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UNIVERSITY OF NATIONAL AND WORLD ECONOMY Sofia "Compliance of International Business and Finance Curricula". JOINT MASTER DEGREE IN EUROPEAN BUSINESS AND FINANCE Rationale and aims of the JMDEBF

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  1. UNIVERSITY OF NATIONAL AND WORLD ECONOMYSofia"Compliance of International Business and Finance Curricula"

  2. JOINT MASTER DEGREE IN EUROPEAN BUSINESS AND FINANCE • Rationale and aimsof the JMDEBF • June 1999 - Bologna declaration which delineated a “European higher education area” (EHEA) to be constructed by 2010 • March 2010 – ENEA established - during the Budapest-Vienna Ministerial Conference • Objective – to ensure more comparable, compatible and coherent systems of higher education in Europe • Next decade 2010-2020 – aimed at consolidating the EHEA • Bologna follow-up group – held in Luxembourg in September 2015 • Work plan for 2015-2018 – ENEA international cooperation University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  3. May 2002 - Stockholm seminar on the development of joint degrees - defined criteria for European joint degrees • Two or more participating institutions in two or more countries • Substantial duration of study outside the home institution • Joint degrees should require a joint study programme established by co-operation, confirmed in a written agreement, between institutions • A joint degree should preferably be documented in a single document issued by the participating institutions in accordance with national regulations. • Joint degrees should require student and staff/teacher mobility • Linguistic diversity in a European perspective should be ensured • Joint programmes should have a European dimension, whether it be physical mobility or intercultural competence in the curriculum University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  4. Nottingham Trent University (NTU) strategic plan • “Strengthening organic growth by collaboration, partnerships and acquisitions”, which requires “further developing of international networks” Nottingham Business School (NBS) • NBS international strategy - ambition to be a leading business school within the UK and “to have a clear international dimension to its operation” • Partnership is a key leitmotiv of the NBS way of working University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg


  6. Key documents [1] • Programme Handbook and Module Handbook • Introduction to the Programme / Introduction to the Module; • Useful Contact Details; • Key dates for the current academic year (schedule for seminars and lectures); • Programme Structure (core modules and electives); • Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) / Module Learning Outcomes (MLOs) • Teaching and Learning Methods; • Assessments & Marking criteria; • Resources; • Library resources; • electronic resources, • recommended reading in advance (including for each Module); • Support: • Student Support Services; • The Students Union; • Any other support at the University University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.acad.bg

  7. Key documents [2] Centre Contextual Document – approved in April 2007 I. Collaborative Health • The Centre is able to sustain a culture and ethos appropriate to higher education • Brief description of the Centre – Vision; Mission; Objectives • Brief history of the UNWE • Ratings of the UNWE • International cooperation and recognition • Academic staff of the UNWE • Science and Research in the UNWE • Range of Disciplines and Programmes in the UNWE • Student Body in the UNWE • Faculty and Departmental Arrangements • Governing Structure • Collaborative Centre’s rationale for the proposed collaboration • Centre’s operation on the principles and practices established for the collaboration University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  8. Key documents [3] II. The collaborative programme is located in an appropriate department/faculty and is supported by the Centre, with suitable management and administrative arrangements for delivery • The place of the programme in a departmental context • Management and administrative support for the programme: • Programme Executive Committee; • Programme Committee; • Board of Examiners; • Programme Leader; • JMDEBF Administrators. University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  9. Key documents [4] III. The Centre has the quality management systems (QMSs) in place to take responsibility for and ensure the continuing standard of delivery as considered by the panel • Details of the quality management arrangements at the Centre and how they will operate for the proposed collaborative programme • QMS of the UNWE – certified by Moody International Certification in 2005 according to the standard EN ISO 9001:2000 • QMS applied to: • Training in all degrees and forms of higher and continuous education; • Management and sustaining of quality of training, quality of academic staff and scientific research in the university and its basic supporting units according to the requirements of the Law on Higher Education University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  10. Key documents [5] • The composition and function of the Programme Committee at the Centre and its relationship to the University • Preparation and consideration of the programme standards and quality report within the Centre • Mechanisms for problem resolution within the Centre and through communication with the University IV. The staff team at the Centre is able to evaluate the programme on a regular basis consistent with the University’s own evaluation procedures • Evidence of understanding of the University’s principles, policies and practices in managing and enhancing quality of its provision • Certification by Moody International according to the ISO 9001:2000 University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  11. Key documents [6] • Achievement of full compatibility with the NTU Quality Assurance System • The nomination of External Examiners; • Establishment of a JMDEBF Programme Committee and a Board of Examiners; • Appointment of the JMDEBF Programme Director and the Programme Administrator; • Formal students’ evaluation of the Programme and peer observation of teaching. • Evidence of how the client (student) is able to evaluate the programme on a regular basis • Formal course unit evaluation questionnaires: • Each taught module of the Programme will be evaluated by the students at the end of the module • At the end of the whole year experience and at the end of the whole Programme • Peer observation of teaching: • All members of the teaching staff will also be involved in an observation at least once very two years • Self-evaluation reports of teaching staff University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  12. Key documents [7] V. Appropriate provision and opportunities are made for staff development at the Centre for research, scholarship and professional activity • Staff development policy and practice within the Centre (subject specific and pedagogic) • A System for evaluation and maintenance of the quality of teaching and of academic staff of the UNWE • Quality assessment procedure is subjected the education in: • Professional field “Economy” • Specialty • Academic subject (module) • Degree of education – specialist, bachelor, master and PhD • Form of education (regular, distant) University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe..bg

  13. Key documents [8] • Staff development proposed for the introduction of the programme and collaboration • Exchange of curriculum and syllabi and discussion on the training issues -undertaken on joint meetings between the NTU representatives and the UNWE • Subject specific professional development of academic staff, in terms of scholarly updating, professional practice and research • The Programme Committee is responsible for the teaching staff professional development • Its responsibility covers annual planning of all activities concerning the staff scholarly updating, professional practice and research like joint research projects, publications, development of training materials, etc. VI. Academic standards • The staff team at the Centre is able to deliver the Programme to a standard equivalent to that achieved within the University University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  14. Key documents [9] • Evidence of understanding of academic standards in higher education in the UK and at NTU • The staff team at the Centre have a shared understanding and philosophical approach to assessment which is consistent with University policy • Key elements of the Programme assessment: • Operation of the collaboration – Management of the arrangement; Liaison between the UNWE and the NTU; Respective roles and responsibilities • Operation of the Programme - Subject and programme aims and learning outcomes; Design, content and organization of curricula • Teaching, learning and assessment - Assessment strategies, practices and procedures; Achievement of students; Teaching and learning strategies and practices; Student progression and support; Admissions • Procedures for maintenance and enhancement of quality and standards - Student feedback; Annual monitoring; Staff and educational development; Capability of the programme team University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  15. Key documents [10] VII. Quality of student learning • The staff team at the Centre is able to deliver the programme to ensure a comparable learning experience to other NTU students • Evidence of an ability to support the quality of the student learning experience and capacity to enable students to achieve the intended programme aims and PLOs • Curriculum and Syllabi – defining the learning content, training tools, and assessment methods and criteria of students’ learning progress • Programme module specification: • Overview and aim of the module • Background studies • Description of the module content • Teaching and learning methods/strategies • Necessary technical equipment and resources for education • Module learning outcomes (MLOs), including: • Knowledge and understanding • Skills, qualities and attributes • Assessment methods and criteria • Indicative reading University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  16. Key documents [11] • Evidence of understanding of NTU teaching and learning principles, policies and practices • Principle of consistency with the Learning and Teaching Strategy of the NBS and the University’s Strategic Plan • Regular contacts between the NBS and the UNWE administrative and academic staff • Dissemination of good practices of NBS teaching and learning principles, policies and practices • Self-evaluation reports submitted each year by the lecturers • Most common teaching and learning methods: • Lectures • Workshops • Seminars • Group/plenary discussions • Case studies • Presentations • Role play exercises • Course works • Simulation games on the taught subjects • Videos/films • Tutor and peer feedback, etc. University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  17. Key documents [12] • The resource base to underpin the proposed collaborative programme is adequate and suitable, including physical accommodation, revenue and capital support, academic and support staff • University Library • Computer (Information) Centres at the University • Publishing House • Administrative support of the Programme – teaching and administrative staff • Technical support of the Programme - modern infrastructure, including buildings and equipment, transport infrastructure, computing facilities, IT services and Internet • Physical accommodation - student dormitories and canteens • The Centre has adequate and effective learning resources, including library, computing and other resource based learning to support the proposed provision • Arrangements for academic support of students (e.g. tutorial support) University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  18. Key documents [13] • Each student in JMDEBF is provided by: • Language tuition (business English) during the first year of studies in Sofia/Katowice/Brno • 2 key documents at the Joint Master Degree induction event: • NBS PG Student Guide – containing information common to all NBS PG students; • JMDEBF Course Handbook and Timetable – indicating module delivery times and locations, assignment submissions dates and examination dates • Regulations on the use of resources; • Guidance on assessment and assessment criteria; • Details of the operation of the programme including contact details of the academic and administrative staff involved in the JMDEBF and Programme Committee; • Details of the modules and the teaching teams; • Contact details of the module team members; • Contact details of the UNWE students support and guidance services University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  19. The NTU's generic Masters level criteria and the PLOs Generic Master level criteria • Display comprehensive knowledge and understanding of a complex and specialised area • Demonstrate expertise in highly specialised and advanced research, technical, communication and professional skills as appropriate • Conduct research or advanced technical or professional activity • Design and apply appropriate research methodologies • Communicate results of research to peers in an appropriate manner • Accept accountability and perform independently including the use of supervision University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  20. Programme learning outcomes (PLOs) University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.acad.bg

  21. Curriculum design and content[1] JMDEBF aims to: • Promote a critical and analytical approach to the use of information relating to the development and management of the organizations in the European context • Provide an understanding and analysis of the key new business and management issues involved in the successful operation of the business organizations in new enlarged European Union • Help delegates to become effective managers, both in their home organization and in the wider European environment • Enable to the participants to gain substantial specialized knowledge in core business disciplines with emphasis on finance before their arrival to the United Kingdom University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  22. Curriculum design and content [2] • Develop further delegates’ knowledge and understanding of theoretical concepts as well as the appropriate competencies and skills related to the management, finance, accounting, operation, and organization of the enterprise in European context • Deepen understanding and broaden cross-cultural awareness through the prism of a Pan-European approach by providing an opportunity to study in more than one European country and complete a placement in any European country • Enable course members to continue their academic and career development particularly in the area of European finance and business • Improving multilingual abilities of the delegates by offering studies in more languages University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  23. Curriculum design and content [3] • The first year is delivered in the home country of the students • All three universities offer a range of elective modules, each of them bearing credits equivalent to 10 NBS masters credits • Some of the electives are offered across all the participating universities • The first half of the second year consists of a half year study at the NBS following the approved curricula • Three of the four modules that will be taught in Nottingham are being currently taught at the Full-Time Masters courses University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  24. Curriculum design and content [4] • In the second half of the second year, students undertake a placement in any company in any European country approved by the management of the course • The choice of placement is related to the concrete Research Project & dissertation of any individual student University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  25. Programme structure and curriculum [1] University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  26. Programme structure and curriculum [2] University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  27. Programme structure and curriculum [3] University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.acad.bg

  28. Programme structure and curriculum [4] University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.acad.bg

  29. Teaching, learning and assessment[1] • Teaching and learning methods: • Lectures • Workshops • Seminars • Group/Plenary discussions • Case studies • Videos/Films • Tutor and peer feedback • Role play exercises University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe..bg

  30. Teaching, learning and assessment [2] 2. Generic assessment criteria: • 70+Distinction • 60+ Very good pass • 50+Pass • <50Fail University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  31. Administration and quality management [1] • JMDEBF Programme Executive Committee (PEC) • the Dean/Rector (or nominee) of each of the 4 institutions • the Programme Leader/Verifier from each of the 4 institutions • servicing administrator from the country where the meeting is held • JMDEBF Programme Committees • Programme Manager/Leader (Chair) • Senior Administrator • Module Leader for each module on the programme • Two student representatives • Library & IT representative University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  32. Administration and quality management [2] • Board of Examiners • a senior academic appointed on two years rotation from all three institutions (Chair) • secretary responsible for the arrangement of convening and servicing meetings of the Board • all Module Leaders (or nominees) who teach on the JMDEBF programme in a particular country • External Examiner(s) • Programme Leader from each of the three institutions • Programme Leader • Programme Administrator University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

  33. Thank you for your attention! Assoc. Prof. Silvia Trifonova, PhD University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” 1700 Sofia www.unwe.bg University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Sofia 1700, Studentski grad “Hristo Botev” www.unwe.bg

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