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Comprehensive Strategy for 2008 SNA Implementation Programme in Latin America

This template outlines the strategic elements for implementing the 2008 System of National Accounts (2008 SNA) and supporting statistics in Latin America. It covers the mandate, mission statement, values, high-level goals, specific goals, and required actions for achieving compliance with international standards in economic statistics.

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Comprehensive Strategy for 2008 SNA Implementation Programme in Latin America

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  1. Statement of Strategy Template for the Implementation Programme of the 2008 SNA and supporting statistics Regional Seminar on Developing a Programme for the Implementation Programme of the 2008 in Latin American region 17-18 September, IBGE, Rio de Janeiro

  2. Elements of the statement of strategy Mandate, Mission statement Values High-level goals Specific goals Required actions

  3. Mandate Mandate, is determined by national and regional policy objectives and underpinned by the regulatory and institutional framework Legal mandate Statistical act and other relevant legislation, with possible review, revision and promulgation of new legislation International standards UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics Standards 2008 SNA, BPM6, GFSM, MFSM, ISIC Rev4

  4. Mission statement Mission statementdescribes the purpose, users, outputs, markets, philosophy and basic technology The efficient and timely dissemination of high quality national accounts and supporting economic statisticsin response to policy needs in an interconnected regional and global economic environment

  5. Values Valuesneed to reflect the values and principles portrayed by the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics to produce useful high-quality data Statistical professionalism Relevance, public utility and equal access Independence and integrity Excellent service to our customers Respect and understanding for our data suppliers Value for money

  6. High-level goals High-level goals represent the overall accomplishments to be achieved Improving scope, quality and timeliness of economic statistics Minimizing response burden Increasing use of administrative data for statistical purposes Achieving cost effectiveness using best practices Raising public awareness and use of national accounts and economic statistics

  7. Specific goals Specific goals describe the ultimate results that need to be accomplished Compile national accounts according to MRDS Develop a national central hub for short term economic statistics

  8. Required actions Required actions to be carried out: Regulatory and institutional framework strengthening the functioning of NSS, its programming, management and performance Statistical infrastructure strengthening of use of standards (2008 SNA), classifications (ISIC Rev 4), registers and frames, modernizing information management and information technology Statistical operations strengthening of data collection, compilation, dissemination and analysis

  9. Regulatory and institutional framework • The staged upgrading of regulatory and institutional framework • Modernisation of the national regulatory and institutional framework for 2008 SNA and supporting statistics by strengthening • Statement of strategy (by November 2013) with deliverables by 2015/16 and 2018/19 • Implementation plan reflected in annual and medium-term work programme of NSO (by 2013/14) • Establishment of national technical coordination board/working group for statistical standards (data producers, data providers, policy users, academia) • Updated and new MoUs with data providers of administrative data • Senior management and statistical training – human development • Other as relevant

  10. Statistical infrastructure The staged upgrading of statistical infrastructure • 2008 SNA compliance- • Scope 2008 SNA – SUT • Scope 2008 SNA – minimum up to net lending/net borrowing (MRDS+) • Periodicity - quarterly GDP by production, income and expenditure • Periodicity - annual simplified SUT • Periodicity - quarterly institutional sector accounts upto net lending/borrowing • Agreed set of minimum short term statistics • Scope BPM6 – BOP and IIP • Classification compliant – ISIC rev4, CPC2, HS2012 • Detailing sources and methods on national accounts - metadata • Harmonisation of business registers • Modernization of information management and information technology • Others as relevant

  11. Statistical operations Staged upgrading of statistical operations • Comprehensive revision, new benchmark 2011/12 using SUT • Inclusion of 2008 SNA issues (GDP level and where relevant) • Elaboration of use of administrative sources • Autonomous measure of expenditure components on annual basis, including HIES, GFCF surveys • Inclusion of owner-occupied dwelling services (including second/vacation homes) • Inclusion of capital stock of produced assets and consumption of fixed capital, including government consumption of fixed capital • Exhaustive measure of GDP (including selected 2008 SNA that are GDP level related)

  12. Statistical operations Staged upgrading of statistical operations • Compliance adjustments to business and household surveys - 2008 SNA/BPM6/GFSM/MFSM and ISIC/CPC • Integration of BPM6 and 2008 SNA-related surveys • Extension of coverage of monthly and quarterly production/turnover for goods producing and services industries • Extension of measures of international trade in services • Extension of price surveys (CPI, PPI Export and Import Price Indexes)

  13. Statistical operations Staged upgrading of statistical operations • Harmonisation of quarterly and annual GDP methodologies • Harmonisation of prices methodology (CPI, PPI, Export and Import Price Indexes) • Harmonisation/integration of household surveys • Harmonisation/integration of enterprise/business surveys • Harmonisation of informal sector surveys • Harmonisation of labour force surveys • Optional: tourism, health, non-profit, research and development, culture satellite accounts • Backcasting (1995 onwards) • Dissemination (advance release calendar, revision policy, communication strategy) • Others as relevant

  14. Thank You

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