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Discover how to identify and treat more children with TB, a top cause of child mortality, through preventive measures and effective diagnosis. Learn from professionals in Brazil and WHO guidelines.
Finding the most neglected:identifying and treating more children with TB TB is a leading killer ofchildren, yettheyremainutterlyneglected.TB is a top 10 cause ofdeath in children. Eachyear more than 500,000 childrensufferfrom TB and 74,000 die. Clemax Couto Sant´Anna, MD, PhD NTCP Brazil, AdvisoryCommitte
Actions to improve TB careWHO and the Stop TB Partnership point to 3 key actions needed to improve TB care and prevent TB deaths in children
PREVENTION: Tuberculin skin testing & IGRAS PNCT. MS- Brazil, 2014
PREVENTION: Tuberculin skin testing & IGRAS Extent and Effects of Recurrent Shortages of Purified-Protein Derivative Tuberculin Skin Test Antigen Solutions — United States, 2013. Weekly. December 13, 2013 / 62(49);1014-1015 IGRAsshouldnotreplacethe TST in low-andmiddle-income countries for thediagnosisof LTBI in childrenor for thediagnosticwork-upofchildren (irrespectiveof HIV status) suspectedof TB disease in thesesettings RECOMMENDATION 5. Guidance for NTP onthe management of TB in children.WHO, 2014.
Guidance on approach to diagnosis of TB in children (WHO. Guidance, 2nd ed,2014) • Careful history (including history of TB contact and symptoms consistent with TB) • Clinical examination (including growth assessment) • Tuberculin skin testing • Chest X-ray (if avaliable) • Bacteriological confirmation whenever possible • Investigations relevant for suspected PTB and suspected EPTB • HIV testing WHO. Guidance for NTP on the management of TB in children, 2014
Score system for diagnosis of pulmonary TB in children (and negative adolescents).MOH-Brazil
Scores for Childhood TB dianosis. Sistematic review, 2012 Pearce EC et al. AidsResTreat 2012; 4018
Gene XpertDiagnosis of paediatric TB in Community-based TB services Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2014 Period: Aug- Sept 2014 J. Pio - SMSDC . Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Finding the most neglected: identifying and treating more children with TB ROADMAP FOR CHILDHOOD TB, 2013 (adapt).