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Understanding Group Dynamics: Building High-Performance Teams

Explore the nuances of groups and teams, from their formation to development stages, roles, leadership, and norms in organizational settings.

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Understanding Group Dynamics: Building High-Performance Teams

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  1. Chapter 10 Groups and Teams:Developing High Performance Teams

  2. The existence of groups can alter a person’s motivation or needs and can influence the behavior of people in an organizational setting.

  3. Introduction • Groups and teams are not the same • Group – two or more individuals interacting with each other to accomplish a common goal • Teams – mature groups with a degree of member interdependence and motivation to achieve a common goal

  4. Teams and Groups Share Many Common Characteristics: • They can be formed when two or more individuals interact • Both teams and groups provide structure for the work and interaction of its members • Their members can perform specific technical, leadership, problem-solving, and emotional roles • Members of groups and teams share a common goal(s)

  5. Group Versus Team Differences

  6. Types of Groups Formal Groups • Command Group • Task Group • Team Informal Groups • Interest Group • Friendship Group

  7. Proximity Need Satisfaction Economics Goals Attraction Why People Form Groups

  8. Group forms and situation is uncertain and disorganized 1. Forming Stages of Group Development Turbulence, disruption, and frustration is at highest level 2. Storming Share vision, values, goals, and expectations; deviations are not welcome 3. Norming Roles are specific, goals are clear, and results are noted 4. Performing Disbands in an orderly way 5. Adjourning

  9. Stages of Group Development(1 of 3) Stage 1: Forming • The beginning stage of group development • Individuals are brought together as a functioning unit • Agree to rules of conduct and the goals of the team Stage 2: Storming • Most turbulent stage of group development • The group confronts conflicts and discovers ways to keep the group focused

  10. Stages of Group Development(2 of 3) Stage 3: Norming • The group establishes its long-term vision of how it will function over time • This agreement is referred to as shared values • The group’s norms are the unwritten rules of correct behavior and decorum

  11. Stages of Group Development(3 of 3) Stage 4: Performing • Reached when the group is able to begin performing the task it was designed to address • The group begins to fine-tune its work patterns Stage 5: Adjourning • A functioning group or team is able to disband once the work tasks are completed

  12. Composition Roles Status Hierarchy Cohesiveness Leadership Norms Characteristics of Groups

  13. Composition • The extent to which group members are alike • Homogeneous group – members share a number of similar characteristics • Heterogeneous group – members have few or no similar characteristics • Group composition can influence outcomes

  14. Status Hierarchy • Status – the rank, respect, or social position that an individual has in a group • Individuals in leadership roles possess status because of their roles • The individual’s skill in performing a job as a factor related to status • Expertise in the technical aspects of the job is a factor related to status

  15. Roles Expected Role Perceived Role Enacted Role

  16. Norms • Norms – the standards shared by members of a group • Formed only with respect to things that have significance to the group • Accepted in various degrees by group members • May apply to every group members, or may apply to only some group members

  17. Norm Conformity • Why employees conform to group norms is an issue of concern to managers • Variables which influence conformity to norms: • personal characteristics of the individual • situational factors • inter-group relationships • cultural factors

  18. Leadership • In the formal group the leader can exercise legitimately sanctioned power • i.e., the leader can reward or punish members who do not comply with the orders or rules • Sometimes a formal group has no single formal leader • autonomous work groups • self-managed teams

  19. Characteristics of Informal GroupLeaders (1 of 2) • The leadership role is filled by the individual who possesses the attributes that members perceive as being critical for satisfying their needs • The leader embodies the values of the group • able to perceive those values • able to organize them into intelligible philosophy • able to verbalize them to nonmembers

  20. Characteristics of Informal GroupLeaders (2 of 2) • The leader is able to receive and interpret communication relevant to the group • able to effectively communicate important information to group members

  21. Group Cohesiveness • Cohesiveness – the extent that group members are attracted to each other and to the group values and accept group goals • It is the pressure on the individual member to remain active in the group and resist leaving it • As the cohesiveness of a work group increases, the level of conformity to group norms also increases

  22. Group Cohesiveness: Sources of Attraction to a Group(1 of 2) • The goals of the group and the members are compatible and clearly specified • The group has a charismatic leader • The reputation of the group indicates that the group successfully accomplishes its tasks

  23. Group Cohesiveness: Sources of Attraction to a Group(2 of 2) • The group is small enough to permit members to have their opinions heard and evaluated by others • The members support one another and help one another overcome obstacles and barriers to personal growth and development

  24. Group Cohesiveness and Organizational Goals Agreement with Organizational Goals Low Degree of Group Cohesiveness High

  25. Strategies for Increasing Group Cohesion(1 of 2) • Inducing agreement on group goals • Making the group more homogeneous in its composition • Increasing the frequency of interaction among group members

  26. Strategies for Increasing Group Cohesion(2 of 2) • Making the group smaller • Physically and/or socially isolating the group from other groups • Allocating rewards to the group rather than to the individual

  27. Groupthink • A decision-making process sometimes utilized by groups • Irving Janis defines groupthink as the: “deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment” in the interest of group solidarity

  28. Groupthink: Characteristics(1 of 3) • Illusion of invulnerability. • Group members collectively believe they are invincible • Tendency to moralize. • Opposition to the group’s position is viewed as weak, evil, or unintelligent

  29. Groupthink: Characteristics(2 of 3) • Feeling of unanimity. • All group members support the leader’s decisions • Members keep dissenting views to themselves

  30. Groupthink: Characteristics(3 of 3) • Pressure to conform. • Formal and informal attempts are made to discourage discussion of divergent views • Opposing ideas dismissed. • Any individual or outside group that criticizes or opposes a decision receives little or no attention from the group

  31. End Results • Groups exist to accomplish objectives • In the case of work groups: • objectives are related to the performance of specific tasks • specific tasks are designed to result in attainment of formal organizational outcomes

  32. Hackman’s Criteria of Group Effectiveness: • The extent to which the group’s productive output meets the standard of quantity, quality, and timeliness of the users of the output • The extent to which the group process of actually doing the work enhances the capability of group members to work together interdependently in the future • The extent to which the group experience contributes to the growth and well-being of its members

  33. Types of Teams (1 of 3) Problem-Solving Teams • Formed to deal with problems • i.e., specific and known problems (usually temporary team) • i.e., potential future problems not yet identified • Quality circle – permanent problem-solving team Cross-Functional Teams • Consists of members from different functional departments • Formed to address a specific problem • Members come from different departments and levels

  34. Types of Teams (2 of 3) Virtual Teams • A number of people geographically separated that are assembled by using various technologies to accomplish specific goals • Can meet without concern for space, time, or physical presence • Efficient and successful use of technology is a key factor Virtual Teams (continued) • As virtual team members interact, it is important for leaders to: • coach • build trust • evaluate performance • provide feedback

  35. Types of Teams (3 of 3) Research and Development Teams • Used to develop new products • Usually composed of members from many different departments or functions • Can significantly reduce the time required to bring a new product to the marketplace • e.g., skunk works Self-Managed Teams • Small groups of individuals empowered to perform certain activities based on procedures established and decisions made within the team, with minimum or no outside direction • Need to be consistent with the organization’s: • business requirements • values and goals • competencies

  36. Communications Training Rewards Empowerment Factors Influencing Team Effectiveness

  37. Skills for Team Members to Be Effective: • Open-mindedness • Emotional stability • Accountability • Problem-solving abilities • Communication skills • Conflict resolution skills • Trust

  38. Steps for Managers to Help Ensure Teams Work: • Keep the team size as small as possible • Make certain that a sufficient range of skills, information, and/or experience to do the task exists among team members • Instill in the team a sense of common purpose • Give the team leeway to develop its own set of work procedures without outside interference • Help develop a sense of mutual accountability

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