragment or stored in a texture object • // scale linearly when image bigger than texture glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,GL_LINEAR); • // scale linearly when image smaller than texture glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,GL_LINEAR);
Step 5 – Assign image data • glTexImage2D();
glTexImage2D – Arg 1 • GLenum target • GL_TEXTURE_{1|2|3}D • GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D • Provides queries for texture resources • Proceed with hypothetical texture use (GL won’t apply the texture) • After query, call GLGetTexLevelParamter to verify presence of required system components • Doesn’t check possibility of multiple texture interference
glTexImage2D – Arg 2 • GLint level • Used for Level of Detail (LOD) • LOD stores multiple versions of texture that can be used at runtime (set of sizes) • Runtime algorithms select appropriate version of texture • Pixel size of polygon used to select best texture • Eliminates need for error-prone filtering algorithms
glTexImage2D – Arg 3 • GLint internalFormat • GL defines 38 symbolic constants that describe which of R, G, B, and A are used in internal representation of texels • Provides control over things texture can do • High bit depth alpha blending • High bit depth intensity mapping • General purpose RGB • GL doesn’t guarantee all options are available on given hardware
glTexImage2D – Args 4-6 • GLsizei width • GLsizei height • Dimensions of texture image • Must be 2m + 2b (b=0 or 1 depending on border) • min, 64 x 64 • GLint border • Width of border (1 or 0) • Border allows linear blending between overlapping textures • Useful when manually tiling textures
glTexImage2D – Args 7 & 8 • GLenum format • Describe how texture data is stored in input array • GL_RGB, GL_RGBA, GL_BLUE… • GLenum type • Data size of array components • GL_SHORT, GL_BYTE, GL_INT…
glTexImage2D – Arg 9 • Const GLvoid *texels • Pointer to data describing texture map
Step 6 – Apply texture • Before defining geometry • glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); • glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture[0]); • glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_REPLACE);
glTexEnv() First argument to function is always GL_TEXTURE_ENV
gluScaleImage() • Alters the size of an image to meet the 2m size requirement of OpenGL • Scaling performed by linear and box filtering
glCopyTexImage2D() • Use current frame buffer contents as texture • Copy frame buffer to named texture location
glTexSubImage2D() • Replace a region of current working texture with a smaller texture • SubImage need not adhere to 2m size limitation • This is how you add data from your system’s camera to GL environment • glCopyTexSubImage2D • Frame buffer cut and paste possible too
Bump Mapping • Use textures to modify surface geometry • Use texel values to modify surface normals of polygon • Texel values correspond to height field • Height field models a rough surface • Partial derivative of bump map specifies change to surface normal
Displacement Mapping • Bump mapped normals are inconsistent with actual geometry. Problems arise (shadows). • Displacement mapping actually affects the surface geometry
Mipmaps • multum in parvo -- many things in a small place • A texture LOD technique • Prespecify a series of prefiltered texture maps of decreasing resolutions • Requires more texture storage • Eliminates shimmering and flashing as objects move (why?)
Shimmering in mipmaps • How do I reduce the size of this image by half? far near
MIPMAPS • With versus without MIPMAP
MIPMAPS • Arrange different versions into one block of memory
gluBuild2DMipmaps • Automatically constructs a family of textures from original texture size down to 1x1
Advanced Mipmaps • You can specify additional mipmap levels on the fly • MIN_LOD may reduce popping • MAX_LOD may reduce over compression • You can specify min mipmap level • Useful for mosaicing (Alphabet on a texture)
Filtering • OpenGL tries to pick best mipmap level • Question: Which texel corresponds to a particular pixel? • GL_NEAREST (Point Sampling) • Pick the texel with center nearest pixel • GL_LINEAR (Bilinear Sampling) • Weighted average of 2x2 closest texels • GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR • Average nearest texels from two mipmap levels • GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR (Trilinear) • Average two averaged texels from two mipmaps