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The revised distance to NGC 55

Study of NGC 55 in the Sculptor Group to determine its distance using PNe candidates data and conclusions, observed with ESO telescope in July 1999.

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The revised distance to NGC 55

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  1. The revised distance to NGC 55 G. C. Van de Steene (ROB) G. H. Jacoby (WIYN) C. Praet (U. Gent) H. Dejonghe (U. Gent)

  2. NGC 55 SB(s)m Sculptor Group i = 85° Vhelio 111 km/s R25 18.′9 =8.8 kpc M0B 18.4 DSS ESO, PNe beyond the MW

  3. Data WFI at ESO 2.2 m telescope July 1999. FOV 34'. Seeing ~1.5". OIII/ 8 5023.93 80.34 88% 2h35min 518/16 5188.29 163.45 1h20min Hα/7 6588.27 74.31 87% 3h Reduced with the mscred package in iraf PNe by blinking Point sources, [OIII]>Hα, no continuum ESO, PNe beyond the MW

  4. PNeCandidates ESO, PNe beyond the MW

  5. PNLF distance 2.6 +/- 0.4 Mpc ESO, PNe beyond the MW

  6. Distance determinations to NGC 300 and NGC 55 PNe PNe PNe PNe Cep SG TF TF SG ESO, PNe beyond the MW

  7. The Sculptor Group Karachentsev et al. 2003 ESO, PNe beyond the MW

  8. Distances Structure + ESO, PNe beyond the MW Karachentsev et al. 2003

  9. Conclusions • We found 21 PNe candidates in NGC 55 • 2.0 < DistNGC55 < 2.6 Mpc +/- 0.4 Mpc • It probably forms a pair with NGC 300 and E410-005 may be an isolated dwarf galaxy. NGC55 needs a better determined distance. ESO, PNe beyond the MW

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