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Kicker Magnet System. ( Lumped magnet and Distributed magnet ). Lecturer : Izumi Sakai Supervised by Eiji Nakamura (KEK) e-mail : eiji.nakamura@kek.jp.
Kicker Magnet System (Lumped magnet and Distributed magnet) Lecturer : Izumi Sakai Supervised by Eiji Nakamura (KEK) e-mail : eiji.nakamura@kek.jp A distributed magnet used as Fast eXtraction of proton beams from KEK 12GeV-PS for K2K Long-baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment. 8 bunches circulate a synchrotron ring in h = 9 (an upper signal Ch.3), and are ejected (which are measured with using a CT at a downstream of extraction septa, a lower signal Ch.D) by seven kicker magnets (a middle signal Ch.C ).
Contents (A) Introduction [1] Field Requirements for Beam Handling [2] Classification by Field Structure [3] Transmission Theory (B) Magnet [1] Lumped type and Distributed Delay Line type [2] Simulation for multi-stage ladder circuit [3] Delay Line Structure (C) Power Supply [1] Fundamental Elements [2] Charger [3] Pulse Forming [4] Switching Devices for High Voltage and Large Current Pulse (D) Total System and Surroundings [1] Outgas and Vacuum System [2] Beam Coupling Impedance, Cooling system for Heat-up by Beam Induced Field (E) Trials Now (F) Key terms to develop in future (*) References and Appendices
“Electric” or “Magnetic” ? ・Electric kicker Fast response, Simple structure, cheap Field is weak, due to the limitation of break down Magnetic kicker Field is enough, but it is difficult to achieve fast-rise/fall time.
For It is easier to produce 3 kA-pulse than 1 MV-pulse. Magnetic kicker is used for high-energy accelerator. Electric kicker is used for low-energy accelerator.
[A.3] Transmission Theory Resistance load case Inductance load case
Schematic drawing of the ladder-type kicker magnet and it’s equivalent circuit
Fundamental equations for the kicker magnet The response of a ladder-type network for the waves of angular frequency ω is given by next equation. (For steady state) (1) If the unit ladder-type networks are connected infinitely, the wave equation of the circuit is given by, (θ is the phase delay of the unit ladder) (2) (Z is the impedance for angular frequency ω)
By substituting Eq. (2) to Eq. (1), we can get, Here, (3) (4) In the case of 0< ω/ωc<0.5, Then 1< Z/Z0<1.15, ω/ωc~θ/2 For the angular frequency ωis less than 0.5ωc, Impedance is constant and phase delay θis proportional to ω. The series connection of the ladder circuits is considered to be a transmission line with its characteristic impedance of Hence the phase delay θis given as θ=ωτ, and from ω/ωc~θ/2, the phase delay per unit section is given as,
The rise time of the Kicker magnet is given by Where the Tr is the rise time of the PFN. Td is the propagation time in the kicker magnet. Where the “n” is the number of unit ladder in the kicker magnet
[B.2] Simulation for multi-stage ladder circuit Parameters of Model Kicker System for simulation
(1) Most Simple Excitation Equivalent Circuit Forward Pulse Electric potential at the input of a magnet Excitation current Integrated magnetic field
Four stage CL ladder Ten stage CL ladder (C/2)- (CL)-…-(CL)-(C/2)//R) * The last case is for (C/2) – (L) – (C/2) ladder. It is almost same as CL ladder for a low frequency, but is different for a fast step pulse
Practical Limit of Distribution Field quality improves for a large stage number, but it is finite for the following reasons in a practical case. 1. Electric discharge and insulation Strong electric field induces break down over 100 kV/cm, roughly, so unit length and each curvature of edge of materials should be larger than 2.5 mm. Ceramic coating or other technique is used for such a protection. 2. Deterioration of Integrated Flux It is necessary to share space for non-magnetic material to form a capacitance. ※ It is usual to decide unit length about 2 ~ 3 cm.
[B.3] Delay Line Structure Capacitance of air gap between parallel plates is used. It is possible to apply ceramic capacitors, instead of air gaps.
A distance of each cell is limited by the electric insulation, 10 ~ 100kV/cm.
Corner treatment and Ceramic Coating on metal plates are used for suppression of breakdown due to an electric field concentration.
[C.1] Fundamental Elements Typical Requirements: Output Voltage 10 kV ~ 50 kV Output Current 1 kA ~ 10 kA Repetition Rate 1 pps ~ 1 kpps * “pps” means “pulses per second”. Averaged Power ~ 10 kW * It is small in comparison with other magnets for accelerators. Coaxial Cables
[C.2] Charger <a> DC charging: it is stable and cheap, but is limited to use for a low repetition with a large power loss. <b> Resonant charging: an electric efficiency is good, but a step-up transformer is required. <c> Command charging; inverter, … : an electric efficiency and feasibility are good. <a> <b> <c>
[C.3] Pulse Forming <Examples> (i) Simple capacitor case (ii) Pulse Forming Line (PFL) High Voltage coaxial cables and Coaxial tubes, which are filled with dielectric materials; pure water, BaTiO3, etc., are popular as PFL (iii) Pulse Forming Network (PFN) Ringing appears.
[C.4] Switching Devices for High Voltage and Large Current Pulse “Thyratron” is most popular for kicker magnet system, because simple one-device system can produce high voltage large current pulses at fast response. Trials using semi-conductor elements have been carried out.
[D.1] Outgas and Vacuum system If a high field with fast rise is required, a kicker magnet should be installed in vacuum. Ferrite materials are porous with impurities, put them out for a long time, and then deteriorate vacuum quality.
[D.2] Beam Coupling Impedance, Cooling system for Heat-up by Beam Induced Field Heat-up problem is raised in case of high beam current. Cooling systems are required for vacuum ducts, metal materials, … .
[E]Trials Now ! Various trials are being carried out. Some of those are shown here.
[F] Key terms to develop in future “How Fast and How Large Field” can you achieve ?! ~ Examples to develop ~ [a] Power Supply ~ Pulse Power Engineering Techniques ~ (a.1) Charger: high power, high efficiency, … . (a.2) Pulse Forming Devices. Pulse Forming Network. Pulse Forming Line/Tube with using dielectric materials. PE, BaTiO3, pure water, … . Improvement with using Impulse excitation. (a.3) Switches New method for Vacuum tube or Gas-filled tube. Semiconductor.
[b] Magnet (b.1) Optimization of magnet structure. (b.2) Finite distributed magnet for perfect matching of impedance. (b.3) Non-magnetic material magnet. (b.4) Q-, Sext.-, and non-linear magnets for beam injection at electron storage rings. (b.5) High field magnet with using a non-linear characteristic of materials. (b.6) Low beam coupling magnet and its measurement method. (b.7) Investigation and Modeling of Transient Characteristics of materials at fast response and high field. (b.8) BL measurement method: there is no reliable and accurate method to measure higher performance than conventional kickers now. [c] Total Systems and the others (c.1) Vacuum system and Suppression of outgas, unfavorable discharge: double layer vacuum field, insulation techniques. (c.2) Low Level Control system, which enables various outputs of kicker fields. (c.3) New Injection/Ejection Scheme. (c.4) Modeling and Simulation of Fast response near a light velocity. Time dominant 3-D, Formulation, … .
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