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Szent Sebestyén

Szent Sebestyén. St. Sebastian Mantegna, Andrea (1431-1506) Date: 1457-1458. St. Sebastian Mantegna, Andrea (1431-1506) Date: 1456-1459. The Martyrdom of St Sebastian Memling, Hans (c.1440-1494) Date: c. 1475. St. Sebastian Perugino, Pietro (1448-1523) Date: Not dated.

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Szent Sebestyén

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Szent Sebestyén

  2. St. SebastianMantegna, Andrea (1431-1506) Date: 1457-1458

  3. St. Sebastian Mantegna, Andrea (1431-1506) Date: 1456-1459

  4. The Martyrdom of St SebastianMemling, Hans (c.1440-1494) Date: c. 1475

  5. St. Sebastian Perugino, Pietro (1448-1523) Date: Not dated

  6. Antonio Pollaiulo: O martírio de São Sebastião, óleo sobre tela, 1475,

  7. St. SebastianBotticelli, Alessandro (1444/45-1510) Date: 1474

  8. St. SebastianMessina, Antonello da (1430-1479) Date: 1476-77

  9. Madonna and Child, Three Musical Angels, and SS. Francis, John the Baptist, Job, Dominic, Sebastian, and Louis of Toulouse (St. Job (Giobbe) Altarpiece)Bellini, Giovanni (1426-1516) Date: 1480

  10. St Sebastian Triptych Bellini, Giovanni (1426-1516) Date: 1460-1464

  11. Martyrdom of St. SebastianGozzoli, Benozzo (1420 - 1497) Date: 1465

  12. St. SebastianGozzoli, Benozzo (1420 - 1497) Date: 1464/65

  13. Portrait of St Sebastian with an ArrowDürer, Albrecht (1471-1528) Date: 1499

  14. St Sebastian (detail)Grünewald, Matthias (1470/80-1528) Date: c. 1515

  15. St. Sebastian MuhlenkortSodoma, Il (1477-1549) Date: 1525

  16. Wings of a triptych: St. Sebastian (left), St. Christopher (right)Lotto, Lorenzo (1480-1556) Date: 1531

  17. Martyrdom of St Sebastian Veronese, Paolo (1528-1588) Date: 1565

  18. St Sebastian Greco, El (1541-1614) Date: 1577-80

  19. St. SebastianGreco, El (1541-1614) Date: c. 1600

  20. St Sebastian Greco, El (1541-1614) Date: 1610-14

  21. Rubens, Peter PaulSt SebastianDate: c. 1614

  22. St Sebastian Tended by the Holy WomanRibera, Jusepe de (1591-1652) Date: 1621

  23. St. Sebastian Tended by St. IreneLa Tour, Georges de (1593-1652) Date: 1634-1643

  24. St. Sebastian with Lantern (copy of the lost original)La Tour, Georges de (1593-1652) Date: Not dated

  25. Martyrdom of St. Sebastian Daumier, Honoré (1808-1879) Date: 1849-52

  26. VÉGE

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