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This document outlines proposals for the future school bus network, including principles for spare seat sales and alternative arrangements. It also details a transition strategy for implementing changes from September 2011 to September 2013.
Future school transport network Highways and Transport Panel Tuesday 6 September 2011 and Education and Skills Panel Thursday 8 September 2011 www.hertsdirect.org
What’s happened so far: • Decision made by Cabinet on 21 March 2011 to adopt a statutory only school transport policy • The new policy will apply to new and existing pupils from September 2012 • Transport for pupils with a statutory entitlement to free transport will continue to be organised by the county council • Continue to engage schools and commercial operators in changes post Sept 2012 • Some changes already in place for September 2011: - 24 of current 800 routes will be run by commercial operators, - Operators have received information on current E routes in preparation for Sept 2012
Proposal 1To adopt a set of principles in planning the future school bus network • School routes run by the county council in the future would primarily be for pupils who have a statutory entitlement to school transport • To offset costs, any spare seats on a route run by the county council would be available for other pupils to buy • the county council will look to get best value for money when purchasing seats for children with statutory entitlement • the county council, working with partners, will continue its commitments to the vision, aims and objectives of its sustainable travel strategy. Recommendation: Proceed with amendment
Proposal 2 To adopt a set of criteria for the sale of any spare seats on routes run by the county council – Recommendation: Proceed with amendment*amalgamate, and amend wording to read “In either case, this is on the basis of a particular medical or social need to travel to this school” • Children Looked After* • Children with SEN and disabled pupils who do not have a statutory entitlement to transport but may benefit from a seat on a bus travelling as a result of their SEN/disability* • Children of low income families, whose income is above the threshold that would otherwise entitle them to a free seat. Low income to be defined as where parents claiming one of a number of benefits • Siblings of those who have a statutory entitlement to free transport • Distance from school, giving priority to those living furthest away.
Proposal 3 To find alternative arrangements for current routes to schools which may be at risk of withdrawal or a reduction in service as a result of the new statutory only policyRecommendation: Proceed as planned with the withdrawal of Category C routes and reduce the capacity of Category D routes where it is best value to do so through the competitive tendering process. Category A : 174 routes which the county council plans to continue to run from September 2012. These routes carry a large proportion of children with a statutory entitlement. Category B Routes: 9 potentially commercial routes Category C Routes: 154 routes at risk of withdrawal unless a third party supplier is identified as the future provider. These routes carry a majority of passengers who do not have a statutory entitlement to transport (includes 79 ‘E’ Routes and 21 ‘800’ Routes, 54 small vehicles) Category D Routes: 46 routes where we propose to reduce the capacity in response to adopting the new statutory school transport policy. Includes 37 ‘E’ routes, 5 ‘800’ Routes, 4 small vehicles
Proposal 4That the county council would co-ordinate information about school transport with schools/communities and commercial operatorsRecommendation:Proceed including with the development of SMOTs website
Proposal 5That the county council would run a centrally managed procurement ‘hub’, subject to demand during the three year transition period (from 2011) Recommendation: • Explore further with schools highlighted the potential of the Central Procurement Hub. • Update Highways and Transport Panel 8 November 2011, as part of the overall reporting of the Big Herts, Big Ideas project.
Next Steps and Transition Strategy Implement from September 2011 to September 2013: • Support Schools • Travel Plan Development Offer • Continue to work with the commercial operators • Support to communities • Online survey for Parents
Summary of Recommendations • Proposal 1: Principles to be used in planning the future school bus network: Proceed with amendment • Proposal 2: Order of criteria for the sale of any spare seats on routes run by the county council: Proceed with amendment • Proposal 3: To seek to find alternative arrangements for current routes at risk of withdrawal or reduction in capacity: Proceed, offer the potential to novate existing contracts to schools and deliver a transition strategy • Proposal 4: Co-ordinate information about school transport:Proceed, including the development of SMOTs website • Proposal 5: Run a centrally managed procurement ’hub’ (CPH) during the 3 year transition period (2011-2013): Explore CPH with schools and update Panel 8 November 2011