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Cross-Border Flows Measurement Challenges: Trade, Migration, and Development Data

Explore issues in measuring trade, migration, and foreign aid flows between countries, including official statistics, clandestine flows, migrant definitions, data collection methods, and GDP per capita inequality.

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Cross-Border Flows Measurement Challenges: Trade, Migration, and Development Data

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  1. Measurement 4 Trade and Migration

  2. General problems of measurement Flows of goods or of people, or of money (capital transfers, cash remittances…) between two countries Statistics are usually built at State level: customs, people’s registration, banks, etc. Clandestine / unregistered flows across borders  Inconsistencies

  3. Trade Total exports should fit total imports between one area A and one area B • Sometimes not (ex. Oil from Africa) Trade balances from national accounts ≠ Balance of payments (customs and central banks data) Measurement of protection is a hard task: tariffs and especially tariff-equivalent measures of non-tariff barriers (e.g. quotas)  MacMaps Database of CEPII in France

  4. Foreign Direct Investments Balance of payments source (IMF standards): money flows, potentially disaggregated by sectors (OECD database) Multinational firms data with employment, output, etc.: only for some countries, from national sources (industrial censuses), specific surveys…

  5. Official Development Assistance Collected and homogenized by DAC for OECD countries Commitments (for a number of years) ≠ Disbursements (in one year) Grants (incl. debt relief) Concessionary part of loans Other things: research for development, wages of international organizations…

  6. Migrations Definition issues: what is a migrant? Country of birth (Australia, Canada, New-Zealand, USA), nationality (EU, Japan, Korea), time of stay… Flows: Permits & population registers (only some countries like Belgium, Netherlands): - rules of registration vary - measurement at the time of the permit delivery - usually entries > exits Refugees (UNHCR) Nationality acquisition Stocks: Population censuses, Labor force surveys  allows knowledge of some migrants’ characteristics  more irregular migrants  Migrants in collective households not covered by LFS Specific surveys on migrant sub-samples of the population. How to reach 2nd generation, especially in jus soli countries?

  7. In the future: mirror-surveys • Collect data in the country of origin: households with migrants outside • Track the migrants in the country of residence (costly step!) • Information on both sides to analyze migration behaviors (decisions to move, to remit, etc.) • Complex network structures

  8. GDP per capita inequality between countries of birth

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