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A detailed report on the test results and plans for the analog ASIC prototype, focusing on input impedance, linearity, and signal amplification. Discusses challenges, simulations, and improvements for the ICECAL upgrade.
Analog FE ASIC Summary and next steps E. Picatoste, A. Sanuy, D. Gascón Universitat de Barcelona Institut de Ciències del Cosmos ICC-UB Calorimeter upgrade meeting – CERN – June 22th 2010
Introduction Test of the first prototype “Upgrade” of existing blocks New blocks Status and plans Outlook
I. Introduction: requirements Results of the first prototype are compatible with requirements With the possible exception is timing Allowed jitter for 1 % variation is 3ns instead of 4ns
II. Test of the first prototype ICECAL: to be done On the input part of the channel First results shown in the previous talk No major problem found for the moment Statistic to be completed Input impedance and linearity Residual amplification in reset to be tested Inductive behaviour of the input impedance to be studied Test set-up must be automated for dynamic measurements on input impedance and linearity Cross check of calibrations performed so far Analog mezzanine with first prototype? No track and hold Still, we may learn interesting things Test with spare PM base and cables Check noise and signal response The sooner we test the final scenario the better First Prototype
II. Test of the first prototype: to be done Test individual blocks Characterize as function of bias curremt Input current amplifier Additional statistics on impedance matching Study the dynamic range on the current amplifier only Very important to think on a connection to an unclipped PM signal Fully differential OpAmp of the integrator In unity gain configuration Interesting test to compare with simulation performances: GBW PM Slew Rate Overshoot Output impedance Important to learn if we can use it as output driver for the ADC
II. Test of the first prototype ICECAL: residual amplification in reset Impact of the residual amplification in reset to be tested Additional switches ? Not needed according simulations (few % error in the tail) ?
II. Test of the first prototype ICECAL: inductive behaviour of Zin We already knew that ICECAL Zin is slightly inductive at high frequency HF is “more reflected” than LF Similar to pulse differentiation However the effect is a bit larger than expected Though no problematic (<<1% in area, after integration) Simulation Test
II. Test of the first prototype ICECAL: inductive behaviour of Zin The chip has been simulated with (overestimated) bonding inductances However PCB inductancies have not been considered Traces Components: AC capacitor must be quite large to average baseline fluctuations A typical smd 100 nF capacitor has a resonant frequency of 20 MHz An increase in Zin of few ohm at the higher band of the signal is likely Use network analyzer to characterize the PCB (S-parameters) Typical impedance of a SMD capacitor
II. Test of the first prototype ICECAL: test set-up So far, two main problems with the test Low degree of automation, maybe ok for 12 chips but… Many calibrations have be performed to obtain accurate results Timing problems in AWG Vertical scale problems in the scope and the differential probe We have a nice 1.7 GHz and 20 GS/s DPO scope, but is it really optimal for this kind of measurements? Scope ADC is 8 bits, so many scales are needed… For signal generation: AWG fixed: amplitude and waveform Use calibrated attenuator Wideband (0-4 GHz) Up to 110 dB attenuation Programmable Used to test other 12 bit measurement systems (Saclay, LPNHE) Already bought
II. Test of the first prototype ICECAL: test set-up For digitization, two different problems Acquire the output signal, integrated and (future) sampled Acquire the input signal to study input impedance and calibrate gain Output signal: Natural evolution is to use the common board with a 40 MHz ADC Build a mezzanine already now? Still, if we want to look at signal details (e.g. residual amplification) a higher sampling rate might be useful This the case for input signal, so same solution should be ok Input signal: Alternative method to classical DPO scopes could be high speed analogue memories LAL/Saclay family (MATACQ, SAM) is preferred 12 bit with << 1 % linearity error 500 MHz and up to 3 GS/s Commercial products exist (CAEN - V1729A andWavecatcher-USB?) Only problem is that standard is 50 Ohm connection Contact D. Breton / E. Delagnes to see how to adapt (and what)
III. Upgrade of existing blocks: preamplifier So far, basic performance of the preamplifier seems to be ok However, to go to the final design we need to answer two questions? Will we control electronically the input impedance ? Do we want that the chip is able to accept an unclipped signal ? Control of the input impedance: To compensate possible process variations Use a resistor in parallel (or series) to the input impedance In case of large waver to wafer or die to die fluctuations it can be painful Accurate chip selection and grouping Drifts??? Modify the input amplifier so we can control the input impedance electronically
III. Upgrade of existing blocks: preamplifier • Input impedance controllable: • Tune second feedback current • Binary weighted ladder (3 bits?): • A priori looks like reasonable • Let’s design and simulate … • How control current ladder control? • Fix the value per ASIC, set by: • External jumper • Slow control: dig interface required • Automatic tunning • Reference voltage • Reference currents: external or band gap • External resistor • Wilkinson or SAR ADC style logic
III. Upgrade of existing blocks: preamplifier Accept an unclipped signal is a “safety requirement”, in case: Large pick-up noise coupled after the clipping Additional reduction of PM HV is eventually needed The impact on the ICECAL design is two-fold: The gain must be tuneable Mostly covered by the integrator, see next slides The signal range must be high enough Key issue is the current mode preamplifier Without clipping: The signal charge is approximately 3 times larger Total PM delivered charge (50pC) would be sensed The input peak current is approximately 2 times larger Maximum input peak current of about 3 mA
III. Upgrade of existing blocks: preamplifier According to simulations signal range is about 2 mA peak (3.3 V) To be tested Study how to optimize this parameter Increase supply voltage (3.5 V possible) Switch between two mirror configurations
III. Upgrade of existing blocks: integrator Tuneable resistor RF in parallel with feedback capacitor CF To increase integrator output “flatness” around sampling point As an alternative to clipping (RF CF about 20 ns) Tuneable feedback capacitor CF ? Standard operation (clipping at PM base): 7 pF No clipping: about 15 pF Input charge is about 3 times larger However, RF introduce leakage Maybe it would be better to decrease preamp gain…
IV. New blocks Prototyped in June AMS run: Low noise current amplifier: Basic schemes Integrator: High GBW fully differential OpAmp Could be used in other stages • To be tested in future runs: • Compensation of process variation of amplifier’s input impedance • Track and hold (if needed) • Analogue multiplexer • ADC driver • ADC needs to be characterized • Common blocks: • Clock generation • Biasing (CMOS band gap already exists)
V. Status and plans This prototype was intended as “a proof o principle”: Seems to be ok Still a lot of test to be done Lots of things to design Modify current blocks to add tuneability Input impedance, control of integrator shape and gain New blocks to be designed: T&H and Multiplexer are the most critical Flip around scheme ? Bias and slow control
V. Status and plans Plans for 2011 Test and design until Q3 2011 There is no clear need of making more “partial” prototypes Iterations are time consuming Go for a complete channel implementation Submit a prototype with few complete channels in Q4 2011 Still possible to send a critical block in June 2011 if needed Goal of submitting a complete channel in Q4 2011 should be preserved And for 2012, if everything is ok… Test beam ? Radiation tests?
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