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This study explores the spin filtering effect in ring conductors subject to Rashba coupling, presenting the solution of the single-particle scattering problem, transmittance, and conductance analysis. It demonstrates the zero-pole structure and showcases the potential for creating a momentum-resolved spin filter using the semiconductor technology. The inclusion of a tunnel barrier offers control over the filtering properties in a chosen spin channel by manipulating gate voltage, allowing for precise manipulation of transport properties. Switching effects and the possibility of generating a pure spin current are also discussed. Further investigations are needed to evaluate the impact of disorder and electron correlations.
Spin filtering effect in Rashba ring conductors F. Romeo Università di Salerno Dip. di Fisica “E. R. Caianiello” Italy In collaboration with: M. Marinaro, R. Citro and S. Cojocaru
Outline • Introduction and Motivations • Effective 1D Ring Hamiltonian with spin-orbit (SO) interaction • Solution of the single particle scattering problem • Transmittance and Conductance • Results: zero-pole structure, spin filtering • Conclusions
* Introduction and Motivations • Spintronics (spin-based electronic): In order to make a spintronic device, the primary requirement is to have a system that can generate a current of spin polarised electrons, and a system that is sensitive to the spin polarization of the electrons. • The simplest method of generating a spin polarised current is to inject the current through a ferromagnetic material (Giant magnetoresistance devices, spin valves etc) • Applications: spin transistor (for example experimental implementation of S. Datta-B. Das model *), spin filters, MRAM (Magnetic Random Access Memory)
Semiconductor-based Spin Orbit devices • Spin-interference device, J. Nitta et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 695 (1999) • Spin interference effect in ring conductors subject to Rashba coupling, D. Frustaglia and K. Richter, Phys. Rev. B 69, 235310 (2004)
Effective 1D Ring Hamiltonian with spin-orbit (SO) interaction • F. E. Meijer et al., Phys. Rev. B 69, 035308 (2004)
Electric and magnetic field along z • SO-Ring • J. Nitta et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 1335 (1997) • SO-AB Ring in presence of a tunnel barrier
Eigenstates, eigenvalues and single particle scattering problem • Mòlnar et al. , Phys. Rev. B 69, 155335 (2004) • Y Aharonov and A Casher, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 319 (1984)
Scattering problem By imposing: • Continuity of the wave functions at the junctions • Proper boundary condition for delta barrier potential • Spin/charge current conservation
Transmittance and Conductance Landauer-Buttiker Formula • Mòlnar et al. , Phys. Rev. B 69, 155335 (2004), Equation (28)
Real zeros conductance • Z= 0 • Z different from 0 |n|even integer (breaking of Inversion symmetry with respect to up in down and viceversa) • Similar to U. Aeberhard et al. , Phys. Rev. B 72, 075328 (2005)
L R IS u d u u L R L R L R ISB d d Effect of z: Inversion symmetry Breaking
Im(x) K L Re(x) |x|2 =1 pole zero Resonances Conductance • Poles • Simple cases • Pole structure insensitive to the spin variables • Vanishing coefficients for power : x , x 2, x 3
Spin filtering: how to compensate the interference zeros • An interference zero can be compensated by a pole at the same position: The zeros in the transmittance do not necessarily correspond to a zero in the conductance. • In principle it is possible to obtain a pole in one spin channel at xp • The above condition is independent from z • The displacement of the structural zeros does not affect the position of the pole at xp=1.
Switching effect • Poles at x =1 in both spin channel • In this configuration we cant distinguish between different spin channels because of a vanishing spin dependence of the transmittance.
pole zero
pole zero
pole zero
pole zero
Conclusions • We showed the possibility of making a momentum-resolved spin filter by means of 1D ring with SO interaction using the present semiconductor technology. • Differently from other proposals, the presence of the tunnel barrier in the model allows us to have a complete control of the filtering properties in a selected spin channel simply acting on a gate voltage. This provides a more convenient way to control the transport properties of the structure. • The arrangement could be used also as quantum pump in order to generate pure spin current (~30 pA @ 100 MHz). • Additional investigations are needed to clarify the role of disorder, electron correlations etc. on the performances described.
Appendix : Scattering Equations • Spin and charge conservation laws at each junctions
Appendix : zero in complex plane • Zero-pole structure in complex energy plane • Zeros Interference zeros z-dependent zeros • When z = 0 the zeros are x = 1 and x = -1 • When |x|2-1= 0 real zeros appears in the conductance curves
Condition for real zeros • In the limit of integer/half-integer effective flux and z different from zero we obtain: