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Hanno grande potenziale proliferativo Sono capaci di autorinnovamento Sono generalmente pluripotenti Sono presenti in tutti gli stadi di sviluppo: Embrionale (ESC) Fetale (FSC) Adulto (ASC) Provvedono: allo sviluppo embrionale e fetale alla rigenerazione ed all’omeostasi di organi adulti.
Hanno grande potenziale proliferativo Sono capaci di autorinnovamento Sono generalmente pluripotenti Sono presenti in tutti gli stadi di sviluppo: Embrionale (ESC) Fetale (FSC) Adulto (ASC) Provvedono: allo sviluppo embrionale e fetale alla rigenerazione ed all’omeostasi di organi adulti Caratteristiche generali
Science, Vol 282, Issue 5391, 1145-1147 , 6 November 1998 Embryonic Stem Cell Lines Derived from Human Blastocysts James A. Thomson, * Joseph Itskovitz-Eldor, Sander S. Shapiro, Michelle A. Waknitz, Jennifer J. Swiergiel, Vivienne S. Marshall, Jeffrey M. Jones “…Thesecell lines should be useful in human developmental biology, drugdiscovery, and transplantation medicine.”
Dental Tissue Mesenchimal Stem Cell • Human Pulp Tissue (DPSC’s, post-natal dental pulp stem cells) • Gronthos et al, 2000 • Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth (SHED) • Miura et al, 2003 • Periodontal Ligament (PDLSC) • Seo et al, 2004 • Apical Papilla (SCAP) • Sonoyama et al, 2006, 2008 • Dental Follicle Precursors (DFPC) • Morsczeck et al, 2005
DentalStemCells Mesenchymalstemcells are found in dental pulp, periodontalligament, and the periosteum.10 An abundant source oftheseundifferentiatedmesenchymalcells in permanentteethis in the dental pulp of immature, impactedthirdmolars. Mesenchymalstemcellshaverecentlybeendiscovered in the dental pulp ofdeciduousteeth, knownas SHED (stemcellsfromhumanexfoliateddeciduousteeth).11 SHED cells are formed in the developingembryo and demonstrategreaterplasticitythanstemcellstakenfrompermanentteeth, meaningthattheygrow and multiply more rapidlyascomparedtothosetakenfrom the pulp offullydevelopedpermanentteeth.
Theseuniquecharacteristicssuggestthat the immaturityof SHED cellsshowsgreaterpotentialfordifferentiationinto a widerarrayoftissuetypes. Further, SHED cells are ableto express proteins on theircellsurfacesthatallowthemtonotonlydifferentiateintodental pulp, bone, and dentin, butalsointoneural and fatcells (adipocytes). In fact, SHED cellsdifferentiateintonervecells more readilythanadultstemcellsisolatedfrompermanentteeth.
SHED cells express a varietyofneuralgrowthfactors and glialcellmarkersthatdirectlyreflect the embryonicneuralcrestoriginofdental pulp and suggestthattheymaybeimportantforuse in future nerveregenerationtherapies. 11Dental stemcells are the mostaccessiblestemcells. Theyare isolatedfrommanysources, includinghealthydental pulp, periodontalligament, bone, and the apicalregionofdevelopingteeth, and can berecoveredduring a planneddental procedure.10 Stemcellswithin the pulp and at the apexofdevelopingteeth are a valuable source ofvery proliferative, multipotentmesenchymalstemcells.12 Folliculartissuesurroundingunerupted or impactedteethisofectomesenchymalorigin and isalsoanexcellent source forstemcells.11