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Periculum !. Begin. News from Rome. S vs. DO. Noun Forms. Verb Forms. Translation. Homes. $C. $C. $C. $C. $C. $C. $CC. $CC. $CC. $CC. $CC. $CC. $CCC. $CCC. $CCC. $CCC. $CCC. $CCC. $CD. $CD. $CD. $CD. $CD. $CD. $D. $D. $D. $D. $D. $D.
Periculum! Begin
News from Rome S vs. DO NounForms VerbForms Translation Homes $C $C $C $C $C $C $CC $CC $CC $CC $CC $CC $CCC $CCC $CCC $CCC $CCC $CCC $CD $CD $CD $CD $CD $CD $D $D $D $D $D $D
News fromRome - $CQuid facit Gaius Cornelius?. C1-$100 Gaius Cornelius sedet.
News from Rome- $CCQuissenatoresconsulerevult? C1-$200 Princepssenatoresconsulerevult.
News from Rome- $CCCQuisest pater Marci? C1-$300 gfff GFfff
News from Rome- $CDQuid faciuntservi? C1-$400 Servilaborant.
News from Rome- $DCur necesseest ad urbemredire? C1-$500 Necesseest ad urbemredire quod princepssenatoresrevocat.
S vs. DO - $CCornelia Sextum non amat. C2-$100 CorneliamSextus non amat.
S vs. DO- $CCPater matremreprehendit. C2-$200 Patrem mater reprehendit.
S vs. DO- $CCCPuella servos spectat. C2-$300 Puellamservispectant.
S vs. DO- $CDSenatoresprinceps audit. C2-$400 Senatoresprincipemaudiunt.
S vs. DO- $DLupus puerosproperivum petit. C2-$500 Lupumpueriproperivumpetunt.
Noun Forms- $CWhat is the Genitive Singular of:epistula, epistulae, f. - letter C3-$100 epistulae
Noun Forms- $CCWhat is the Nominative Plural of:cibus, cibi, m. - food C3-$200 cibi
Noun Forms- $CCCWhat is the Acc. Singular of:vox, vocis, f. - voice C3-$300 vocem
Noun Forms- $CDWhat is the Nominative Plural of:princeps, principis, m. - emperor C3-$400 principes
Noun Forms- $DWhat is the Acc. Plural of:nuntius, nuntii, m. - messenger C3-$500 nuntios
Verb Forms- $C. What is the 3rd person singular (he/she/it) form of specto, spectare? C4-$100 spectat
Verb Forms- $CCWhat is the 3rd person plural (they) of trado, tradere? C3-200 tradunt
Verb Forms- $CCCWhat is the 3rd person plural (they) form of venio, venire? C3-$300 veniunt
Verb Forms - $CDWhat is the 2nd person plural (y’all) form of eo, ire? C3-$400 itis
Verb Forms- $DWhat is the singular imperative (command) form of redeo, redire? C3-$500 redi
Translation- $CVeni! C4-$100 Come!
Translations- $CCAd urbem it. C4-$200 He goes to the city.
Translation- $CCCNuntiiepistulastradunt. C4-$300 The messengers hand over letters.
Translations- $CDSenatoresRomanasmatresamant. C4-$400 The senators love their Roman mothers.
Translations- $DThe girl wants to go back to the country house. C4-$500 Puella ad villamredirevult.
Roman Homes- $C What is the Latin word for dining room? C4-$100 Triclinium
Roman Homes- $CCWhat is the Latin word for entry hall? C4-$200 vestibulum
Roman Homes- $CCCWhat is the Latin word for apartment building? C4-$300 insula
Roman Homes- $CDWhat is the Latin word for a house in the city? C4-$400 domus
Roman Homes- $DWhat is the name of the replicated villa maritimain Los Angeles, CA? C4-$500 The Getty Villa
PericulumUltimum! Translate into Latin: Cornelia is not happy because Flavia is not able to return to the city. Cornelia laeta non est quod Flavia ad urbemredire non potest.
Final Jeopardy! Which amendment to the Constitution protects against illegal search and seizure 4th amendment