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20 Tips for Self Published eBook Authors

It's easy today to self publish a book, particularly an eBook. The big challenge now is getting found among a million competitors. This slideshow gives 20 invaluable tips to Indie authors who wish to generate revenue from their eBooks. Material is drawn from the Ebook Author Success Guide available only on Amazon.com

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20 Tips for Self Published eBook Authors

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    1. 20 Tips for Self-published Authors in the eBook Age

    2. It’s a whole new world in the first inning

    3. It’s easy to publish an eBook… …the challenge now is getting found if you want to sell books to readers. Open an account with Slideshare.com is a smart move

    4. Tips to maximize Slideshare impact Create content designed to get you featured; analyse the approaches that the shows with the most views use Go PRO so you become a contributor to “Channels” (see the Browse dropdown). You get much higher profile and join a pool of “experts” for only $16/mo.

    5. Tips to maximize Slideshare impact Create visually interesting shows with photos/graphics; all text is boring! Embed YouTube videos into shows to illustrate key points; you pick exactly where videos play (next slide for e.g.)

    6. Tips to maximize Slideshare impact Create your own video from a PowerPoint show. Simply save slides as jpegs, use any video editing software, add music, and you can create a very pleasing show quickly. (see example next slide)

    7. Sign up for Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing

    8. 8. Sign up with BookBaby as your aggregator

    9. 9. Write several books: plan to write more than one book. More product gives readers more options. One book can generate $200/month in royalties; upload five and your income jumps to $1,000….BETTER!

    10. 10. Nonfiction is more WWW searchable

    11. Here’s an Amazon Listmania example I created this Listmania to promote my eBook Author Guide. Listmania can result in high Google rankings. And, Amazon runs Listmania lists all the time in the left column.

    12. 11. Use GoodReads

    13. 12. Get as many 5-star reviews as you can

    14. 13. Try for book reviews http://www.theindieview.com/indie-reviewers/

    15. Here’s a review pitch that worked http://www.scribd.com/doc/98738476/Invitation-to-Book-Review-Bloggers You may have to send out 50+ requests to get one hit, but if that one gets a lot of eyeballs, it can pay off

    16. 14. Scribd.com is another site to use Scribd lets you upload WWW searchable documents for free. In this case PDFs Scribd gets a lot of traffic, so you can get a lot of views

    17. 15. Sites that promote for free It takes a bit of work, but there are dozens of sites that can help you promote your book. Look here: http://savvybookwriters.wordpress.com/tag/httpwww-scribd-com/

    18. 16. Use tags & categories wisely Many authors don’t make use of their 15 tags on Amazon, or don’t think carefully enough about the two categories you are allowed to choose. These help people find your book. DO USE THEM!

    19. 17. Get good covers designed; these are your major tools to draw people into your preview copy. You can do them yourself, but if not, pay someone.

    20. 18. Use www.myecovermaker.com and shutterstock.com. Make great covers in minutes for less than $20

    21. 19. What to charge for your book?

    22. 20. Have patience, it’s a marathon

    23. There are days you’ll feel like this

    24. eBooks have long shelf lives

    25. Much more success information in the book at Amazon.com Search: eBook Author Success Guide by Steve Bareham

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