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Explore issues in measuring trade, migration, and foreign aid flows between countries, including official statistics, clandestine flows, migrant definitions, data collection methods, and GDP per capita inequality.
Measurement 4 Trade and Migration
General problems of measurement Flows of goods or of people, or of money (capital transfers, cash remittances…) between two countries Statistics are usually built at State level: customs, people’s registration, banks, etc. Clandestine / unregistered flows across borders Inconsistencies
Trade Total exports should fit total imports between one area A and one area B • Sometimes not (ex. Oil from Africa) Trade balances from national accounts ≠ Balance of payments (customs and central banks data) Measurement of protection is a hard task: tariffs and especially tariff-equivalent measures of non-tariff barriers (e.g. quotas) MacMaps Database of CEPII in France
Foreign Direct Investments Balance of payments source (IMF standards): money flows, potentially disaggregated by sectors (OECD database) Multinational firms data with employment, output, etc.: only for some countries, from national sources (industrial censuses), specific surveys…
Official Development Assistance Collected and homogenized by DAC for OECD countries Commitments (for a number of years) ≠ Disbursements (in one year) Grants (incl. debt relief) Concessionary part of loans Other things: research for development, wages of international organizations…
Migrations Definition issues: what is a migrant? Country of birth (Australia, Canada, New-Zealand, USA), nationality (EU, Japan, Korea), time of stay… Flows: Permits & population registers (only some countries like Belgium, Netherlands): - rules of registration vary - measurement at the time of the permit delivery - usually entries > exits Refugees (UNHCR) Nationality acquisition Stocks: Population censuses, Labor force surveys allows knowledge of some migrants’ characteristics more irregular migrants Migrants in collective households not covered by LFS Specific surveys on migrant sub-samples of the population. How to reach 2nd generation, especially in jus soli countries?
In the future: mirror-surveys • Collect data in the country of origin: households with migrants outside • Track the migrants in the country of residence (costly step!) • Information on both sides to analyze migration behaviors (decisions to move, to remit, etc.) • Complex network structures