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Animal Welfare Network for Wales: Uniting Organizations for Animal Welfare

The Animal Welfare Network for Wales (AWNW) brings together organizations working in animal welfare in Wales. Our members have expertise in wildlife, farm animals, equines, and companion animals. We meet regularly to discuss issues and ensure all organizations have an equal voice. We work with the Welsh Government and other partners to improve animal welfare standards in Wales.

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Animal Welfare Network for Wales: Uniting Organizations for Animal Welfare

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  1. An introduction to the Animal Welfare Network for Wales: The sector council for all animals

  2. Who we are The Animal Welfare Network for Wales (AWNW), established in 2006, is an independent initiative set-up to bring together all organisations who have staff and volunteers working in the animal welfare world in Wales. AWNW members, together, have a wealth of knowledge on all species from wildlife and farm animals, to equines and companion animals. The AWNW meets a minimum of 4 times a year & the meeting dates are decided as a group at the AGM. The AWNW gives an equal voice to all organisations regardless of their size. “The Network has provided us with an invaluable opportunity to get involved on issues...Without the Network I doubt we would have had a seat at the table as these usually go to the national organisations. However, grassroots organisations working on the front line have an important contribution to play and the Network provides a fantastic opportunity for us to get involved.” Network Member, 2017.

  3. How we work All AWNW members are bound by our constitution which details, amongst other things, a members code of conduct and our management & membership structure. The Welsh Government also provide for a Third Sector Partnership Council (TSPC) chaired by the Cabinet Secretary with responsibility for the sector. The TSPC has a seat for each section of the third sector and the AWNW holds the seat for animal welfare. The TSPC grants each of its 25 networks (representing the full spectrum of third sector work in Wales) a small basic grant to provide for capacity building and basic functions. This grant of approx £3.5k, has proved crucial to the ongoing success of the Network. Interested individuals and organisations who are not members, can still be updated on our work by joining receiving our newsletter,visiting our website, or following us on facebook.

  4. Working with Government The AWNW reserves an ex-officio seat for Welsh Government, meaning they are invited to observe every full meeting, sent relevant information, and are invited toactively take part in events, projects & conferences. The AWNW also has a partnership with the Wales Animal Health & Welfare Framework Group since it was launched in 2014, and have worked together to set priorities to improve animal welfare across Wales. The Wales Animal Health & Welfare Framework Group are also invited to observe the meetings open to all members. “Critical to the implementation of the Framework is increased collaborative working with industry and other partners to collect, share and use data to agree priorities, identify solutions and make effective decisions which maximise impact and ensure best use of resources.” Wales Animal Health and Welfare Framework, 2014 Wales Animal Health and Welfare Framework: Achieving High Standards Together. 2014. Available at: http://gov.wales/docs/drah/publications/140721-animal-health-welfare-framework-en.pdf

  5. Timeline & achievements 2014Control of Horses (Wales) Act & The Animal Welfare (Breeding of Dogs) (Wales) Regulations 2010The Animal Welfare (Electronic Collars) (Wales) Order 2008 - 2011CAWES - partnership working between LAs, WG & AWNW 2007 Animal Welfare Act training for members and local authorities 2016AWNW 10th Anniversary reception with the Minister in the Senedd 2013AWNW ‘s new website launched June 2009Seminar on Sanctuaries Regulation 2017 Sanctuaries drafting group 2012Protect your Pet launches 2013Protect your Horse launches 2010 - 2012Sanctuaries working group 2017Animals, Land and You event launch 2016Code of Practice updates - equine, dog and cat 2016 Addendum to AWE report submitted 2009Rabbit Code of Practice + Equine Passport 2015Microchipping of dogs 2006AWNW inauguration 2008Dog, cat and equine Codes of Practice seminar & launch 2012Sanctuaries Report Submitted to Minister

  6. Events The AWNW manages & designs events, providing a forum for partnership working with the member NGOs involved. These have included events for companion animals and equines. In 2017, the AWNW launched a new community initiative event - Animals Land and You - to encourage responsible pet ownership. In 2016, the AWNW held a special event to celebrate its 10th anniversary in the Senedd in Cardiff Bay. Keynote speakers included the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths AM.

  7. Animals, Land & You In 2017 the AWNW launched a new event - Animals, Land & You. The initiative, involving AWNW members, aims to improve responsible pet ownership in Wales. The inaugural events explored the many ways that dog owners could increase the safety of their dog(s), themselves & farm animals whilst experiencing the countryside. Speakers at the seminars included the Lesley Griffiths AM - Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs, North Wales Police, FUW, APBC & Hope Rescue. In 2018 the Network produced bilingual fence signs, reminding dog owners to keep their dog on a lead around livestock & to take home their dog’s waste. These were handed out for free to dog owners across Wales.

  8. Protect your Pet (PYP) Protect your Pet events were outreach events run all over Wales for pet owners in receipt of means tested benefits that offered microchipping, neutering, veterinary health checks, and flea and worming treatments for a heavily reduced price of just £10 per pet. More than 43successful Protect your Pet events were held between 2012 and 2016 with more than 2,690pet owners helped and their pets treated.

  9. Protect your Horse (PYH) Protect your Horse events offered microchipping, passport, veterinary health checks and worming treatments for just £30. Three PYH events were held in Swansea, Cardiff and Merthyr Tydfil. The events were open to any horse owner across Wales and were run in partnership between seven AWNW member organisations.

  10. Sanctuaries The AWNW has long explored the arguments for regulating sanctuaries (also known as Animal Welfare Establishments) in Wales. In 2012 the AWNW submitted a report to Welsh Government on ‘The case for the regulation of Animal Welfare Establishments in Wales’. In 2016 an addendum to the report was submitted, and in 2017, at the request of Welsh Government, the AWNW started work to draft a Code of Practice. In September 2018 the final draft Code was submitted to Welsh Government. 69% of the public think Welsh Government should regulate sanctuaries (RSPCA & YouGov, 2013) All figures, unless otherwsampleise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total size was 1,012 Welsh adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 18th­22nd July 2013. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative (politically) of all Welsh adults (aged 18+).

  11. Codes of Practice In 2016, the AWNW was honoured to be asked by Welsh Government to work on updates to the Codes ofPractice for Equines, Dogs & Cats ahead of public consultation in 2017/2018. The AWNW met Welsh Government’s timeline, and submitted their updated drafts in September 2016. The AWNW formed three separate working groups for each Code, made up of five membership organisations. A large number of amendments were discussed, agreed and submitted. All working groups supported digital versions of each code being made easily available to animal owners.

  12. What the Network means to our members

  13. For more information, or to stay updated on our work, please visit: Website:www.awnwales.org Facebook: facebook.com/animalwelfarenetworkwales Email: contact@awnwales.org To become a member: www.awnwales.org/members/how-to-join/

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