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Building Health Partnerships: Self-care

Explore ways of working among health, social care, and voluntary sectors, focusing on self-care and wellbeing in Rochdale. Develop action plans, share learning, and shape better systems for enhanced relationships and community engagement.

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Building Health Partnerships: Self-care

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  1. Building Health Partnerships: Self-care Partnership Meeting One Thursday 19th October 2017 @IVAR_UK @SocialEnt_UK #BHPselfcare

  2. ‘…build trust and mutual understanding around ways of working between health, social care and voluntary and community sector partners in 8 areas of the country.’ • ‘Support senior cross-sector staff and local carers and residents to develop and exercise shared local leadership to wellbeing and self-care.’ National programme aims @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare #HIOWcrisiscare

  3. Explore what you want to achieve here in the Borough of Rochdale • Partnerships – at their best, what do they look like? • An example of a public and voluntary, community and social enterprise sector partnership in health • Where are we now? What’s working and what needs to change? • Self Care & Rochdale Transformation Plan (what does it mean here in the Borough) • Taking charge – service user perspective • Engaging residents in self care • Ideas to take forward • Next steps Today’s agenda @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare #HIOWcrisiscare

  4. Tackling the language barrier @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare

  5. Better more meaningful relationships between public bodies, the VCSE sector and local citizens • Delivery of the Local Population Health Plan • (self-care, asset based approach) • Spread and share learning across Greater Manchester • For Borough of Rochdale - pump priming the VCSE Sector to enable meaningful engagement  Greater Manchester priorities @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare #HIOWcrisiscare

  6. Ideas from today interrogated and shaped into action plans • Two further sessions to: • develop the action plans • learn what works in other places • report back on how it’s going • agree how to share the learning and keep momentum to build a better system • Assess how it’s working • Communications support • Get involved! The design of the local programme is up to you And what will happen next? @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare #HIOWcrisiscare

  7. Michelle Warburton Chief Executive Officer – CVS Rochdale @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare

  8. Introduction What we want to achieve in the Borough of Rochdale Where we are now What we can build on

  9. What we want to achieve in the Borough Better more meaningful relationships between public bodies, the VCSE Sector and Residents Building a shared vision and knowledge Co production and delivery of the Local Transformation plan Pump priming the VCSE Sector to enable meaningful engagement

  10. Where we are now -Relationships Rochdale State of the Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise Sector Survey 2017 findings relationships with Public Bodies Relationships with other VCSE Organisations 21.9 million VCSE interventions with residents -

  11. Where we are now –Population Health Plan Rochdale Transformation Plan developed and approved by Greater Manchester Transformation funding agreed Integrated Commissioning Locality Care Organisation Established Co-operative for Change Commission

  12. Building on What we have already VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance VCSE involvement in the Locality Care Organisation Taking Charge Together Consultation Local VCSE Small Grants Programmes

  13. Relationships and partnerships ‘at their best’ @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare

  14. Break

  15. Deborah Lyons NHS Pennine Acute Trust @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare

  16. Integrated care system Building health partnerships ‘Co-operating in Rochdale for better health and wellbeing’ Thursday 19th October 2017

  17. Solid foundation for on going improvement and transformationAims To provide; • Overview of works to date • Practical examples of drivers, enablers and outcomes of change • Part of a backdrop for further building sustainable health partnerships

  18. Our drivers for improvement… Index of Multiple Deprivation (2010) Locality plans to; • build on our collective strengths • improve the health and wellbeing of our population • Achieve clinical and financial sustainability Most deprived Least deprived A significantly deprived local population 2% of patients in HMR CCG… …17% of spend

  19. Enabling changeStrong history of collaboration and innovation 1844 Rochdale pioneers 1883 Infirmary opened 2017 Class leading integrated care system Judges’ comments: “This was a strong and improving partnership that has built confidence across the whole system and has good evidence of service user satisfaction.”

  20. Enabling changecommissioning framework Business Case for a new Intermediate Care Service 2013. Clinically informed. Re-commissioned integrated neighbourhood care model 2016. Outcome-based commissioning with a Lead Provider collaborative (Pennine acute hospitals NHS Trust). Jointly commissioned by the CCG and LA Adult Care Service Informed by market engagement event – providers, public and service users and must provide care which is person centred Must deliver a change in culture and behaviour from the current system to one which delivers an integrated service through an alliance of providers; and Must Include third sector provider(s) as part of the service delivery model.

  21. Enabling changeRochdale health and well-being alliance • Health provider recognition, commitment and support in 2014 for further joint sector support • Significantly enhanced by further sector development of Rochdale health and well-being alliance • Well placed to further build on this through emerging locality care organisation arrangements

  22. Building health partnerships – integrated neighbourhood teams A partnership approach The BigLifegroup

  23. Place based delivery model • Stepped care • Self care to case management • Planned and urgent care response • Integrated multidisciplinary core teams linked and supported by specialist teams • Carer, wellbeing champion embedded • Healthy Rochdale Homes offer • Integrated point of access • Trusted assessment and passport Strong links with; Hub development and Locality plan

  24. Delivering improvements – changing culture and partnershipsFrom ‘what’s the matter?’ to ‘what matters to you?’ • Meet Eddie • Meet Beryl

  25. Making it happen Building health partnerships Making best use of our joint assets Making the right things happen and taking the right approach Strong individual, teams and system leadership

  26. Transforming our care

  27. Partnerships - where are we now? What’s working and what needs to change? @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare

  28. Susan Crutchley HMR Transformation Lead @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare

  29. Building Health Partnerships 19th October 2017

  30.  The health of many of the population of the borough is worse than the national average. Our rates of smoking, obesity and many long term conditions are high. • We need to take a prevention focussed approach to behaviour change, to support health improvement across our population – taking a universal approach, but targeting our resources in communities where there is the most to gain. • Our prevention approach will both prevent the initiation of unhealthy habits and long term conditions (primary prevention) and to reduce the impact of long term conditions (secondary prevention

  31. By 2021, we will have reduced health and wellbeing inequalities between our most and least deprived communities and between the Borough and the rest of Greater Manchester.

  32. Transformation Bid Theme Delivery – In 2017/18 Health and Wellbeing Board Cabinet CCG ICB Transformation Delivery Board ICD Mental Health Partnership Board Children’s Partnership Board Prevention and Access Partnership Board Planned Care Partnership Board Neighbourhood and Primary Care Partnership Board Urgent Care Partnership Board Neighbourhoods Primary Care LCO Responsibility LCO Responsibility

  33. Prevention InterventionsAdults • Health and Wellbeing Coaches • Community Builders • Voluntary Sector Support • Self Care and behaviour change • NDPP • Oral health improvement (elderly)

  34. PreventionChildren’s • Smoking in pregnancy • Accident prevention • Oral health improvement

  35. Access • Directory of Service • Hubs/Connectors • Housing Triage

  36. Building on our Strengths - Outcomes Building the Benefits Benefits at all levels throughout the themes

  37. Building a picture of … What does self care mean to us here in the Borough of Rochdale ? @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare #HIOWcrisiscare

  38. Taking Charge Together VCSE and Healthwatch user perspectives @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare

  39. Taking Charge Together Campaign As part of the wider “Taking Charge Together” Campaign, GMCVO led a partnership project 10 boroughwide partnerships and 5 themed across Greater Manchester Conducted 138 conversations with 1,837 participants Generated 1,746 online survey responses Referred 393 people to the dedicated carers survey

  40. Taking Charge Together - Findings It’s all environmental It’s all about people It’s all in the mind It’s all relative It’s all about equality It’s all about knowledge

  41. Taking Charge Together - Recommendations Investment in individual and community empowerment Investment in community based facilities and activities run by VCSE Groups Use the legislative powers of local government to effect environmental changes that enable healthy lifestyles Ensure health & social care services are accessible and inclusive Invest in both neighbourhood and Greater Manchester, VCSE led initiatives to reduce health inequalities Invest in improving the Greater Manchester and locality evidence base by funding further research into identified gaps in knowledge and understanding

  42. What can we do together to engage our residents in self care? Co-production, co-production, co-production "The goal is not for patients and carers to be the passive recipients of increased engagement, but rather to achieve a pervasive culture that welcomes authentic patient partnership – in their own care and in the processes of designing and delivering care.” A promise to learn, a commitment to act, Berwick Report @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare

  43. Activate the ideas! @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare

  44. What do I bring/what we can collectively do? @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare

  45. https://vimeo.com/42332617 @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare

  46. Thank you.

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