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Discovering Virginia's Native Peoples

Explore the history of Virginia's indigenous tribes, their artifacts, lifestyles, and cultural changes over time. Learn about their homes, clothing, food, and the impact of early settlers. Uncover the state-recognized tribes in Virginia today.

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Discovering Virginia's Native Peoples

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SOL VS.2d, 2e, 2f, 2g Virginia

  2. VS.2d Christopher Columbus called the people he found in the lands he explored “Indians” because he thought he was in the Indies (near China).

  3. Artifacts such as arrowheads, pottery, and other tools that have been found tell a lot about the people who lived in Virginia. VS.2d

  4. Artifacts such as arrowheads, pottery, and other tools that have been found tell a lot about the people who lived in Virginia. VS.2d

  5. VS.2d

  6. VS.2d

  7. VS.2d II Language Group Tribe Iroquoian: Cherokee Siouan: Monacan Algonquian: Powhatan Siouan Iroquoian I See Indian Apples

  8. VS.2d II Language Group Tribe Iroquoian: Cherokee Siouan: Monacan Algonquian: Powhatan Siouan Iroquoian I See Indian Apples

  9. VS.2d Monacan were a part of this group. Siouan Iroquoian

  10. VS.2e The climate in Virginia is relatively mild with distinct seasons—spring, summer, fall, and winter—resulting in a variety of vegetation.

  11. VS.2e Forests, which have a variety of trees, cover most of the land.

  12. VS.2e The kinds of food the Indians ate, the clothing they wore, and the shelters they had depended upon the seasons.

  13. WINTER In winter, they hunted birds, and other animals and lived on stored foods from the previous fall. VS.2e

  14. SPRING In spring, they hunted, fished, and picked berries. VS.2e

  15. VS.2e

  16. SUMMER In summer, they grew crops (e.g., beans, corn, squash). VS.2e

  17. FALL In fall, they harvested crops and hunted for foods to preserve and keep for the winter. VS.2e

  18. Native peoples of the past made homes, using natural resources. VS.2e ROUND HOUSE/ ATI OR WIGWAM The eastern Siouan’s called this single family dwelling an ATI. These structures were covered with bark, mats or like this home thatched with cattails.

  19. VS.2e

  20. VS.2e

  21. VS.2e Native peoples of the past used animal skins for clothing.

  22. VS.2e Opossum Brain-tanned Deer Skin Brain-tanned deer skin was the primary hide used for clothing including moccasins. Brain tanning is working the brain tissue into the hide of the animal in order to soften and condition the hide.

  23. VS.2e Raccoon Red Fox

  24. VS.2e Beaver Coyote

  25. VS.2e Today, most native peoples live like other Americans. Their cultures have changed over time.

  26. VS.2f Archaeologists study all kinds of material evidence left by people from the past.

  27. Werowocomoco was a large Indian town used by Indian leaders for several hundred years before the English settlers came. VS.2f

  28. Werowocomoco was the headquarters of the leader Powhatan in 1607. VS.2f CLICK HERE

  29. VS.2f Jamestown became the first permanent English settlement in North America. Archaeologists have discovered the site of the original fort. The recovered artifacts give archaeologist clues about the interactions of the English, Africans, and Indians in early Virginia.

  30. VS.2f

  31. VS.2f CLICK HERE

  32. VS.2f

  33. VS.2g American Indians, who trace their family histories back to well before 1607, continue to live in all parts of Virginia today. The current state-recognized tribes are located in the following regions: Coastal Plain (Tidewater) Piedmont

  34. VS.2g The current state-recognized tribes in the Coastal Plain (Tidewater) region: Chickahominy Tribe Eastern Chickahominy Tribe Mattaponi Tribe Nansemond Tribe Pamunkey Tribe Rappahannock Tribe Upper Mattaponi Tribe

  35. VS.2g Coastal Plain (Tidewater) Chickahominy Tribe Eastern Chickahominy Tribe Mattaponi Tribe Nansemond Tribe Pamunkey Tribe Rappahannock Tribe Upper Mattaponi Tribe

  36. VS.2g The current state-recognized tribes in the Piedmont region: Monacan Tribe

  37. VS.2g Piedmont Monacan Tribe

  38. VS.2g

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