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In this activity, students will create a creature that has adapted to survive in a specific environment. They will explore the concept of adaptations and how they help organisms thrive. The activity includes drawing and writing about the creature's unique structures and functions, as well as presenting it to the class.
Warm up: Write down everything you know about adaptations
Objective: • Students will describe adaptation • The purpose is to know Individual organisms with certain traits are more likely than others to survive and have offspring in a specific environment
Adaptations- make a book Draw it and write definition What is the function of adaptations? Interrelationships with other systems or parts Identify the parts Structure: Identify the parts:
Your creature • Background knowledge: The world is changing dramatically. In the next 100 years the environment will be:
Note: In water and in space you will need to consider gravity and how that changes your creature of tomorrow. Think about different pressure pressing upon your creature and how this will change the look of your creature, it’s bones and how its fluids move throughout your creature.
Purpose: Demonstrate what you know about the entire unit through the creation of a creature. • 1) You will capture the structure and function of all the unit areas in the graphic organizers provided. This organized knowledge will provide support when creating your creature. • 2) You will chose one of the three provided environments above and reflect carefully on everything you have been taught. How can you create a creature to survive in the environment? What will they need from the following unit topics to survive; adaptations, energy, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, cells, cellular function/structure, organelles, organization of life (from atoms to organs to systems to life), human body systems, and the interdependent relationship of every area in order to be alive in your chosen environment? (You are the creator so you can mix and match anything within the unit to make your superior being.) • 3) Create your creature of tomorrow. • 4) Write about your creature’s unique structures and functions and why it is able to survive in your chosen environment. • 5) Present your creature to a small group and possibly the entire class.
Exit: • Describe some adaptations that can be harmful to humans and health.
Warm up: • Draw an atom
Objective: • Students will be able to describe an atom, it’s structure, and how it plays a roll in every day life • The purpose is to know photosynthesis and cellular respiration are important processes by which energy is acquired and utilized by organisms
Carbon • Atomic Number: 6 • Atomic Weight: 12.0107 • Phase at Room Temperature: Solid • Element Classification: Non-metal • Period Number: 2 Group Number: 14 Group Name: no 6 C Carbon 12.0107
Experiment time • http://www.thescientificmom.com/2013/07/summer-science-and-chemical-reactions.html • An element is something that contains only one type of atom. Carbon contains only carbon atoms, Iron contains only iron atoms, and so on. These elements are important in that we all need them to survive. • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6xXngYnVK8 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQsI_c3F23s
Exit: • What did each experiment tell you about atoms? • What is the role of an atom?
Warm up: wednesday • How are plants essential for human health and the health and survival of Earth’s ecosystems?
Objective: • Students will be able to describe photosynthesis • The purpose is to know photosynthesis and cellular respiration are important processes by which energy is acquired and utilized by organisms
What do you do when you are hungry? • What happens when you eat candy? • What happens when you eat pizza or spaghetti?
Constructive vs destructive forces • Food chain game
Photosythesis Photosynthesis converts massive amount of Sunlight into electrical and then chemical energy. The input is carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), minerals and light, and the output is carbohydrates (food) that we need for our nourishment, and oxygen that we need to breathe
We do • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo5XndJaz-Y • http://ed.ted.com/lessons/nature-s-smallest-factory-the-calvin-cycle-cathy-symington • Photosynthesis info for walk
Photosynthesis walk • Gallery walk
Warm up: Thursday What energy transformations occur in both the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration
Objective • Students will be able to gather, analyze, and interpret data regarding the basic functions of photosynthesis and cellular respiration • The purpose is to know photosynthesis and cellular respiration are important processes by which energy is acquired and utilized by organisms
Light • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUmT24R8CyA • Energy: Energy can be found in a number of different forms. It can be chemical energy, electrical energy, heat (thermal energy), light (radiant energy), mechanical energy, and nuclear energy • In physical science, energy means the ability to do work. Work means a change in position, speed, state, or form of matter. Therefore, energy is the capacity to change matter.
light is energy Atoms and molecules (which are simply bound collections of two or more atoms) can absorb light (= energy!). Flashlight demo Likewise, infrared light (= heat = energy!) wouldn't do any good in heating up your home in the winter if it didn't get absorbed by matter. Higher energy light photons, like X-rays, tend to want to plow through more matter before they get absorbed. (Hence, their use in medical imaging: they can pass through your "soft" tissue, but are more readily absorbed in your bones, which are denser.) How and why do photons get absorbed by matter?
The process of photosynthesis involves two stages of chemical reactions • Light-dependent ReactionsThis is the first stage of the photosynthetic process. These reactions take place in the presence of sunlight, and use light energy from the sun to produce ATP molecules and other molecules known as NADPH. These molecules are used as the energy source to carry out the reactions in the next stage of photosynthesis.Light-independent Reactions (Calvin Cycle)In this stage, energy-containing sugar molecules are synthesized. The ATP and NADPH produced in stage I are used to fuel the reactions in this stage. Here, CO2 molecules are broken down and converted into sugars and other compounds. The Calvin Cycle is repeated twice in order to yield one molecule of glucose.Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/photosynthesis-and-cellular-respiration.html
Since the absorbed photon had a specific energy, this absorption occurs at a specific wavelength in the spectrum
Leaf • Some organisms, such as plants, can trap the energy in sunlight through photosynthesis) and store it in the chemical bonds of carbohydrate molecules • The principal carbohydrate formed through photosynthesis is glucose. • Other types of organisms, such as animals, fungi, many protozoa, and a large portion of bacteria, are unable to perform this process. Therefore, these organisms must rely on the carbohydrates formed in plants to obtain the energy necessary for their metabolic processes. • Cells take the carbohydrates into their cytoplasm, and through a complex series of metabolic processes, they break down the carbohydrates and release the energy • In other words:
Photosynthesis: • Photosynthesis is the process by which the energy of sunlight is converted into the energy of glucose
Steps in photosynthesis • 1- light hits leaf • 2- hits chloroplasts • 3- water (h2o) is present because of water from roots carry it to viens • 4- carbon dioxide enters through stomata (the thing that decides what enters/leaves) • 5-chemical reaction with carbon dioxide, water, and chlorophyll • 6- oxygen passes through leaf and leaf makes glucose (extra stored) • 7- mitochondria- breaks down oxygen and glucose for energy and the carbon dioxide is released • 8- in animals mitochondria takes glucose and combines it with oxygen=energy Carbon taken in blood stream to be exhaled
Photosynthesis- make a book Draw it and write definition What is the function of photosythesis? Interrelationships with other systems or parts Identify the parts Structure: Identify the parts:
Photosynthesis game • Write five facts about photosynthesis • Write five words for photosythesis • Play matching game
Cellular respiration • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJweMnllEsI • Group discussion: What is so important about photosynthesis • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P27djgzRL8c
Exit • Make a Venn diagram on photosynthesis and cellular respiration
Warm up: • Describe everything you know about cellular respiration.
Objective: • Use direct and indirect evidence to describe the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration within plants – and between plants and animals
Photosynthesis: • Photosynthesis is the process by which the energy of sunlight is converted into the energy of glucose
What is photosynthesis? • What are the important parts? • What is the chemical formula of photosynthesis?
PHOTOSYNTHESIS • Autotrophic Process: Plants and plant-like organisms make their energy (glucose) from sunlight. • Stored as carbohydrate in their bodies. • 6CO2 + 6H2O + sunlight C6H12O6 + 6O2