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Understanding & Facilitating Organizational Change. Change is a process , not an event. Transformational change is large scale and often involves re-conceptualization of all or part of the current educational system.
Transformational changeis large scale and often involves re-conceptualization of all or part of the current educational system. Incremental change includes continuous improvement through ongoing efforts or toward existing goals.
Alignment & Engagement Active Engagement Disengaged Not Aligned with Aligned with Forward Direction Direction Potential Obstructors Exemplary Leaders/Contributors Pragmatists Potential Leaders/Contributors Bystanders
The Change Curve 2. Initial Excitement -Excited -Motivated -Enthusiastic 6. Commitment -Excitement -Enthusiasm -Problem solving -Clear direction/focus Denial -Indifference -Passiveness -Apathy -Minimize information -Minimize involvement Neutral -no knowledge -status quo -in the dark 5. Exploration -Energized -Creative -Overworked but excited -Increased commitment - Small wins 4. Resistance -Frustration -Inability to see positive outcome -Negative questioning/doubting -Stubbornness/complaining -Anxiety/stress
Motivation & Engagement Autonomy The urge to direct our own lives Mastery The desire to get better and better at something that matters Purpose The yearning to do what we do in the service of something larger than ourselves
Reflection How motivated and engaged are you in your work? How do autonomy, mastery, and purpose play a role?
1. Establish a Sense of Urgency “Every school is perfectly designed to deliver its current results.”
Establish a Sense of Urgency Beckhardt’s Change Equation Logical First Step What are the critical steps we need to take NOW? Dissatisfaction with Current State Why is the status quo unacceptable? Cost of Change OR Organizational Inertia Resisting Change Shared Vision of a Better State What will success look like? + + >
Reflection Take a few minutes to consider the questions for establishing an sense of urgency as it relates to your work: • Why is the status quo unacceptable? • What will success look like?
2. Form a Guiding Coalition “Go where the energy is.” (Graves)
Form a Guiding Coalition In what way can you influence others? Power Position Knowledge Trustworthiness Ability to articulate vision & ideas Openness to be influenced by others Demonstration of trust & respect Active listening Acquiring important information from others
Reflection Think about forming a guiding coalition. Who is already aligned and engaged? How will you influence a few others to get on board?
3. Develop a Shared Vision & Strategy “Change is disturbing when it is done to us, exhilarating when done by us.” (Kanter)
Develop a Shared Vision & Strategy How does involvement increase ownership? Participative Leadership Shared Decision Making Performance Problem Solving Communication & Understanding Directive Involvement
Develop a Shared Vision & Strategy Performing -High productivity -Cohesion & pride -Shared vision -Deal with issues internally What are the stages of team development? Norming -Focus -Commitment & unity -Clear roles & resp. -Develop processes -Leader facilitates Storming -Sort it out -Uncertainties persist -Team members vie for position -Leader critical Forming -Sign-up -Little understanding of mission -Roles & resp. unclear -No processes -Dependence on leader Performance Time
Develop a Shared Vision & Strategy Levels of consensus (NOT simply “yes” or “no”): • Yes, and I’m willing to advocate/champion • The decision is perfectly acceptable • It’s not perfect but I can live with this • I have some issues I need to express, but I’ll defer to the wisdom of the group • We lack unity and need to do more work • I don’t agree and feel I must obstruct
Reflection Think about a team with which you work. At what stage are they in team development? What needs to happen to take them to the next level?
4. Communicate Widely & Gain Alignment “To the fearful it is threatening because things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident is is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better.” (Whitney)
Communicate Widely & Gain Alignment Convert an Additional 20% of the Population to Change Enablers Change Resistors, 10% of Population Change Enablers, 10% of Population Inherently Ready for Change Inherently Resistant to Change Change Readiness Continuum
5. Generate Short Term Success & Gain Momentum “Planning is as natural to the process of success as its absence is to the process of failure” (Sieger)
6. Institutionalize Changes in the Culture “Culture eats strategy for lunch!”
Institutionalize Changes in the Culture What are the indicators of success? • Coaching cycles are flowing and involve a majority of teachers • Student work is at the forefront of conversations and instructional decisions • Coaching is understood to be a partnership to improve student achievement rather than a method to “fix” teachers • Teachers have a strong sense of autonomy, mastery, and purpose in their work
Reflection • What is the change your school/district is trying to implement? • Is it transformational or incremental change? • Where are you in the change process? • What are your next steps?
Resources • Kotter, J. (2012). Leading Change. Harvard Business Review Press. • Pink, D. (2011). Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Riverhead Books. • Kanter, R. M. (1985). Change Masters. Free Press.