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Website Address is http://victimservicegrant.iowa.gov/. All of the Application Documents are listed on this page. Blue words are links. Fund names will link to the federal website. For example, I clicked on the Victims of Crime Act Assistance Name and it linked me to the
Website Address is http://victimservicegrant.iowa.gov/ All of the Application Documents are listed on this page. Blue words are links. Fund names will link to the federal website.
For example, I clicked on the Victims of Crime Act Assistance Name and it linked me to the Federal Office for Victims of Crime
Eligibility Requirements & Certified Assurances open to Adobe Acrobat document for you to view/print. For the funds you are applying for remember to Print off and sign Certified Assurances. In addition, print off & Sign the Debarment Certification, Lobbying & Drug-Free Workplace, Minority Impact Statement If you are applying for Family Violence funds Print & sign the TobaccoCertification. If you are a state agency or criminal justice agency Please print and sign the Consultation Agreement. Attach these signed assurances to your original application ONLY! Remember to sign in Blue Ink.
Below is an example of the eligibility link for Victims of Crime Act or VOCA grant funds.
You can download the following: Application Documents: *Application Cover Sheet *Application Checklist *Application Narrative Multi-Disciplinary Application Documents: *Multi-Disciplinary Application CoverSheet *Multi-Disciplinary Budget Detail Worksheet
This is the Application Cover Sheet. Both of the Cover Sheets in Excel will automatically total for you on the total line.
Below is the Application Cover Sheet For a Multi-Disciplinary Team’s Joint Application. It allows County Attorney Offices and Law Enforcement to apply together on one application. Normally, this would be a local DART/SART. Victim Service Agencies need to apply separately. Each column represents in entity who is applying for CVAD funds.
You can either close out by Clicking on the lowest “X” Or by clicking Close the File Drop down menu. This is a budget for a Multi-Disciplinary Team applying in a joint application. Any entity who is filing a joint application will complete this budget page as well as all of the sections in ProgramsAssistant. If you have questions about completing this document contact any of the Victim Service Support Staff.
The NEWS web page provides an overview of any pressing grant news. • For example, when we receive our Federal award amounts we will post the type of • funding and amount on this web page. • The words listed in blue provide a link to different documents. For example, the • Fundraising Activities list a brief summary of the fundraising activities conducted • by our funded non-profit victims services.
This is the current Application Schedule. In addition, if you would like to be present to hear your application reviewed please notify your primary Victim Services Support (VSS) Staff.
Click on Application to start The Application Process.
If you already have an account at this screen type your Login Name & Password. Type it exactly (all caps, small caps, spaces, no spaces, etc.). If you have received funding from CVAD, there is a sheet in your packet with your login and password information. You may click on one of the following items and it will link you to the login screen: Login; Account; or Application. When using the system for the first time in the last few months please use the Login or Account icons. Click here if you forgot your password. It will ask you for your login name and it Will E-Mail your password to your e-mail Address listed in your Account Information. If you have any problems call your primary Victims Service Grant contact as they have a list as well. Click on this link if you are a New User.
If you already have an account this screen will not show up, this is only for New Accounts. Type in your Program information. Include your 3 main contacts for Program. County field will allow you to choose more than one county by holding down the Ctrl or Control button on your keyboard and highlighting the counties by clicking on them using your mouse. If you are a city program like Smith Police Department then you still select the County your city is located in.
Please select from the list that best represents your type of program.
You will have to scroll down when you are in the Account Editor screen (previous page of these instructions) by using the scroll down bar or by tabbing through the document. All fields must be completed. If you the Program Director is the same as the Fiscal Contact then you can click on the Copy all Director fields to Fiscal Contact’s If the Program Director is the Fiscal Contact As well as the Performance Reporting Contact then you click on the Copy all Director Fields to Performance Reporting Contacts. It will automatically copy the Program Director Information into the appropriate Sections. Fiscal Contact has this feature as well.
When you have completed the Program Section click on the Register button. NOTE:The contact information you complete in this Section is the information Victim Services Support Staff uses to generate e-mails for the next year. The data is saved to the CVAD database as it is entered. For example how the Program Name is entered is how it will appear on the grant contracts. Account information should continually be updated by the program if there are changes.
If your program is under a multi-service or umbrella agency than you will need to complete the Agency section otherwise leave blank You will choose your agency from the drop down menu. If your agency is not listed please contact Donna Phillips or any of the Victim Services Support Program staff at 515-281-5044 or at 1-800-373-5044.
Enter your login name and provide your login e-mail. If you forget your password and request the system to e-mail your password this is the e-mail that will receive it. Create your own password. Then click on the Register button.
The red information on the top left corner are items that are incorrect or the required field was left empty. There is also a red asterisk in front of the Field that is incorrect or empty. So I will need to enter the information in the correct Format or it will not save my registration or updates to GA.
See how there is a red asterisk in front of the fields that were entered incorrect. Every time you hit either the Register button or Save button, the system will do this to explain that you made a mistake in entering.
REMEMBER: Hit the Save button after updating this information The Login section displays your Login Name and your Login E-Mail. Update this as needed.
You will receive this screen. Click Ok button using your mouse.
After you have logged in. You will come to this page. Click on the Enter New Application Button.
You need to place a check in the box(es) in front of the fund(s) you are applying for. Make sure you check all that you are applying for. After you have checked all of the funds you are applying for click the Continue to Page 2 button which will take you to the next page.
If no funds are checked, you will be unable to continue to page 2. Note the message in red.
It tells you which funds you have selected to apply for. If you forgot to select a fund then you can Click on the Back to Page 1 – Select fund button And it will take you to the previous screen. Write in the Number of Volunteers from the past two fiscal years. Write in the total number of volunteer hours from the past two fiscal years. Provide a brief list of fundraising activities the Program has done. If you are a state, county or city organization and Fund raising is not allowed then say that. (County Attorney, Police Department, Sheriff’s office, etc.)
Click on the right down arrow for your choices. If you are applying for VOCA funding choose one of these choices.7 If you are not applying for VOCA funding: the Purpose of VOCA grant funds; type of Implementing Organization; & Percentages Will not appear on the screen. If you are not applying for VW funding: The VAW Purpose Areas & Purpose Statement will not appear on the screen. Please note that we have added Types of Crime Victims to the list.
Click on the right down arrow for your choices. If you are applying for VOCA funding choose one of these choices. If you are a Victim Witness Coordinator through a County Attorney’s Office you would choose Criminal Justice – government. If you are a non-profit victim service agency you would choose Private non-profit. An example of a Non- Criminal justice – Government organization is Polk County Victim Services
If you are applying for VOCA funding, estimate projected percentages to be served by type of Crime. We added DUI/DWI Crashes, Survivors Of Homicide, Assault, Adults Molested as Children, Elder Abuse, Robbery, Other Violent Crimes. Percentages must equal 100%. Note:If you do not choose VOCA and/or VW funding on the previous page, you will not have the option of answering these questions. If you are seeking Violence Against Women funding: (1) write the purpose area(s) by number in the blank; (2) write a purpose statement for the VAW funds For a list of the VW purpose areas click on the Federal VAW Program Purpose Areas document link. Please note that we have added Types of Crime Victims to the list.
When you click on the Federal VAWA Program Purpose Areas this Adobe Acrobat file will open for you to view and/or print. Click on the “X” at the upper right hand side of this document to go back to the previous screen.
REMEMBER: Hit the Save Button after each section. Note:Click on the tab or section headers to move to the next Section of the grant application. The sections are: General, Staff/Benefits, Budget, Match, Service Types, Service Areas and Signature.
You need to add all of your program staff one at a time. After you have entered one staff member click the Add button. If you forget a field it will prompt you with a red asterisk before you can move to the next staff member. Note: It will not save information Until you have fixed the red Asterisk.
You can not have more than one person with the exact same job title. If your Agency has more than one individual with the Same job titles. For example: Law Enforcement Investigators then you need to number each of the job titles by 1, 2, 3; or by I, II, III; or A, B, C; etc. For example: Law Enforcement Investigator 1 Law Enforcement Investigator 2 Law Enforcement Investigator 3, etc.
If you wish to edit the information for the Assistant Grant Administrator 2. Highlight using your Mouse and Click the edit button.
It will put the information you highlighted back in the right hand section. Edit the information and click the Update button.
Please make sure to complete the benefits provided by your program/agency by clicking on the box in front of the various descriptions. You may choose more than one.
Click the save button after finishing every section at a minimum. You can save anywhere during the process. After you hit save, you can logout and log back in at another time & your information will be saved.
Click on the drop down arrow to select CVAD fund to be entered. Enter one fund at a time. Enter amounts for that fund in expense categories below.
Enter payroll amounts on left. Payroll amount (total of all payroll positions) automatically computes on right hand side.
Include brief description on details line to further explain requests. Details are helpful for grant reviewers, but not required. Keep in mind: if we are not sure what requests are for we will probably not fund those items.
At the bottom of the expenses Column is a Total field. That will total your expenses listed above.
After entering all amounts for respective fund click button. Add
After add button is selected, fund will then move up under Complete Budget List. Expense amounts & details for that fund have been saved even though boxes below are blank.
If you need to edit or update a fund already entered, highlight the fund in the Complete Budget List and click the button. After you click the button the expense amounts & details for that fund will appear below as shown on next screen shot. Edit Edit
You are now in edit mode and can update this fund if necessary. When finished click on the button. The button will only be available when in edit mode. Update Update
If you need to delete all information for a particular fund, highlight the desired fund and click the button. Caution: Once delete button is Selected, all expense amounts & details for selected fund will be deleted. Delete