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Welcome to the Washington State Bidders’ Conference. The audio portion will begin promptly at 9 a.m. If you are having difficulties hearing (and it’s after 9 a.m.), please contact your IT department, as we are unable to help from this end
Welcome to the Washington State Bidders’ Conference The audio portion will begin promptly at 9 a.m. If you are having difficulties hearing (and it’s after 9 a.m.), please contact your IT department, as we are unable to help from this end Please type your first and last name, title and organization This WebEx session will be recorded and available by 1/27/17 on the websitehttp://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/grants/beda-2017-22-master-ielce-grant.aspx SBCTC considers answers in the forthcoming Q&A document to be the only official source for answers related to this RFA. The Q&A document is on thewebsite http://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/grants/beda-2017-22-master-ielce-grant.aspx
2017-22 BEDA Master and IELCE GrantBidder’s Conference SBCTC Director’s Overview, Welcome and Introductions
Review of Agenda • Review of Critical Dates • Review of the elements of the grant process • April will present on the elements of OGMS • Q and A website http://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/grants/beda-2017-22-master-ielce-grant.aspx • Submitted questions • Chat window questions
Review of Dates Jan 23rd ABE and IELCE Grant opened Jan 26th Bidders conference Feb 21st Q & A Closes Mar 2nd Applications DUE Mar 29th SBCTC Feedback on grant returned in OGMS April 6th BEDA Budget Application Webinar April 6th Preliminarily approved organizations enter budget application April 14th All modifications to grant applications DUE May 4th Budget applications are DUE June 2nd All budget revisions are DUE June 28/29th SBCTC Board meeting June 30th Notifications sent to providers
Overview of Grant Components • Information under grant resources tab • 2017-22 BEDA Master and IELCE Guidelines • Definitions • Attachment A • Assurances • Scoring rubric • Supporting Guidance for OGMS application questions • Fiscal Guidelines • Content Section 1-6 • Attachment(s) • Attachment A • Assurances • Budget
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Clarification for posted Questions Please type ALL questions in the Chat window
Q and A website http://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/grants/beda-2017-22-master-ielce-grant.aspx • Previously submitted questions: • Q1) On the Assurances and Certifications 2017-18, the second item talks about tracking student progress using performance measures and outcomes described in WIOA. Items “b”, “c”, and “d” all require access to employment data. Will this data be collected at the state level and disseminated to service providers or by signing this agreement is the applicant saying that they will develop their own methods for collecting this employment data? • A1) Answer: Local providers will report required data elements in WABERS+. Then, the State will perform data matches and calculate performance results for all of the WIOA Common Performance Measures. • Q2) I have a question about 2.2. I'm having difficult distinguishing between the different programs because there is a lot of overlap. • 1. For example 2.2.A includes ALL ABE students, including those in I-BEST. Do we count those ABE students in IBEST again for 2.2.B and 2.2.D? • 2. Similarly, 2.2B seems to include ALL IBEST students. Therefore 2.2.D and 2.2F seem to be subsets of 2.2B. Is that correct? • 3. How is 2.2.G different from 2.2F?
Previously submitted questions: Q3) In 1.3, can computer classes be funded with federal funds? A3) No. Standalone computer classes cannot be funded with WIOA funds. However, digital literacy/information literacy integrated into an ABE or ESL class where reading, writing, speaking, listening, and/or math are taught is not only allowable but required. In terms of technology, those skills can be embedded as tools and or context in teaching all of the subjects. Q4) In 1.5, could you provide us with an example of flexible scheduling? A4) Flexible scheduling is designed to meet the needs of your program’s student population whenever and wherever possible. Examples may include evening, weekend, off-site/community location, online, hybrid, and flipped classroom options.
Previously submitted questions: Q5) In 1.1, what is meant by an educational pathway? A5) Educational pathways are defined in WIOA as career pathways and can be interpreted as interchangeable with the term educational pathway in 1.1 as follows: The term ‘‘career pathway’’ means a combination of rigorous and high-quality education, training, and other services that— (A) aligns with the skill needs of industries in the economy of the State or regional economy involved; (B) prepares an individual to be successful in any of a full range of secondary or postsecondary education options, including apprenticeships registered under the Act of August 16, 1937 (commonly known as the ‘‘National Apprenticeship Act’’; 50 Stat. 664, chapter 663; 29 U.S.C. 50 et seq.) (referred to individually in this Act as an ‘‘apprenticeship’’, except in section 171); (C) includes counseling to support an individual in achieving the individual’s education and career goals; (D) includes, as appropriate, education offered concurrently with and in the same context as workforce preparation activities and training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster; (E) organizes education, training, and other services to meet the particular needs of an individual in a manner that accelerates the educational and career advancement of the individual to the extent practicable; (F) enables an individual to attain a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, and at least 1 recognized postsecondary credential; and (G) helps an individual enter or advance within a specific occupation or occupational cluster. (WIOA Sec.3.Definitions.7.A-G).
Previously submitted questions: • Q6)In 2.3, could you define what is meant by demonstrated effectiveness? • A6) An eligible provider must demonstrate past effectiveness by providing performance data on its record of improving the skills of eligible individuals-particularly eligible individuals who have low levels of literacy in the content domains of reading, writing, mathematics, English language acquisition, and other subject areas. The eligible provider must also provide information regarding its outcomes for participants related to employment, attainment of secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, and transition to postsecondary education and training. • Q7)in 1.2, could you define employability skills? • A7) Employability skills are workforce preparation activities that include activities, programs, or services designed to help an individual acquire a combination of basic academic skills, critical thinking skills, digital literacy skills, and self-management skills including competencies in: • Utilizing resources; • Using information; • Working with others; • Understanding systems; • Skills necessary for successful transition into and completion of postsecondary education or training, or employment; and • Other employability skills that increase an individual’s preparation for the workforce.
Previously submitted questions: Q8) In 1.3, what is meant by information or digital literacy? A8) Digital literacy/information literacy refers to the skills associated with using technology to solve problems in technology rich environments that enable uses to find, evaluate, organize, create, and communicate information. Q9) For 4.1, can on-ramps count as an IELCE-funded program? A9) IELCE funds must be applied toward programming that includes integrated education and training (IET) in a specific occupation or occupational cluster. IET includes I-BEST and I-BEST-like programming. On-ramps contextualized to an occupation or occupational cluster may qualify but they must provide students with seamless, direct entry into the IET.
Previously submitted questions: Q10) How do we determine how much we should request? A10) Per the RFA process approved by the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), no budget award amounts will be available until providers are identified by the RFA process. In the RFA narrative, applicants should describe the program they realistically plan to offer. Once award amounts are identified based on the formula on pages 195 and 196 of the WA State Talent and Prosperity for All: Washington’s Operational and Program-Specific Workforce Plan Components Plan, the providers may need to adjust the scale of their plan prior to final submission of budget narratives after the feedback stage. Budget amounts will not be released until providers are preliminarily approved per the RFA process. Once providers are identified, the funding formula will be applied and 2017-2022 awards will be sent out. At that time, budget narratives will be required to clarify the scope of services. Budget amounts and feedback on the application will be sent out on April 6, 2017. Budgets will then be due May 4, 2017.
Previously submitted questions: Q11) How are award amounts determined for programs that have never received federal funding? A11) Providers seeking funding for the first time will be awarded base funding calculated only on the proposed number of students to be served (enrollment). In years 2-5 funding will be awarded based on both performance and enrollment. Q12) Is there a minimum/maximum amount we can request? A12) Maximum award amounts are determined based on the formula on pages 195 and 196 of the WA State Talent and Prosperity for All: Washington’s Operational and Program-Specific Workforce Plan Components Plan. During the budget process, a program can request less funding than the maximum if services do not require the maximum award. Q13) Can a program be partially funded? A13) Yes. Programs requesting both Master Grant and IELCE funding could be awarded one and not the other.
Previously submitted questions: Q14) How much funding will be available to the whole system? A14) Approximately $7,869,065 Q15) In 2.1, since Table 5’s Retained Employment cohort is based on a 3rd quarter data match, can those results be used to report Attachment A’s “Employed between two and four quarters after program exit” cohort? A15) Yes. This performance accountability indicator demonstrates a program’s ability for achieving employment outcomes. SBCTC will consider employment results based on a regular and consistent measure of employment set at a time interval between two and four quarters, equating to a time between six months to one year, in order to demonstrate effectiveness for this core follow up measure.
Previously submitted questions: Q16) In Section 5, question 5.6, exactly which date do we need to report audit findings? For example, March 2, 2014? A16) Question 5.6 asks if you’ve received a finding from any independent audit in the last 3 years. For the purposes of this grant application, please consider the 3-year period of time to be 3 years prior to the due date of this application, March 2, 2017. Report any findings you have received from March 2, 2014 forward. If you received notification of a finding prior to March 2, 2014, you would not report that here. If you received notification of a finding sometime between March 2, 2014 and the date you submit your application, please explain in 5.6A. In 5.6A, please include the date you received notification of the finding and the period of time to which the finding relates. For example, a finding received in June 2014 for a grant that started in July 2012 and ended in June 2013 will still need to be reported. Clarify the finding receipt and corresponding dates in 5.6A.
Now we’ll answer additional questions that you may have on the grant application or the process. Please type your questions in the Chat window. Please reference the section and question # you’re asking about from the Grant Application.
Contact Information All Questions: Christy Lowder, clowder@sbctc.edu SBCTC considers answers in the forthcoming Q & A document to be the only official source for answers related to this RFA. The Q & A document is on the websiteand answers will be posted within 2 business days. Last date for submitting Questions is February 21st The last posting of Answers is February 24th