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IEEE 802.18 RR-TAG Teleconference Agenda

This teleconference covers administrative matters, participant guidelines, and specific discussion items on EU spectrum management, TV white space consultation, and more. Participants are required to adhere to IEEE-SA standards.

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IEEE 802.18 RR-TAG Teleconference Agenda

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  1. IEEE 802.18 RR-TAGTeleconference Agenda • Dates: 26 July 18 Authors: Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  2. Call to Order / Administrative Items • Officers for the RR-TAG / IEEE 802.18: • Chair is Jay Holcomb (Itron) • Vice-chair is open • Secretary is Allan Zhu (Huawei) • Number of voters(start of July plenary): 42 (8 on EC); Aspirant members: 9 • With teleconferences approval on 08 March 2018, quorum is met.8 • A quorum is met since this meeting was announced more then 45 days ago. • IEEE 802 Required notices: • Affiliation FAQ - http://standards.ieee.org/faqs/affiliationFAQ.html • > Be sure to announce you name, affiliation, employer and clients the first time you speak. • Anti-Trust FAQ - http://standards.ieee.org/resources/antitrust-guidelines.pdf • Ethics - https://www.ieee.org/about/corporate/governance/p7-8.html • IEEE 802 WG Policies and Procedures - http://www.ieee802.org/devdocs.shtml • The 4 administration slides, reminder from your WG opening plenary  new 02jan18 • (note: call for essential patents is n/a, as the RR-TAG does not do standards) Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  3. Jay Holcomb (Itron) Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings • All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. • Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. • Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. • Relative costs of different technical approaches that include relative costs of patent licensing terms may be discussed in standards development meetings. • Technical considerations remain the primary focus • Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. • Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. • Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed … do formally object. --------------------------------------------------------------- For more details, see IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause 5.3.10 and Antitrust and Competition Policy: What You Need to Know at http://standards.ieee.org/develop/policies/antitrust.pdf

  4. Participation in IEEE 802 Meetings • Participation in any IEEE 802 meeting (Sponsor, Sponsor subgroup, Working Group, Working Group subgroup, etc.) is on an individual basis • Participants in the IEEE standards development individual process shall act based on their qualifications and experience. (https://standards.ieee.org/develop/policies/bylaws/sb_bylaws.pdf section 5.2.1) • IEEE 802 Working Group membership is by individual; “Working Group members shall participate in the consensus process in a manner consistent with their professional expert opinion as individuals, and not as organizational representatives”. (subclause 4.2.1 “Establishment”, of the IEEE 802 LMSC Working Group Policies and Procedures) • Participants have an obligation to act and vote as an individual and not under the direction of any other individual or group. A Participant’s obligation to act and vote as an individual applies in all cases, regardless of any external commitments, agreements, contracts, or orders. • Participants shall not direct the actions or votes of any other member of an IEEE 802 Working Group or retaliate against any other member for their actions or votes within IEEE 802 Working Group meetings, see https://standards.ieee.org/develop/policies/bylaws/sb_bylaws.pdf section and the IEEE 802 LMSC Working Group Policies and Procedures, subclause 3.4.1 “Chair”, list item x. • By participating in IEEE 802 meetings, you accept these requirements. If you do not agree to these policies then you shall not participate. (and please leave the call.) Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  5. Agenda • Discussion items, few more details: • EU Items • Latest from members. Anything we should respond to? • Uganda TVWS Consultation • Guidelines for management of the TVWS radio spectrum use in Uganda • Due 10 Aug (to EC by 27Jul) • Google waiver request, NCTA feedback request • Google had replied to our comments, • NCTA agreed with us in and will support us. • IEEE EU Spectrum Management statement • Work on feedback on concern with this statement. • Ofcom-consultation-on-preparations-for-wrc-19 • Work on IEEE 802 comments on the Ofcom questions on AIs we have view points on. • Due 13 Sept.(to EC by 23 or 30aug) • NPRM, Expanding Flexible Use of 3.7 to 4.2GHz Band • Final NPRM is out. . • General Discussion Items • IEEE SA Additional Spectrum statement • 6 (5-7) GHz and single voice from IEEE 802. • Call to Order • Attendance server is open • Administrative items • Need a recording secretary • Approve agenda & last minutes • Any interest in being the 802.18 Vice-Chair? • Discussion items • EU Items • Uganda: TVWS consultation • Google waiver request • IEEE EU Spectrum Management statement • Ofcom consultation • NPRM on 3.7 to 4.2 GHz Band • General Discussion Items • Actions required • Several • AOB and Adjourn Jay Holcomb (Itron) Agenda

  6. Motions - administrative • Motion: To approve the agenda as presented on previous slide • Moved by: Peter Ecclesine (Cisco) • Seconded by: Hassan Yaghoobi (Intel) • Discussion? • Vote: Unanimous consent • Motion: To approve the minutes from the IEEE 802.18 teleconference on 19 July 2018 in document: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/18/18-18-0085-00-0000-minutes-19july18-rr-tag-teleconference.docPosted: 23-Jul-2018 21:18:57 ET • Moved by: John Notor (Notor Research) • Seconded by: Mike Lynch (MJLynch Assoc.) • Discussion? • Vote: Unanimous consent • Does anyone have an interest in being the 802.18 Vice-Chair? • Needs to be a member of the SA and a declaration of term commitment and affiliation letters to the EC. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  7. EU items • Anything to share on the EU front? • ETSI – BRAN – meeting #99 – 18-21 Sept • From Plenary: • EN 302 567, 60 GHz, new draft has been released. 2 details to work out on short range devices, anticipated to be finalized for September meeting. • For now still have to go to Notified Bodies, with the rcve performance issue, could change tomorrow. • SRDoc draft on 60GHz is posted, some clarity needed on it purpose for some. Getting close to finalizing. • The new work item in BRAN(18)098002 was adopted. • Technical Report on WAS/RLANs in the band 6 725 MHz to 7 125 MHz • A draft is due in the next month. • ETSI - ERM - TG-11 • They are out for national ballot, likely will not see anything until it closes. • From earlier: • Previous: EN 300 328 (v2.2.1 (2018-04)) - Draft accepted by ERM and receipt by ETSI Secretariat on 07 June; Now to National vote. ERM(18)065022r3; Any news? no • https://portal.etsi.org/webapp/WorkProgram/Report_WorkItem.asp?WKI_ID=51206 Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  8. EU items -2 • CEPT – ECC SE45 • Next f2f: 13 August (afternoon) -14 August 2018, ECO, Copenhagen, Denmark • CEPT – ECC FM57 • Any other EU news? Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  9. Uganda TVWS Consultation • The Commission has developed TV White Spaces (TVWS) guidelines to guide its management of the TVWS radio spectrum use in Uganda. • As a stakeholder in the use of the radio spectrum in Uganda, the Commission invites your comments on the proposed guidelines with reference to the topics highlighted in the guideline document. • Recommended questions have been incorporated in the TVWS guidelines. The TVWS guidelines can be accessed via: • http://www.ucc.co.ug/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/TVWS-Guidelines-for-Consultation-9th-July-2018_v2.pdf • https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/18/18-18-0083-00-0000-uganda-tvws-guidelines-for-consultation.pdf • With our initial comments: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/18/18-18-0083-01-0000-uganda-tvws-guidelines-for-consultation.docx • All comments should be formally submitted to the Commission by 10th August 2018 before close of business. • We need to approve comments this week, 26th, to meet the deadline. • Our responses from last week have been put into letter to send: • https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/18/18-18-0086-00-0000-uganda-tvws-comments-to-guidelines-for-consultation.docx • We need to review, edit, and approve today. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  10. Motion - Uganda Consultation • Motion:Move to approve comments in https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/18/18-18-0086-00-0000-uganda-tvws-comments-to-guidelines-for-consultation.docx, response to Uganda consultation guidelines on use of TV White Spaces. For review and approval by the EC for sending to the Uganda Communication Commission by 09 August 2018. The Chair of 802.18 is authorized to make editorial changes as necessary. • Move by: . • Second by: . • Discussion: None • Vote: ___ Yes ___ No ___ Abstain • Motion:Passed Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  11. Google Wavier -1 • Latest Google submission did attempt to answer some of our questions. • https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/18/18-18-0080-00-0000-google-s-waiver-request-supplement-to-coexist-with-802-11-with-motion-sensing-57-64ghz.pdf • Note: The waiver is to allow the marketing and certification of equipment / production. • Reminder on our 4 Points • Our comments; https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/18/18-18-0032-05-0000-google-s-waiver-request-ieee-802-comments-motion-sensing-57-64-ghz.pdf • Sharing is not clear with 100% duty cycle, it is a 10x e.i.r.p. level, 802.11 has LBT, etc. • Google says 10% now, where the new analysis was done with negligible degradation, along with 100% duty cycle showing 8% degradation. Also, the Soli is out side the WiFi channel 75% of the time. • Didn’t test with 802.11ad with single carrier modulation which is the majority of users. (OFDM is more tolerant which is what they did test with.) • In the new analysis, they did with single carrier. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  12. Google Wavier -2 • Reminder on our 4 Points – cont. • 3. Didn’t test in the same device, like a phone. • In the new analysis they did what they say is atypical close proximity to WiFi client and again with 10% duty cycle there was no negative affects. With 100% duty cycle no harm on Wi-Fi through put 80% to 95% of the time. • 4. Didn’t test with 802.15.3e (which is different from 3c which Google mentions). • IEEE 802.15.3e made some footnotes that it has a closer intended range than the 11ad so concerns are less likely to materialize. • Asked to check if we said anything on RF exposure and Goggle responded? • Looked and we did not say anything about RF exposure. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  13. Google Wavier -3 • In our view, does it resolve some of the concerns that IEEE 802 raised? • We reviewed at the Plenary, and some excellent feedback from a member on behind the scenes, as on the surface seems Google is providing answers to some of our concerns, though looking deeper, there are ways around some of what they say. e.g. if limited duty should that be in the waiver? • Heard back on 18th, and the member is working on a contribution, still one more permission is needed. It maybe 2-3 weeks. • After additional discussion at Plenary, the RR-TAG does want to look more seriously at an ex parte, and NCTA will likely support what we are seeing. • Will review a proposed marked up version of their response. • To become 18-18/0080r01. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  14. Motion - FCC Google Wavier ex parte • Motion:Move to approve the ex parte in 18-18/00___r___, response to Google reply comments on request for wavier (FCC ET Docket 18-70) of section 15.255(c)(3) of the FCC rules for their interactive motion sensing in the 57-64 GHz band, to increase the allowed power. For review and approval by the EC for sending to the FCC by _______. The Chair of 802.18 is authorized to make editorial changes as necessary. • Move by: . • Second by: . • Discussion: None • Vote: ___ Yes ___ No ___ Abstain • Motion:Passed Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  15. IEEE EU position statement on spectrum management • From earlier teleconferences: • IEEE European Public Policy Position Statement on Spectrum Management • https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/18/18-18-0028-01-0000-draft-ieee-european-public-policy-position-statement-on-spectrum-management.pdf (old rev) • We are being asked to review this statement, similar to the one in November, though some focus for the EU. Guidance is to review and comment in detail. • Document 18-18/0028rxx, latest revision is our current review markup. • Please send comments to .18 chair, to integrate, to be reviewed by the TAG. • Becoming clearer the starting premise of the current paper is from several years ago and input is coming in the premise has changed in recent years. • Considering the question on older premise, it has on the statement: • This statement was developed by the IEEE European Public Policy Committee Working Group on ICT and represents the considered judgment of a broad group of European IEEE members with expertise in the subject field. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  16. IEEE EU position statement on spectrum management -2 • Concern brought up at plenary: If this statement is being used it maybe presenting a premise that is out of date. • Latest revision with our latest comments added: • https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/18/18-18-0028-02-0000-draft-ieee-european-public-policy-position-statement-on-spectrum-management.docx • The IEEE 802 chair asked for a short write up on our overall view and what is needed: • I would like to work on the few sentences toward the overall concern on the paper to send to the 802 Chair to pass on. • Draft, looking for edits, etc. • In our opinion spectrum policy cannot be based on measuring 3-D occupancy and then enforce corrections. Spectrum policy needs to allow for dynamic sharing and allocation with the technologies available today and coming in the future. In addition, society’s goals are not that all spectrum is occupied in high-value locations, that expected services and performance are available in high-value locations. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  17. IEEE EU position statement on spectrum management -3 • For the what is needed: • Actually, do we just use the IEEE SA statement we have gone through and are okay with, to replace the EU one? • It would be nice to have one Additional Spectrum needed statement from IEEE. • Do we go this route? ______ • Latest IEEE SA version (with a few added markups): • https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/18/18-18-0010-07-0000-sa-use-of-spectrum-draft-position-06dec17.docx Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  18. Ofcom - WRC-19 AIs Consultation • Ofcom Consultation: UK preparations for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) • https://www.ofcom.org.uk/consultations-and-statements/category-1/uk-preparations-wrc-19 • https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/18/18-18-0069-00-0000-ofcom-consultation-on-preparations-for-wrc-19.pdf • The closing date for responses is 13 September 2018. (To EC by 16 or 23 Aug) • There are 32 questions Ofcom is asking. • We should focus on AIs from our view point document; 1.12, 1.13, 1.15, 1.16, 9.1.5 and 10. • 1.1 This consultation calls on stakeholders to help us play an important part in shaping the regulations that govern how the world’s radio spectrum is used. It sets out the key issues to be discussed at next year’s World Radiocommunications Conference (WRC-19) – and spells out our early thinking on the outcomes we’d like to achieve. It also explains the engagement process which Ofcom manages in order to allow stakeholders to feed into the development of UK positions for the WRC. • 1.2 Among the areas for discussion at WRC-19 are use of spectrum for mobile broadband – including next generation 5G. Decisions taken at the conference on this and other matters could affect thousands of UK businesses and consumers. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  19. Ofcom - WRC-19 AIs Consultation -2 • Had a good and more detailed discussion on several of the questions, Thursday of the plenary, see: • https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/18/18-18-0069-01-0000-ofcom-consultation-on-preparations-for-wrc-19.pdf • The draft Ofcom reply form filled out with a couple of questions: • https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/18/18-18-0088-00-0000-ofcom-consultation-comments-on-prep-for-wrc19.docx • Will review and refine. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  20. Jay Holcomb (Itron) Motion - Ofcom Consultation on WRC-19 AIs • Motion:Move to approve the comments in 18-18/00___r___; response to Ofcom plans on WRC-19 Agenda Items. For review and approval by the EC for sending to the FCC by 10 September 2018. The Chair of 802.18 is authorized to make editorial changes as necessary. • Move by: . • Second by: . • Discussion: None • Vote: ___ Yes ___ No ___ Abstain • Motion: Passed

  21. FCC – Flexible Use of the 3.7 to 4.2 GHz Band • ECFS: https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/search/filings?proceedings_name=18-122&sort=date_disseminated,DESC • The NPRM was released Friday the 13th: • Mentor: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/18/18-18-0076-01-0000-nprm-3-9-4-2ghz-gn-18-122.pdf • Questions were brought up in 802.24 meeting at the plenary and 802.22 at the leadership meeting that Saturday, they want to look at this more. • Next is look closer at it to see if anything for unlicensed use, for us, or not. • Has anyone looked through? Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  22. General Discussion Items • IEEE SA has more edits coming on their Position Statement on Additional Spectrum for us to review. • Nothing has come in yet. • 6 (5-7) GHz and single voice from IEEE 802. • Next is where the 11ax CoEx document goes. • Time could be quick to come up with a single voice from IEEE 802 for the NPRM? • Should see the ‘draft’ text 3 weeks before the FCC Open meeting this is on the agenda. (Open meeting dates: 26 Sept, 23 Oct, 15 Nov) Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  23. Actions Required • Uganda TVWS consultation on guidelines, the chair to start EC ballot. • Google request for higher power at 60GHz reply comments to us, a member will list out points to consider for an IEEE 802 ex parte. • IEEE EU position statement, any further inputs on overall concern reply and ideas on what to do next. • Ofcom consultation questions, further inputs from all. • NPRM on 3.7-4.2 GHz, review in more detail, e.g. 802.22 and 802.24 • Monitor: • IEEE SA has more edits coming on their Position Statement on Additional Spectrum for us to review. • Monitor 6 (5-7) GHz and single voice from IEEE 802. • Monitor 802.11 WNG proposal on Future of Unlicensed Spectrum. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  24. Any Other Business Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  25. Adjourn • Next teleconference: 02 Aug 2018 – 15:00 – <15:55 ET • Call in info: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/16/18-16-0038-10-0000-teleconference-call-in-info.pptx(or latest, this one is updated) • Note: If the call-in link doesn’t work send the Chair an email right away. • All changes/cancellations will be sent out to the 802.18 list server. • Adjourn: • We are the end of our agenda, any objection to Adjourn. • None heard, we are Adjourned at ___:____ • Thank You • The next face to face meeting of the 802.18 RR-TAG will be at the IEEE 802 Wireless Interim 11-13 Sept 2018 at the Hilton Waikoloa Village, Kona, HI, USA • Usual time slots, Tuesday AM2 and Thursday AM1 (-2) Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  26. Jay Holcomb (Itron) Thank You Back up and/or previous slides follow

  27. Ofcom - WRC-19 -2 • Questions related to the AIs from our view points: • Question 1: Do you agree with the prioritisation of the agenda items, as shown in Annex 5, and if not why • Question 2: Ofcom is supporting the following three priority bands for IMT identification in the RRs: 24.25 – 27.5 GHz 40.5-43.5 GHz (as part of a wider global 37-43.5 GHz tuning range) 66 – 71 GHz If you don’t agree with any of these bands, or think we should be promoting other bands, please provide justification for your views. • Question 3: What are your views on the suitability of the currently identified bands for HAPs and do you think there is a requirement for additional spectrum? Recognising that we support 26 GHz as a global band for IMT under agenda item 1.13, what are your views on the bands currently under study for HAPs, both globally and in ITU-R Regions? • Question 4: What are your views on the bands within scope of Agenda Item 1.16 and their suitability for Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi like services? Do you agree that Ofcom should support the CEPT position of No Change? If not, please provide evidence to support your view. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  28. Ofcom - WRC-19 -3 • Questions related to the AIs from our view points: • Question 5: Do you agree that UK support the inclusion of the updated Recommendation M.1849-1 (“Technical and operational aspects of ground-based meteorological radars”) in footnote No.5450A? What are your views on the requirement to include a reference to ITU-R Recommendation ITU R M.1638 1 in footnotes No.5447A and 5.450A and the potential impact upon Wi-Fi (and similar technologies)? • Question 21: What are you views on Agenda Item 1.12 and do you agree that there is no requirement for specific identification to ITS in the Radio Regulations? • Question 27: What are your views on Agenda Item 1.15, particularly on the protection needs of passive services? • Question 32: What changes to the Radio Regulations have you identified that would benefit from action at a WRC and why? Do you have any proposals regarding UK positions for future WRC agenda items or suggestions for other agenda items, needing changes to the Radio Regulations, that you would wish to see addressed by a future WRC? Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  29. Ofcom - WRC-19 -4 • Other possible questions: • ? Question 6: Do you agree that UK support a position of not making changes to the Radio Regulations to reference specific bands for M2M/IoT usage? • Brought up at Sunday All chairs, Monday EC and 802.11 and 802.15 openings. • If the other Working Groups have something they want to document, will look at it. If not the 802.18 RR_TAG is okay not to comment. • After Thursday’s discussion we will pass on this question. • ? Question 13: Do you have any views on the bands being studied and are there any other considerations which you think should be taken into account? What are your views on the appropriateness of the current emission limits in the band 3 700 – 4 200 MHz? • This question we may want to comment on, as in the context there is 6GHz. Though need to work out the IEEE 802 as a whole consensus. • Brought up at Sunday All chairs, Monday EC and 802.11 and 802.15 openings. • The RR-TAG members see this is a question we should comment on. • After Thursday discussion and looking at context more, this was reversed, and comments are not needed. • After review on Tuesday, have some initial thoughts on the 8 other questions and most we could respond on. A marked up version of the consultation will be put on Mentor with the few notes on each question. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  30. IEEE 802 – Can we get to a Single Voice on 6GHz?-1 • Word is the FCC NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking) on 6GHz band should be out before the end of the year, and could be as soon as September. • Comment period could be shorter, tbd. • With that we need to understand in what direction IEEE 802 as a whole should (or should not) respond to the NPRM with. • Reminder: • IEEE P802.11ax – wants this band for spectrum expansion that WiFi needs. • Keep in mind, others, e.g. 3GPP also want the band. • IEEE 802.15.4, UWB, is already in use in the band, and is the band most used around the world for 802.15.4-UWB. • The concern is WiFi interferes with UWB with its very low power. • Recently 802.19 voted on the .11ax CoEx document and it failed. • This is being worked on through the normal IEEE 802 process, to be updated and part upcoming letter ballot, etc. • There are a number of other incumbents in USA and the EU concerned with coexistence. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  31. IEEE 802 – Can we get to a Single Voice on 6GHz?-2 • Sunday, chairs of 802.11, 802.15, 802.18, 802.19 and others met to discuss this. • Here is a link to what was reviewed, • https://mentor.ieee.org/802-ec/dcn/18/ec-18-0133-00-00EC-how-can-ieee-802-get-to-a-single-voice-for-6ghz-band.pptx (includes comment that in the EU (and most other countries) UWB is a lower priority than WS/RLAN usage) • Next steps • 802.19/802.11ax, will work through the 802.11ax coexistence document through the process so it is updated, passes 802.19 and can be in an upcoming 802.11ax letter ballot. (802.18 will stay involved) • Once the 802.11ax coexistence document is finished up, this will start next phase of defining the voice from IEEE 802 as a whole, that can be used on the NPRM. • Until the NPRM actually comes out, we will not be sure what is in them exactly to know just how to do final comments, assuming we have a direction on voice from 802. • Timing? Until the NPRM is published in the Federal Register, no way to speculate very close the date comments will be due. • Speculating the shortest time frame is the NPRM is published early September with a 30 day comments period. Making them due mid-October between the September Interim and November plenary. • New feedback, Learned this week October FCC open meeting is the latest word of when we may see the NPRM, not September as earlier indications. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  32. WiFi / UWB Coexistence -1 • IEEE 802.19 and other WG chairs are working on IEEE 802 single voice. • From a high level, could we list out some of the following. • Do not want to get into detail, just high level points to consider to help. • What criteria should be considered? • Power out needed, different for each technology. • Bandwidth considerations. • Channel sense, e.g. LBT. • Incumbent protection. • Interference types, blocks .vs. range decrease. • Operational ranges themselves. • Different modulation types . • Tuning range of UWB (global considerations). • Thursday: • Is there a way to ID that UWB is there and transmitting? Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  33. WiFi / UWB Coexistence -2 • What Use Cases should be considered? • Higher speed (wider BWs) for WiFi users, e.g. streaming video, etc. • Global availability (S. Korea just this week consultation 6 – 10.2 GHz for UWB) • UWB applications - Many (See 15-17/0660), e.g. location is a significant use case. • Where devices are used, height, indoor/outdoor, etc. • Review 15.2 co-existence of WiFi / BT / … • Co-located in a device, and non-co-located. • Thursday: • Nothing new. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  34. IEEE SA additional spectrum position statement • The IEEE-SA BoG SPCC reviewed and discussed the draft Spectrum Use position statement we have reviewed the past months (18-18/0010r0x). It agreed to move it forth to the BoG for its approval at the 9 July meeting--with the addition of text addressing shared spectrum. • The latest from us: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/18/18-18-0010-06-0000-sa-use-of-spectrum-draft-position-06dec17.docx • Note: the IEEE 802 chair had asked for clarity on how the different IEEE 802 standards and projects are stated. • Have heard we may see more updates after their 09 July meeting, for us to review. • Nothing has come in yet. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  35. Motion SA position statement • Motion: To approve revised document 18-18/0010r0___, RR_TAG Marked up Draft IEEE-SA Position Statement on “Additional Spectrum Needed” for review and approval by the EC for sending to the IEEE-SA. The Chair of 802.18 is authorized to make editorial changes as necessary. • Move by: • Second by: • Discussion: None • Vote: ___ Yes _0__ No _0_ Abstain • Motion:Passed Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  36. IEEE EU Position Statement -1 • IEEE European Public Policy Position Statement on Spectrum Management • https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/18/18-18-0028-00-0000-draft-ieee-european-public-policy-position-statement-on-spectrum-management.pdf • We are being asked to review this statement, similar to the one in November, though some focus for the EU. Guidance is to review and comment in detail. • Document 18-18/0028rxx, latest revision is our current review markup. • Please send comments to .18 chair, to integrate, to be reviewed by the TAG. • Becoming clearer the starting premise of the current paper is from several years ago and input is coming in the premise has changed in recent years. • With that trying to understand how to propose edits to the paper. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  37. IEEE EU Position Statement -2 • Went through 18-18/0028r01 review copy, the remaining sections we have not reviewed and found a couple of specific areas that need clarity. • And brought audience up to speed on point premise of paper is from a few years back and had agreement with those that spoke up. • Some general questions: • Should the IEEE SA (the position statement we reviewed in November and January) and the IEEE EU collaborate on these 2 separate position statements in some fashion? • Then move above them. (.18 should still review) • What was original driver to do the statement? • Who is the general audience it is written for? • As it is, there is a concern if it is sent out and organizations our members are working with, CEPT, BRAN, etc. it will cause confusion, and more. • Request that anyone with specific input to continue to please pass on to the .18 chair, sooner. • .18 chair will cleanup the review revision of the paper (should end up r02) and ask the IEEE 802 chair for further guidance on next steps. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  38. Motion – EU Spectrum Management • Motion: To approve document 18-___/00____r__, IEEE 802 comments on IEEE European Public Policy Position Statement (18-18/0028r00), with the 802.18 Chair having editorial privileges. Then send to the EC for approval and return IEEE EPPC WG. • Moved by: • Seconded by: • Discussion? • Vote: ___Y / ___N / ___A Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  39. A Future For Unlicensed Spectrum – from last week • A perspective on regardless of everything we do to develop new, better, faster wireless technologies, the available spectrum has a hard limit • See: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/18/18-18-0060-02-0000-a-future-for-unlicensed-spectrum.pptx • Will review and discuss • The idea is to cover the entire spectrum in the database, all of it. • Then knowing what frequency range the device is in and geographic location, can manage the users. • Similar idea years back were not fully accepted, though with recent actions, e.g. 6GHz, a data base maybe viewed differently now. • Should look at the CBRS database and what can we learn from it. • This is a long term effort, and need to start to put all the pieces together, before going to regulators. • 3550 filings of interest: • Google October 2017 overall summary • https://ecfsapi.fcc.gov/file/10160477327041/2017-10-16%20Ex%20Parte%20(GN%2012-354%20RM-11788%20RM-11789).pdf • Slide 16 SAS providers & carriers have developed a mutuall satisfactory legal agreement covering confidential data • Appendix A:Wireless Innovation Forum and SAS and CBSD Standards Development • https://ecfsapi.fcc.gov/file/60001854348.pdf Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  40. A Future For Unlicensed Spectrum-2 • A perspective on regardless of everything we do to develop new, better, faster wireless technologies, the available spectrum has a hard limit • A presentation is being prepared for IEEE 802.11 WNG at the plenary in San Diego in July. • https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/18/11-18-1055-00-0wng-a-future-for-unlicensed-spectrum.pptx • This presentation is more standards based, where the 802.18 version was more regulatory based. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  41. A Future For Unlicensed Spectrum • A perspective on regardless of everything we do to develop new, better, faster wireless technologies, the available spectrum has a hard limit • See: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/18/18-18-0060-02-0000-a-future-for-unlicensed-spectrum.pptx • The most recent document is: 11-18/1055rxx • We reviewed and discussed the latest .11 version for Plenary WNG in San Diego. • The idea is to cover the entire spectrum in the database, all of it. • Then knowing what frequency range the device is in and geographic location, can manage the users. • Similar idea years back were not fully accepted, though with recent actions, e.g. 6GHz, a data base maybe viewed differently now. • A perspective on regardless of everything we do to develop new, better, faster wireless technologies, the available spectrum has a hard limit Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  42. keep in mind for future • Links to EU sites: • Bran: https://portal.etsi.org/tb.aspx?tbid=287&SubTB=287 • ERM TG-11: https://portal.etsi.org/tb.aspx?tbid=442&SubTB=442 • CEPT SE45: https://cept.org/ecc/groups/ecc/wg-se/se-45/client/introduction/ • CEPT FM57: https://cept.org/ecc/groups/ecc/wg-fm/fm-57/client/introduction/ • OJEU: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/oj/direct-access.html • HS: https://ec.europa.eu/growth/single-market/european-standards/harmonised-standards/ • Ongoing / future actions: • For WRC-19 AI 1.13 on IMT, • all - send out additional comments to support our viewpoint to not have an IMT designation for 66 – 76 GHz, to send to regulator asking. • Comments for the IEEE EU position paper on Spectrum Management. • All please continue to send proposed revisions to the .18 chair as you can. • .18 chair will review with IEEE 802 chair. • WiFi / UWB 6 and 4 GHz co-existence. • All please continue to send possible criteria and high level use cases to .18 chair. • Teleconferences, The .18 chair will bring up in July plenary to move the teleconferences 30 mins later. • IEEE 802 considering to put together a document on basic spectrum parameters that would be good for all IEEE 802 standards in general, to bring up as appropriate when doing comments, etc. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  43. Potential reference document when doing comments • Note: in the 802.19 co-existence <1 GHz meeting it was brought up for IEEE 802 as a whole to put together a document on basic spectrum parameters that would be good for all IEEE 802 standards to co-exist (less interference….) • Actually, need to have this for all IEEE 802 to just work in the spectrum, e.g. BWs needed. Not just coexistence. • Point being that 802.18 can refer to / use when responding to regulators on different consultations, to encourage regulators in general to configure their spectrum to allow all the IEEE 802 standards in a more consistent/friendly way. • For the many in attendance, it was felt many regulators would appreciate at least knowing this. • Additional point to add to the doc, duty cycle is not for the protocol/standard/amendment being discussed, it is a regulation to allow others (and their packet lengths) to have access to the spectrum. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  44. Fellowship Request • Fellowship request on reaching out to all regulators. • Enhancing Collaboration between IEEE 802 and World Regulators on unlicensed spectrum regulations • https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/18/11-18-0580-01-coex-enhancing-collaboration-between-ieee-802-and-world-regulators-on-unlicensed-spectrum-regulations.pptx • Thursday: • A start is to keep in touch with the fellowship attendees. • They are welcome to our meetings and calls. • Could something be added to the IEEE newsletter/communication for the regulators, to answer the news letter input? • Can IEEE be more pro-active with some of the other (e.g. regional) regulators? • The challenge is to ID which we can, and being a volunteer / individual organization, the time and money from the volunteers? • Many regulators don’t have IEEE has a point of contact like they do with WFA or other implementing orgs do. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  45. IEEE – not connected and underserved (from last week) • IEEE Connectivity Coalition • Internet Inclusion means that all stakeholders are engaged in the planning and implementation of technology systems; that all potential people impacted can access and have certain rights to understand the implications of the technology and know how to use it safely and ethically; and that with these technologies come more services, tools, increased information and opportunities to expand access for communities around the world. As digital technology is increasingly used for educational, employment, health, commercial and informational purposes, Internet Inclusion is critical for full engagement, participation and opportunity in the social, economic and civic life of society. • This ties into the effort brought up at the Chicago meeting on how to connect the 3.8B people, not connected today. • Stayed tuned as we learn more. • Rich will be talking to Senior Director, Technology Policy and International Affairs on this and what we can do. Jay Holcomb (Itron)

  46. Jay Holcomb (Itron) IMT 2020: The buzz in the industry on future steps in mobile technology — 5G — has seen a sharp increase, with attention now focused on enabling a seamlessly connected society in the 2020 timeframe and beyond that brings together people along with things, data, applications, transport systems and cities in a smart networked communications environment. In this context, ITU and its partners, sharing a common community of interest, have recognized the relationship between IMT — International Mobile Telecommunication system — and 5G and are working towards realizing the future vision of mobile broadband communications. In early 2012, ITU-R embarked on a programme to develop “IMT for 2020 and beyond”, setting the stage for 5G research activities that are emerging around the world. Through the leading role of Working Party 5D, ITU’s Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) has finalized its view of a timeline towards IMT-2020. The detailed investigation of the key elements of 5G are already well underway, once again utilizing the highly successful partnership ITU-R has with the mobile broadband industry and the wide range of stakeholders in the 5G community.

  47. Jay Holcomb (Itron) IMT 2020-cont: In September 2015, ITU-R has finalized its “Vision” of the 5G mobile broadband connected society. This view of the horizon for the future of mobile technology will be instrumental in setting the agenda for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019, where deliberations on additional spectrum are taking place in support of the future growth of IMT. ITU has a rich history in the development of radio interface standards for mobile communications. The framework of standards for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), encompassing IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced, spans the 3G and 4G industry perspectives and will continue to evolve as 5G with IMT-2020. https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/study-groups/rsg5/rwp5d/imt-2020/Pages/default.aspx

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