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Patient Satisfaction: Our Patients are Significant

Explore factors influencing patient satisfaction and processes impacting care quality in Labor and Delivery/Women’s Assessment Center. Learn about the Maternal Fetal Triage Index and initiatives for improving satisfaction scores. Dive into trends and goals for satisfaction improvement.

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Patient Satisfaction: Our Patients are Significant

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  1. Patient Satisfaction: Our Patients are Significant Sheena Glover, MSN, RNC-OB Kalisha Carthen, BSN, RNC-OB

  2. Objectives • Examine variables and factors that contribute to patient satisfaction scores • Identify current processes that impact patient satisfaction in Labor and Delivery (L&D)/Women’s Assessment Center(WAC)

  3. Leading from the Bedside • Staff nurses play a crucial role in patient satisfaction due to the number of direct care hours spent with patients • Nurse driven outcomes affect our practice and how our patients perceive their care

  4. Maternal Fetal Triage Index (MFTI) • The PFW was chosen to be one of the first in the nation to implement a standardized guideline for triage • The MFTI tool is one initiative aimed at improving patient flow thus improving patient satisfaction

  5. Maternal Fetal Triage Index (MFTI) • The MFTI tool was developed by Awhonn’s evidence-based practice research • PFW WAC/Triage unit was accepted to participate in the Awhonn triage tool pilot • WAC nurses were required to complete online training

  6. Maternal Fetal Triage Index (MFTI)

  7. NEW TRIAGE/ DESK AREA • Press Ganey driven to improve patient experience • Nurses as first ”point of contact" versus security guard • Faster triaging thus improving wait times

  8. Induction of labor process • Ongoing Performance Improvement Process • Overarching goal to decrease initiation of induction start time

  9. Epidural removal • Anesthesia team previously removed epidurals • RN Super Users trained • Bedside Nurses remove epidurals • Transfer time not delayed

  10. Nitrous oxide for pain management • Implementation in process • GO-LIVE 10/7/19 • Broaden pain management option for a diverse group of patients

  11. Trends in patient satisfaction scores • Scores will be analyzed overtime • Comparisons will be made before and after implementation of new processes

  12. Labor and deliverysatisfaction scores • Goal- 73.1 % • Range 74.3-91.3% from year to date • Overall Mean year to date 80.5% (n=680)

  13. Labor and deliverysatisfaction scores

  14. Women’s assessment Centersatisfaction scores • Goal- 73.1 % • Range 62-70.5% from year to date • Overall Mean year to date 66.2% (n=1003)

  15. Patient Satisfaction: Our Patients are Significant Are you inspired to lead nurse driven outcomes that affect our practice and how our patients perceive their care?

  16. references • Evans, Marilyn K. et al. (2016).Women’s Satisfaction With Obstetric Triage Services. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 44 (6), 693-700.  • Ruhl, Catherine et al. (2015).Content Validity Testing of the Maternal Fetal Triage Index. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing,44 (6), 701-709. doi: 10.1111/1552-6909.12763 • Westveer, C. (2012). Ignite the Passion in Your Patient Satisfaction. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing,(1), S87. 

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