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上海未来交通发展:广阔的合作机遇. Shanghai Transports Future Development: Wider Opportunities of Cooperation. 上海市建设和交通委员会 二 ○○ 六年七月 Shanghai Construction and Transportation Commission July , 2006. 汇报提纲 Contents. 上海概况 Shanghai Overview 交通发展现状 Shanghai Transport Development: Status quo 交通发展形势
上海未来交通发展:广阔的合作机遇 Shanghai Transports Future Development: Wider Opportunities of Cooperation 上海市建设和交通委员会 二○○六年七月 Shanghai Construction and Transportation Commission July,2006
汇报提纲Contents • 上海概况 Shanghai Overview • 交通发展现状 Shanghai Transport Development: Status quo • 交通发展形势 Shanghai Transport Development: Forecast conditions • 交通近期发展规划 Short-term Transport Development Plan
1、上海概况 Shanghai Overview
市域面积6340平方公里 6340 sq. km in area • 常住人口1700多万 About 17 million Permanent Resident • 区位优越 Advantageous geographic location • 正向现代化国际大都市目标迈进 Great advances towards a modern international metropolis
2、上海发展现状 Shanghai Transport Development : Status quo
2.1 国际枢纽港建设取得实质性进展 Progress made in Construction of the International Port Hub • 货物吞吐量增长迅速 Cargo increasedrapidly • 深水港建设实现重大突破 The first phase of Yangshan Deep Water Port was completed. Yangshan Deep Water Port Donghaibridge
2.2 航空运量和服务保障能力快速提高 Rapid Improvement of Aviation Loading Capacity and Service • 初步形成以“浦东为主、虹桥为辅”的一市两场新格局。 The new pattern of “one city, two airports” has been in formation Hongqiao airport Pudong airport
2.2 航空运量和服务保障能力快速提高 Rapid Improvement of Aviation Loading Capacity and Service • 航空运量迅猛增长,上海机场客货吞吐量排名亚洲前列 The passenger and freight throughput of Shanghai Airport increased dramatically and ranked in the front row in Asia. Passenger volume Cargo volume
2.3 铁路客运骨干地位保持不变 Important Role Maintained by Railway for Passenger Transport • 上海是全国铁路网络四大枢纽之一 One of the four national railway hubs • 承担了全市跨省市客运量的50%和货物运输量的5%。 Assumes 50% and 5% of Shanghai’s regional passenger andfreight. • 上海铁路客运平均年增长率达到7%以上。 The average annual passenger growth in excess of 7%. • 近期铁路主干线成功实现第五次大提速,不断提高铁路的服务水平。 The major arterial railways have successfully accomplished the 5th speed upgrade in order to further improve the railway service quality.
2.3 铁路客运骨干地位保持不变 Important Role Maintained by Railway for Passenger Transport Passenger volume Railway net
Express highway network 2.4 郊区公路网络快速发展 Rapid Development of Outskirts Highway, and its Express Highway • 公路总里程8110公里,密度128公里/百平方公里,比2000年增长了37%。 Highway length 8,110 km, network density 128 km/100 km2, increasing 37% than 2000 • 高速公路通车里程到560公里,比2000年增长了约4.5倍。 The express highway length is 560 km, an increase of some 4.5 folds compared with that of 2000.
2.5 中心城路网骨架系统基本完成 Inner-city Road Framework Brought to Completion • 路网长度约4117公里 Road network length 4,117 km • 道路面积7700万平方米 Road network area77 million sq m • 越黄浦江:卢浦、徐浦大桥、大连路、复兴路等隧道的完成,进一步完善黄浦江两岸道路交通一体化的基本格局。 Tunnels and bridges were completed to integrate the roadway alongside both sides of Huangpu River. Inner city roadway network
2.6 “立体化”城市公共交通建设初见成效 Multi-level Public Transport System Preformed • 轨道交通: 线路5条,运营里程达123公里,客运量占公交比重约14%。 Rail transit:5 lines , 123 km in operation, accounted for 14% of total transit ridership
2.6 “立体化”城市公共交通建设初见成效 Multi-level Public Transport System Preformed • 磁浮线:全长近30公里,最高车速可达430公里/小时。 Maglev: line length 30 km, Speed 430km/h
2.6 “立体化”城市公共交通建设初见成效 Multi-level Public Transport System Preformed • 地面公交服务水平提升,线网不断延伸调整。 Bus service quality has been upgraded and the route network has been expanded and optimized
3、交通发展形势 Shanghai Transport Development : Forecast Condition
3.1 长三角互联互动,客货运吞吐量快速增长 Rapid Growth of Passenger and Cargo Turnover due to Interregional Development of Yangtze River Delta.
3.2 城市空间拓展,功能布局调整,加速综合交通体系形成 Expedite formation of an integrated transport system due to extension of urban space and adjustment of urban function • 城市发展空间从中心城区的660平方 公里拓展到市域6340平方公里。 Shanghai expanded from 660 sq km to 6,340 sq km expansion of urban
3.3 “世博会”巨大客流,要求综合交通体系融合完善 Integrated Transport System Required due to 2010 World Expo Flow • 世博会将为上海带来7000万人次的增量 the World Expo 2010 will bring a total of 70 million person trips to Shanghai Comparison of Expo historical data
Private car Other car GDP 70 8000 7450 60 6000 50 30 4551 40 4000 30 2463 20 2000 25 31 10 15 4 0 0 1995 2000 2004 3.4 社会进步和生活多元化发展,推动综合交通体系升级 Society in progress and diversified lifestyle prompts the upgrade of the integrated transport system GDP and car increase
4、交通近期发展规划 Short-term Transport Development Plan
Airport and seaport layout 4.1 对外交通 Intercity Transport • 4.1.1继续推进国际航运中心建设,基本确立国际航运中心地位。 Further promote the development of Shanghai shipping center to establish its status as an international seaport hub. Pudong airport Yangshan seaport
4.1.2 建设虹桥综合交通枢纽 Construction of Hongqiao Airport into a TransportHub • 形成磁悬浮、高速铁路、普通铁路、轨道交通、公交出租、长途客运、航空港等多种交通方式紧密衔接、便捷换乘的现代化大型综合交通枢纽。 A transport hub with integration between aviation and multiple modes of transport such as Maglev, high speed railway, regular railway, rail transit, bus and taxi. 北翟路 青虹路 Airport terminal maglev Highspeed rail 辅快 徐泾路 沪青平高速公路
4.1.3 增加对外高速公路通道 Increase Intercity Highway Corridors • 新建上海长江隧桥工程、崇启高速公路(A14)、沪苏高速公路(A16)等, Constructing Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnels and Bridges, Chongming Highway (A14), Shanghai-Suzhou Highway (A16) • 拓宽沪宁高速公路上海段(A11)等, Widening Shanghai-Nanjing Highway (A11). • 与江、浙高速公路出口增加到10个,车道数增加到60个。 Increasing highway exits and lanes between Shanghai-Jiangsu and shanghai –Zhejiang to 10 and 60 respectively。
Planned rail network 4.1.4 进一步提升上海铁路客运枢纽功能 Promote Passenger Transfer Function in Shanghai Railway Station • 优化调整铁路布局 To optimize the railway transport layout • 形成上海站、上海南站、虹桥站3个主客站布局,大力发展多式联运。 Three major stations will be laid out so as to develop multi-mode transport.
Planned rail transit network 4.2 市内交通 Metropolitan Transport 4.2.1提高公交服务水平 Upgrade the bus service level • 轨道交通运营里程达到400公里 Rail transit mileage : 400km, • 公交专用道100公里以上 Bus lane totaled 100km in length, • 加强多种交通方式相互衔接 Varied transport modes interchangeable.
4.2.2 完善中心城路网和越江通道布局 Layout of the Inner-city Road Network and the River Crossings • 快速路200公里 200 km of expressway , • 主干路400公里以上 400 km of arterial way, • 中心城越江通道17处,94车道。 17 river crossings,with 94 lanes in total, • 新建或改造中心城苏州河桥梁 Build and renovate bridges over Suzhou Creek. Planned inner-city road net
4.2.3 完善郊区公路系统 Highway Network in City Outskirts being made Perfect • 市域高速公路通车总里程达到约880公里 Highway mileage reach 880 km • 通达两港两场、规划新城、产业基地,以及主要物流、工业园区和中心和镇。 Highway network will connect 2 seaports, 2 airports, planning new towns,industrial bases, major logistics ,industrial parks and central towns. Planned highway network
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