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Explore the stimulating entrepreneurship program designed for seekers of international protection in both destination and origin regions. This initiative, led by Bert Verstraelen from the City of Antwerp, focuses on facilitating voluntary returns with support from partners like FEDASIL, VDAB, Caritas Int, and IOM. The project, inspired by Plan Einstein in Utrecht, aims to enhance access to employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for refugees. Through counseling, skill mapping, generic entrepreneurship courses, and reintegration support, the project seeks to empower individuals for success in their countries of origin. Join us for an insightful session on this innovative venture.
Your Global Future Stimulating entrepeneurship for seekers of international protection in the region of destination and origin. 13/06/2019 Bert Verstraelen program leader voluntary return city of Antwerp
Content(6+ slides, 20 min) Preliminary remarks Background of the project Concept of the project: Why? How? What? Questions
Preliminary FEDASIL Federal Agency for the reception of seekers of international protection and voluntary return VDAB Flemish service for job placement and professional education Caritas Int and IOM international partners prividing return and re-integration assistance through local partners in COI. Plan Einstein initiative in Utrecht meeting place, exchange between refugees and locals, courses international entrepeneurship COI country of origin, herkomstland
Background of the project ESF call on innovationand trans national cooperation Inspiredby Plan Einstein city of Utrecht (mutuallearning!) ESF targets: Access toemploymentfor persons whoexperiencedifficultiestoreach the labour market Promoting entrepeneurshiptoease acces to the labour market
Concept: why? • Manyinitiativesconcerningemploymentandintegrationafterrefugee status is granted • Talkingabout return mainlythrough a short intake or • afterrefusal of refugee status => negative context (failedmigration) • Boredom in receptioncentresduringasylumprocess • Microbusinessand job placement in COI requires skills, knowledgeand spirit • Outfluxrefugeeswith status andrejected status fromreceptioncentrestocity (e.g. Antwerp)
Concept: how? Counseling seekers of international protection residing in reception centers on (re)integration from day 1 through generic courses entrepeneurship.
Concept: what? 1. Assignfederalreception center Antwerpregionafter screening, mapping skills and hi/lo recognitionrate. 2. Generic courses entrepeneurship in AntwerpbusinessEnglish, ICT, practical program entrepeneurshipandwork 3a. Referraltoexistinginitiativesafterrecognition 3b. Preperation of return and re integrationafterrefusal 4. Monitoring and follow up in COI