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Programme funded by the European Union. T-NET Territorial networking for capacity building and local development: a cross border experience linking Lebanon, Jordan, France, Italy KICK OFF MEETING Florence, March 19-20 2012
Programme funded by the European Union T-NET Territorial networking for capacity building and local development: a cross border experience linking Lebanon, Jordan, France, Italy KICK OFF MEETING Florence, March 19-20 2012 This publication has been produced whit the financial assistance of the European Union under the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin programme .The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of T-NET partnership and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or of the Programm's management structures.
Programme funded by the European Union 1. BACKGROUND OF T-NET PROJECT (1) The objectives and actions defined in the T-Net project are aimed to ensure the continuity and sustainability of a process that Tuscany Region with its network together with UNDP Art Gold Lebanon Program started up in Lebanon thus enlarging the results achieved, involving France and Jordan, to provide a stronger territorial dimension
Programme funded by the European Union 1. BACKGROUND OF T-NET PROJECT (2) The overall goal of T-NET is to build an integrated local development, with the perspective in the long term, to implement a Local Welfare and an economic development process able to ensure a continued increase in standards of living, through the creation and protection of an environment conducive to the resources of individual communities and individual countries.
Programme funded by the European Union • BACKGROUND OF T-NET PROJECT (3) The key concepts that are at the basis of the T-Net project are: • Research and implementation of a model of integrated and sustainable social development consistent with the social priorities of each country and local context • The construction and consolidation of regional networks, the network of networks and cross-border cooperation • Capacity building of local governing through the application of methods and tools suitable for Strategic Territorial Planning • Development of the skills and professionalism of all actors at every institutional level to contribute to the construction of a Local Welfare and of a Local Economic Development Process
2. COUNTRIES: LEBANON Federation of Municipality of Zgharta District Union of Tyre Region Municipalities Union of Jezzine Municipalities Beirut South Suburbs Programme funded by the European Union
2. COUNTRIES: JORDAN Greater Madaba Municipality Programme funded by the European Union
2. COUNTRIES: ITALY The Regional Authority of Tuscany Programme funded by the European Union
2. COUNTRIES: FRANCE PACA, Regional Authority of Provence, Alps Côte d’Azur Programme funded by the European Union
Programme funded by the European Union 3. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF T-NET PROJECT (1) • Capacity-building in Lebanon and Jordan to design and implement local strategies supported by socio-economic development policies and the creation of regional networks • Empowerment of Local Authorities with regard to the new role they are taking as a result of the decentralization process that characterizes both the Jordan and Lebanon • Networking, participatory process that will link together existing regional networks
Programme funded by the European Union 3. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF T-NET PROJECT (2) • Definition of common procedures based on the exchange of good practices between local authorities and civil society representatives from Italy, France, Jordan, Lebanon can • Definition of a common methodological framework for the planning and implementation of integrated projects for local development. • Creating and strengthening of partnerships between the countries, local authorities, local communities, representatives of civil society. • Creation of a local system of development based on principles of "sustainable development".
Programme funded by the European Union 4. PARTNERSHIP (ORGANIZATIONAL CHART)
Programme funded by the European Union 5. THE STATE OF ART (December 2011- June 2012)
Programme funded by the European Union 6. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH (1) The model of Capacity Building • Institutional capacity: the ability of institutions, formal and informal, to define goals and create the conditions for their achievement. • Organizational Capacity: the ability to involve the various components of the organization such as structures, systems, financial resources, staff, vision, culture in order to contribute to the implementation of projects aimed at producing change • Technical and administrative Capacity: the ability to manage administrative and monitoring processes • Empowerment Capacity: the condition of individuals or organizations to broaden the range of choices. This concept of capacity has to do with learning, participation and access to opportunities.
Programme funded by the European Union 6. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH (2) The application of the model of Capacity Building (Construction) • To search, with each partner-relationship, models of interaction between organizations and people involved in the implementation of local projects. The research is oriented, in the short term, to the construction and consolidation of local network, in the long term to building and strengthening the network of networks. • To establish goals and create the conditions for achieving the objectives • To Develop innovative activities. To consolidate innovative practices, through processes of transfer of innovations produced by each partner in each geographical area in other areas or in other country.
Programme funded by the European Union 7. THE CONSTITUTION OF T-NET TERRITORIAL TEAM In each area involved in T-Net territorial project, it was formed a T-Net work-group wich includes: • Partner Referent wich defines guidelines and implemntation strategy • Local coordinator wich works on programming, financial control and monitoring of implementation of the territorial project. • Focal Point wich support and facilitate implementation of the territorial project • Internal resources of partner organizations: structures, people wich with different skills partecipates to the implementation of activities.
Programme funded by the European Union 8. THE CONSTITUTION OF INTER-COUNTRIES T-NET TEAM Compared with the objective of T-Net we are also working to build the Network of Networks. We are constituting T-Net Inter-Countries Team Parallel to the implementation of individual local projects, the team will begin to define: • the common vision of the Network of Networks, • Rules of engagement, activities even after project completion, • distribution of roles, tasks and responsibilities of actors who will be involved in T-Net network, socio-economic development in countries of the Middle East The Team includes all Referents of the Partners, Local Coordinators , Focal Point and it will be opened in order to promote the project and activities T-Net to all actors that, in each different territory, are working for the socio-economic.
Programme funded by the European Union 9. THE BASES FOR SUSTAINABILITY OF T-NET PROJECT (1) The sustainability of T-net project and individual local projects is a goal that should be pursued since the implementation phase. Each partner has to ensure the continuity of the processes of social and economic development that will be activated within the project network and the local networks, while partners are preparing a plan to promote the project on their territories.
Programme funded by the European Union 9. THE BASES FOR SUSTAINABILITY OF T-NET PROJECT (2) The promotion activities, as well as making visible the project aims to: • Identify potential new supporters, including new fund for the territorial project T-net (institutional and public-private sector donors) • Identify other activities or projects already active in the area and assess the possibility of creating economic synergies • Establish collaborative agreements to support the implementation of the project area • Monitoring constantly new funding opportunities, not only in European Programmes but also in their own countries
Thank you for your attention Programme funded by the European Union