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What is global education?

Explore the interconnectedness of nations and the importance of global awareness in promoting mutual understanding and peace. Teach essential concepts through conflict resolution, cooperation, and cultural diversity. Engage students in critical thinking and empathy through lessons on global issues. Access teaching resources and strategies for implementing global education in primary and upper grades. Empower students to become responsible global citizens.

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What is global education?

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  1. What is global education? • Global education is a systematic effort to communicate the awareness that the planet Earth and the people who live on it are increasingly interdependent. • We are citizens of the world as well as of our respected nations.

  2. Interdependence Change Problem Solving Cultural Diversity Adaptation Responsibility Technology Distribution Conflict Systems Cooperation Tolerance Modification Pluralisms Key Concepts/Components

  3. Essential Questions • In what ways are nations of the world interconnected? • How may global awareness contribute to the survival of our own nation? • How does global awareness advance the development of all mankind?

  4. Why Teach in Primary Grades? Student perceptions have not yet been formed by stereotypic attitudes and their cognitive development is sufficiently advanced to accept a diversity of viewpoints. How to Implement Global Ed: give examples of conflict, cooperation, and interdependence among individuals, groups, and nations; investigate concerns, issues, standards, and conflicts related to universal human rights, such as the treatment of children, religious groups, and effects of war. Lesson Examples Children as Peace Builders Outcomes Students consider the roles children can play in peace building and overcoming obstacles to peace. Think of a time when you disagreed with or were in conflict with someone else. How did you resolve it? What other ways could the situation have been resolved? Which alternative would have achieved the best (win/win) outcome for all involved? Develop a role play acting out the best alternative. Write your own poem or story about building peace plan foryour own community. Imagine that you have fled your home during a conflictyou are able to return home after a peace resolution has been negotiated.  How would it feel to return home? What might your home and community look like? What would be needed to rebuild your home and community? What order would you want these things? Create a peace plan and present it to the class. Create and implement a class school or community peace plan. Primary Global Education

  5. Global Education The Upper Grades • Using cultural elements to facilitate global understanding. • Promote cooperation/prevent conflict • Changing technologies • Health, security, resources, economic development, and environmental quality. • National vs. global interests • Universal human rights • Role of international and multinational organizations.

  6. TeachGlobalEd.net UNESCO Victoria International Development Education Association The American Forum for Education Global Education Global Education Teaching Resources Global Nomads Group Website Resources

  7. Why is global education part of Social Studies? • A thorough exploration of the major concepts of global education involves all six major components of Social Studies and falls within the Social Studies framework.

  8. California Standards • Grade 1: A child’s place in time and space • Grade 2: People who make a difference • Grade 6: World History and Geography: Ancient Civilizations • Grade 7: World History and Geography: Medieval and Early Modern Times

  9. National Standards • I. Culture • II. Time, Continuity, and Change • III. People, Places, and Environment • IV. Individual Development and Identity • V. Individuals, Groups, and Institutions • VI. Power, Authority, and Governance • VII. Production, Distribution, and Consumption • VIII. Science, Technology, and Society • IX. Global Connections • X. Civic Ideals and Practices

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