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Repaso: Comparisons of equality and superlatives

Preview Comparisons of equality Superlatives. Repaso: Comparisons of equality and superlatives. Use tan + adjective + como to compare people and things. The adjective you use must agree in gender and number with the person or thing you compare. Comparisons of equality.

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Repaso: Comparisons of equality and superlatives

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  1. Preview Comparisons of equality Superlatives Repaso: Comparisons of equality and superlatives

  2. Use tan + adjective + como to compare people and things. The adjective you use must agree in gender and number with the person or thing you compare. Comparisons of equality Esta estatuaes tan bonita como la otra. Estos dibujosson tan antiguos como los que vimos ayer.

  3. In the second part of your comparison, you can use an article + adjective phrase or a pronoun to avoid repetition. Comparisons of equality Este retrato es tan original como aquél. Las películas de acción no son tan divertidas como las cómicas.

  4. There are two kinds of superlatives. One kind uses el/la/los/las + más/menos + adjective + deto mean the most or the least. Superlatives La torre Eiffel es la más alta detodas las que he visto. Aquellos dibujos son los menos creativos delmuseo.

  5. Adding -ísimo/a/os/as to the end of the adjective forms a superlative that intensifies the meaning of the adjective. Superlatives La exposiciónde arte contemporáneo es buenísima. The contemporary art exhibition is great (very good).

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