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Campaign to reduce/ eliminate the use of plastic bags

This case study from Greece outlines a comprehensive campaign to reduce and eliminate the use of plastic bags through community consultation, educational initiatives, and awareness-raising events. The project involves collaboration with local authorities, schools, and businesses, as well as conducting diagnostic research to gauge perceptions towards plastic bag usage among students and teachers. The strategy includes retraining programs, innovative teaching methods, and interactive learning interventions to engage learners effectively. The campaign extends to the local community with thematic festivals, informative interventions, and creative actions to promote sustainable practices and discourage plastic bag consumption. Through centralized events and educational interventions, the initiative aims to shift attitudes and behaviors towards embracing eco-friendly alternatives and fostering a culture of environmental responsibility.

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Campaign to reduce/ eliminate the use of plastic bags

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  1. "Planning and development of a Local Agenda 2030 in the thematic reduction-elimination of use of plastic bags: case study, evaluation of changed of student attitude" ChrysoulaPolytidou, Edessa Municipal Conservatory, Greece F. Stavridou, Head of School Activities in Secondary Education, Pella S. Theodoridou, Director of Edessa Giannitson Environmental Education Centre

  2. Campaign to reduce/ eliminatethe use of plastic bags It contained (1/2) a)a consultation with the participation of local authorities A' and B' degree, the authorities of primary and secondary education, the local Chamber of Commerce, SMEs, social collectivities, b)-in implementation of the decisions of consultation about the school community- diagnostic research on the identification of perceptions of 1200 pupils and teachers regarding the use of packaging and bags in everyday life (diagnostic/initial evaluation phase)

  3. Campaign to reduce/ eliminatethe use of plastic bags It contained (2/2) c)retraining multipliers aimed at the further training of apprentices with directed and semi-responsible learning interventions through innovative teaching methods – hands on constructions, acoustic ecology laboratories with useless materials, etc., d)design and implementation learning interventions with experiential and interactive involvement of learners (45΄) – exploiting conceptual mapping for integrating experiences, needs and visions of trainers and trainees in the learning process, e)diffusion in the local community through thematic festivals, informative interventions in supermarkets in the area.

  4. Campaign to reduce/ eliminate the use of plastic bags Central Events • Information debates • Constructions: Cloth Bags, posters • Creative actions: Songs, theatrical PRAXIS, slogans. • Video Projection. • Suspension of giant posters. • Distribution of cloth pouches in the super-markets of four cities of the county.

  5. Campaign to reduce/ eliminate the use of plastic bags Diagnostic research on the identification of perceptions of 1000 pupils and teachers regarding the use of packaging and bags daily (diagnostic/initial evaluation phase)

  6. Online Questionnaire for the use of plastic bag

  7. Question 1 • -the same question before and after the learning intervention-: • You get into a drugstore to buy a box of aspirin. The pharmacist puts it in a plastic bag. • Youtakethebag. • You don't take the bag and put the box in your pocket.

  8. Question 2 -the same question before and after the learning intervention-: Α shopkeeper insists on giving you a plastic bag You take the bag You're not taking the bag You explain to the shopkeeper why you don't take the bag

  9. Question 3 -the same question before and after the learning intervention-: You are on the market without a reuse bag. Your mother calls you to buy her a pack of flour. You buy it and put it in a plastic bag. You buy it and you hold it in your hand

  10. Question 4 -the same question before and after the learning intervention-: You've been drinking water from a plastic bottle to a place without a recycling bin. You throw the bottle in a trash bin You keep it with you until you find a recycling bin

  11. Question 5 -the same question before and after the learning intervention-: You've eaten an ice cream in a plastic cup. You throw it in a dumpster because it's filthy. You throw it in a recycling bin. You wash it at home or in a public fountain and throw it in a recycling bin

  12. Question 6 -the same question before and after the learning intervention-: At the grocery store or in the supermarket You put every vegetable in a separate plastic bag. You put every vegetable in a separate plastic bag and all in another plastic bag You put 3-4 kinds of vegetables in the same bag

  13. Question 7 -the same question before and after the learning intervention-: Do you think it's satisfactory to inform you of the consequences of using the plastic bag? Quite Very Little

  14. Question 8 -the same question before and after the learning intervention-: Are you prepared to reduce the use of plastic bags? Quite Very Little

  15. Question 9 -the same question before and after the learning intervention-: How do you think to reduce/eliminate the use of plastic bags? Using a cloth bag Using Plastic bag reuse Otherway

  16. Question 10 -the same question before and after the learning intervention-: It is your intention to inform your classmates, friends and family about the impact that the use of plastic bags has on the environment. Yes Maybe Not

  17. Question 11 -the same question before and after the learning intervention-: Who do you think is responsible for the environmental problem caused by the use of plastic Themunicipality TheMemberState Allofus

  18. Question 12 -the same question before and after the learning intervention-: Do you think that the environmental problem that the use of plastics creates concerns us directly? Yes I guess so Not

  19. Conclusions (1/3) The two questionnaires of the present research are identical. They were first given in order to record the pupils ' initial perceptions regarding the use of plastic bags, the negative environmental impacts of this use, and the intentions of the Respondents to take active action in the direction of solving the problem. Following participants took part in 45 minute learning intervention which was intended to inform and awareness about the subject of this study. At the end of the intervention the pupils completed the questionnaire again.

  20. Conclusions (2/3) A comparative study of the responses of the two questionnaires of the present investigation revealed that: In most of the questions, a positive sign for the reduction/elimination of the use of plastic bags was recorded. The above sign showed a minimum positive deviation from its initially value. The above sign highlighted the need for more systematic and longer-term information and awareness-raising interventions in order to change/ transforme distorted perceptions and beliefs regarding the Environment and the citizenship of the members of modern societies.

  21. Conclusions (3/3) The questionnaire was developed in relation to four directions: 1) emotional entanglement (affect), 2) Verbal commitment or expressed intent for action (verbal commitment), 3) Real commitment or real behaviour (actual commitment) and 4) Environmental knowledge or ecological knowledge, With a view to interpreting environmental behaviours related to the action regarding waste management, Maloney&Ward (1973), Taylor&Todd (1995),Bamberg &Mosser (2007) .

  22. Conclusions (3/3) The above conclusion is fully consistent with conclusions of previous studies* concerning the environmental literacy of trainees. *An individual's environmental behaviour is closely linked to his environmental Knowledge, beliefs, worth and attitudes (Poorting, Steg, & Vlek, 2004). *Environmental consciousness is a combination of knowledge, repetitive attitudes and behavior that takes time to be formed (Theodoropoulou & Kayla, 2006). It would be very interesting to continue our reference research on the re-development of similar learning interventions which will take these conclusions into account.

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