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天津滨海高新区简介. Tianjin Binhai Hi-tech Industrial Development Area (T.H.I.D.A ). 天津高新区投资促进局 Investment Promotion Bureau, THIDA. 天津滨海高新区. 1. 2. 天津:中国北方经济中心 Tianjin: North China's Economic Center. 滨海新区:中国经济增长第三极 B.N.A: China Economy’s 3rd Driving Engine. 天津高新区:滨海新区领航区
天津滨海高新区简介 Tianjin Binhai Hi-tech Industrial Development Area (T.H.I.D.A) 天津高新区投资促进局 Investment Promotion Bureau, THIDA
天津滨海高新区 1 2 天津:中国北方经济中心 Tianjin: North China's Economic Center 滨海新区:中国经济增长第三极 B.N.A: China Economy’s 3rd Driving Engine 天津高新区:滨海新区领航区 T.H.I.P: Leading Area of B.N.A. 3 投资发展优势 Benefit for investing in T.H.I.P 4
天津:中国北方经济中心Tianjin: North China's Economic Center 中国第三大城市以及中国北方最大港口城市 3rd largest city in China and largest port city in North China 中国北方金融、物流和工业中心Financial, Logistic and Industrial Center in North China 面积11,900 km2 ,常住人口1294万人 11,900 km2 total area and Permanent Population 12.94 Million 2011全市生产总值11190.99亿元,同比增长约16.4%,增 速位列全国第一, 远高于全国平均水平 GDP of the City is 1190.99 Billion yuan In 2011,with a increase rate of 16.4%, which is No.1 within china and further beyond the average 2011年人均生产总值86496元,排名全国各省直辖市第一 GDP per capital in 2011 is 86496 yuan ranking No.1 in China
外商投资情况 FDI of 2011 实际外资投资总额 130亿美金,增长10.5%。 Total Actual Foreign Investment is 13 Billion USD,with the increase rate of 10.5% 截止到2011年,有超过150家世界500强企业投资天津。Till 2011, more than 150 Fortune 500 companies invest in Tianjin. 天津:中国北方经济中心Tianjin: North China's Economic Center 近3年重大项目 Key Programs during the past 3 years • 中新生态城 • Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city • 空客A320 • Airbus A320, with total planned investment of 7 billion Euro. • 大乙烯 • 1 million tons ethylene • 国家航天航空基地 • National aerospace manufacturing base • ……
天津:中国北方经济中心Tianjin: North China's Economic Center
天津滨海高新区 2 1 天津:中国北方经济中心 Tianjin: North China's Economic Center 滨海新区:中国经济增长第三极 B.N.A: China Economy’s 3rd Driving Engine 天津高新区:滨海新区领航区 T.H.I.P: Leading Area of B.N.A. 3 投资发展优势 Benefit for investing in T.H.I.P 4
滨海新区:中国经济增长第三极B.N.A: China Economy’s 3rd Driving Engine B.N.A: BinHai New Area In the 21st century, the development of Tianjin Binhai New Area has been incorporated into national development strategy, which is another important strategic act in regional economic development. It will become a third pole of China’s economic growth. Bohai-rim Region In the 1990s, the government chose Pudong New District, and the economy of Yangtze River Delta developed rapidly. It became a second pole of China’s economic growth. Yangtze River Delta Pearl River Delta In the 1980s, the government decided to develop Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, which led to the prosperity of Pearl River Delta. It was the first pole of economic growth in China.
面积 2270 平方公里 Planning Area of TBNA occupies 2270km2 海岸线 153 公里 CoastLine 150km 常住人口 250 万 Population of resident 2.5M
滨海新区:中国经济增长第三极B.N.A: China Economy’s 3rd Driving Engine 九个功能区: 9 Functional Areas: 滨海高新区THIP 先进制造业产业区 Advanced Manufacturing Area 中新生态城 Sino-Singapore eco-city 中心商务区 CBD 海港物流区 logistics Area 临空产业区 Airport Industry Area 临港工业区 Port Industry Area 南港工业区 South Port Industry Area 海滨旅游区 Binhai Leisure Area
天津滨海高新区 3 1 天津:中国北方经济中心 Tianjin: North China's Economic Center 滨海新区:中国经济增长第三极 B.N.A: China Economy’s 3rd Driving Engine 2 天津高新区:滨海新区领航区 T.H.I.P: Leading Area of B.N.A. 投资发展优势 Benefit for investing in T.H.I.P 4
天津高新区 Tianjin Hi-Tech Industry Development Area (THIDA) • 中国第一批高新技术产业开发区之一 • One of China’s first state-level hi-tech industry development zones • 成立于1991年 • Founded in March, 1991 upon the approval of the State Council of PRC. 核心区 Core Area • 华苑科技园 Huayuan Science Park • 滨海科技园 Binhai Science Park • 未来科技城拓展区 National Science City PⅡ 未来科技城 宁河拓展区 National Science City PⅡ 滨海科技园 Binhai Science Park (National Science City PⅠ) 华苑科技园 Huayuan Science Park
领航滨海新区——滨海高新区Leading B.N.A - Binhai Science Park 距离首都北京150km 距离滨海机场9km 距离港口19km 距离中心城区20km 距离塘沽城区17km 距离京津城际铁路站6km
综合服务中心 Service Center 本项目位于滨海高新区起步区核心地段,综合了服务、办公、研发、孵化等多种功能。 This Building locates the core area of BSP combined the function of service, office, R&D, incubation, etc.
总部基地区 HQ Area(42万m2) 商业商务区 Business Area(88万m2) 生态居住区 Resident Area(54万m2) 公益设施区 Supporting Facility(12万m2)
配套设施Facilities 幼儿园 Kindergarten
配套设施Facilities 中小学 Primary& Middle & High School
五大主导产业Five Pillar Industries 规划航空航天、新能源、生物医药、高端IT制造、现代服务业五大特色产业带 Aerospace & Aviation,Green Energy,Biopharmaceutical,ITand Modern Service are the five pillar industries in BSP
未来科技城 宁河拓展区 National Science City PⅡ 滨海科技园 Binhai Science Park (State Science City PⅠ) 华苑科技园 Huayuan Science Park
天津高新区核心区——华苑科技园Core of THIP-HSP 华苑科技园规划面积11.58 平方公里是天津市市区内唯一一片开发区。 Huayuan Industry Development Area which occupies 11.58 Km2 is the only development zone in Tianjin urban district 北京 • 距北京机场 120 公里 120Km to BJ Airport • 距天津市中心 3 公里 3Km to TJ Urban Center • 距天津站 8 公里 8Km to TJ Railway Station • 距天津港 50 公里 50Km to TJ Port • 距天津机场 18 公里 18Km to TJ Airport 天津市区
规划面积11.58平方公里 核心区——华苑科技园 外环线 Outer Rim 中心商务区 CBD 京沪高速公路 TJ-SH expressway 地铁三号线 Metro No.3 京沪高速铁路 TJ-SH high speed railway
2011: 地区生产总值370亿元,同比增长33%. Regional GDP reached RMB37 billion Yuan with the YOY growth of 33% 固定资产投资240亿元,同比增长23.8%。 Investment in capital assets was up to RMB 24 billion Yuan with the YOY growth of 23.8% 三级财政收入62.7亿元,同比增长30%。 Three level fiscal revenue was RMB6.27 billion Yuan, with a 30% YOY increase 经济持续快速增长 Steady and Rapid Economy Growth 天津滨海高新区地区生产总值近十年复合增长率在30%以上。 Growth rate of regional GDP exceeding 30% for consecutive 10 years
高新区聚集了一批绿色电源高科技企业,涵盖了太阳能、储能(锂离子电池、镍氢电池、电池材料)、风能等领域。高新区聚集了一批绿色电源高科技企业,涵盖了太阳能、储能(锂离子电池、镍氢电池、电池材料)、风能等领域。 Assembling enterprises engaged in solar energy, battery (LIB, NHB, battery materials), wind energy etc. 每年安排2亿元绿色能源专项资金,重点支持绿色能源产业。 “Green Energy Funding” of RMB200 Million Yuan annually in support of key enterprises 。 2011年高新区绿色能源产业销售额占天津市绿色能源产业销售总额约60%。 Sales Revenue of 2011 and occupies about 60% of Tianjin green energy industry. 绿色能源——国家物理与化学电源产业基地Green Energy-National Physical and Chemical Power Industry Base
风电产业Wind Energy Industry 天津——世界风能产业的生产中心,全球前十大风电整机制造商有五家在天津。 Tianjin——Manufacturing center of wind industry in the world,five of the top ten wind turbine manufacturers in the world locate in Tianjin. • 市场份额 Market Share 在过去六年中,天津完成中国新增风机生产8080MW,占全国19%的份额。 • For the past six years the total installed capacity provided by Tianjin to China was 8080MW, 19% of total number in the country. • 发展目标:Development Objective • 2012年全市整机产量450万千瓦,销售额450亿元人民币;2015年全市整机产量645万千瓦,销售额650亿元人民币。 • Output of wind turbine will reach 4500 MW and sales volume will reach 45 billion RMB in 2012. Output of wind turbine will reach 6450 MW and sales volume will reach 65 billion RMB in 2015. • 强大的R&D实力:Powerful R&D • 天津电气传动研究所、天津大学、河北工业大学 • TRiED,Tianjin University, Hebei University of Technology
中国电子科技集团十八研究所CETC No.18 Institute 国内最好的空间太阳能电池、第三代聚光太阳能电池的研发和产业化 Best in R&D and industrialization of Space solar cells & G3 concentrator solar 南开大学光电所Photovoltaic Institute of Nankai University 国内最早涉足太阳能光伏研发的研究所,并申请“太阳能国家工程实验室” Earliest institute engaged in solar PV R&D, applied to State solar PV Engineering Libratory 太阳能光伏产业Solar Photovoltaic Industry 研发实力 R&D Capability 重点企业 Key Player 应用示范 Application Demonstration • 天津高新区、中新生态城推广BIPV Demonstration project of BIPV in THIP and Sino-Singapore eco-city • 推广BIPV到整个滨海新区乃至天津市 Spread BIPV to the whole B.N.A even the entire Tianjin
太阳能光伏产业Solar Power Industry 示范工程包括示范电站以及示范建筑BIPV Demonstration Project includes Solar Power Station and BIPV demonstrative construction
电动汽车产业EV Industry 中海油力神30万辆电动汽车动力电池系统项目2012年在滨海科技园启动。 CNOOC Lishen 300 thousand EV battery system project will be launched in Binhai Science Park in 2012. • 相关产业链 Relating Industrial Chain • 电池企业:力神、比克、捷威、三洋、松下、三星、LG、索尼和A123等 • Battery companies:Lishen, BAK, Gateway,Sanyo, Panasonic, Samsung, LG, Sony and A123 • 原材料企业:巴莫、斯特兰、金牛、铁诚等 • Raw materials enterprises: B&M, STL, JINNIU, TIECHENG • 电动汽车企业:力神迈尔斯,天津清源,天津松正, 长城汽车,一汽丰田 • EV Manufacturers: LishenMiles, Tianjin Qingyuan, Tianjin Songzheng • 强大的R&D实力:Powerful R&D • 中国汽车技术研究中心 ——行业技术归口单位和国家政府主管部门的技术支撑机构 • CATARC——A technical administration body in the auto industry and a technical support organization to the governmental authorities • 天津力神——拥有全国电池行业唯一的国家级企业技术中心 • Tianjin Lishen——The exclusive owner of national enterprise technology center on battery industry • 天津清源——国家电动汽车电池行业标准的制定者 • Tianjin Qingyuan——National EV Battery industry Standard Designer • 发展目标 Development Objective • 到2015年,产业规模达到全国第一。 • The annual sales income of EV battery industry cluster will reach No.1 in China.
电动汽车产业EV Industry • 基础设施 Facilities • 天津于2010年开始规划建设充电设施,主要包括充电桩和大型充电站。充电站内主要为直流充电设备,为大型客车、电动公交车提供服务,而充电桩提供交流电,服务于家庭型的轿车、出租车 Tianjin was planning for the construction of charging facilities, including the charge piles and large charging stations. Charging stations primarily provide services for large passenger cars, electric buses. Charging pile primarily provide services for family-type cars, taxis. • 截至2011年底,天津共建成电动汽车充电桩327个,遍布全市16个行政区县,此外还建有普济河道充电站、华明镇充电站、中新天津生态城等5座大型充电站。截至2011年底,天津各充电站充电2418次,共计充电458732度By the end of 2011, Tianjin has built electric car charging piles 327 all over the city's 16 administrative districts, in addition to 5 charging stations, which are the town of Wah Ming, the new Tianjin eco-city, etc.. Meanwhile, all the charge stations have charged 2418 times, for a total charge of 458 732 degrees. • 2012年天津将再建80座电动汽车充电桩,进一步完善电动汽车充换电服务网络Tianjin plans to build 80 electric vehicle charging piles to improve the electric vehicle charging electric service network in 2012.
LED上游厂商Upstream of LED Industry 三安光电Sanan electronic LED 中游厂商Midstream of LED Industry 光宝Liteon 汉城半导体 Seoul Semiconductor LED下游厂商Downstream of LED Industry 亿光Everlight 银星LED产业园 半导体照明产业LED Industry 天津产业现状Tianjin LED Industry Overview LED是下游拉动型产业,因此滨海科技园所有照明都将使用LED来吸引中下游企业,在我区行程产业聚集 Using LED illumination in BSP to attract mid & down stream companies, to realize industry cluster in THIP
电子信息及软件 IT • 每年2亿元产业发展基金来扶持高新区软件及服务外包产业的发展 Annually RMB200Million Yuan Industry Development Fund supports the development of software and service outsourcing industry • 每年5千万元产业发展基金来扶持高新区动漫创意产业的发展 Annually RMB50Million Yuan Industry Development Fund supports the development of software and service outsourcing industry • 天津市IC设计中心 Tianjin IC Design Center
先进制造业 Advanced Manufacturing Industry 代表企业Key Player • 赛象科技Saixiang Technology • 西门子电气传动Siemens • 中国航天科技集团 • 对国家级科研机构重大科技成果进行产业化的项目,给予重点支持。根据项目的技术水准、经济效益及实际需求情况,每个项目一次性支持金额最高达1000万元。 A one-time award of up to RMB10 Million Yuan is set to support each state level scientific and technological achievement industrialization project according to the value of the project.
生物医药及医疗保健产业 Biopharmaceutical and Health Care Industry • 以国家生物医药产业创新园为平台,以协和干细胞、博福-益普生、天津药研院、中新药业、天药股份等为龙头带动天津高新区生物医药产业跨越式发展。 Lead by ChinaStemCell, Ipsen, State Biopharmaceutical innovation park in THIP fulfills leap-over development
现代服务业 Modern Service 高银117大厦 • 金融服务区Financial Service Area • 居住区Resident Area • 总部经济:在滨海科技园泊龙湖周围,打造天津市的总部经济中心 HQ economy: BOLONG Lake HQ economy Rim & Huayuan 117 HQ economy Area • 研发中心:利用华苑科技园的地理、人才优势建立一批研发中心 R&D Center: R&D Centered in HSP 双子星大厦
金融-天津高新区 Finance in THIP • 天津高新区以自主创新为特色,有众多的高科技、高成长性的企业 With the character of independent innovation, THIP owns numerous hi-tech and high-growth enterprises • 天津主板及创业板上市公司最多的区域 THIP owns the largest number of listed companies in main board and GEM • 量身订做的优惠政策:企业所得税、营业税奖励,个人所得税奖励、办公用房补贴 Suitable preferential policy: deductions and exemptionsof income tax and business tax, subsidy of office • 基金:CPG基础设施投资基金、海泰戈壁基金、海泰创新基金、天津保障房基金、翘然资本 PE:CPG Infrastructure Investment Fund, Gobi-Hitech Fund, Hitech Venture Capital, ON Capital • 租赁公司:德众租赁、GE租赁、高银保理等 Dezhong Leasing, GE Leasing,Goldin Factoring
未来科技城 宁河拓展区 National Science City PⅡ 滨海科技园 Binhai Science Park (National Science City PⅠ) 华苑科技园 Huayuan Science Park
天津未来科技城 • “三个一流” 建设国际一流研发平台 集聚国际一流科技人才 产出和转化国际一流科技成果 • 智慧经济城、创新先导城 • 中组部、国资委批准组建 • 仅北京、天津、杭州、武汉四家 • 坐落滨海高新区 • 研发与成果转化基地 • 央企、民企、外企共同发展
至北京120公里,70分钟 至北戴河180公里,90分钟 至天津市区30公里,30分钟 至天津机场20公里,15分钟 至滨海科技园15公里,10分钟 至港口40公里,30分钟 至滨海新区30公里,20分钟
天津滨海高新区 4 2 天津:中国北方经济中心 Tianjin: North China's Economic Center 1 滨海新区:中国经济增长第三极 B.N.A: China Economy’s 3rd Driving Engine 天津高新区:滨海新区领航区 T.H.I.P: Leading Area of B.N.A. 3 投资发展优势 Benefit for investing in T.H.I.P
便利的交通设施情况 —— 海港Convenient Transportation - Tianjin port 高新区两个核心区距我国北方第一大港——天津港分别为50公里及18公里 The distance from our science parks to the largest port in north china - Tianjin port are 50 km and 18 km. 天津港口客、货吞吐量及港口设施 Volume of passenger & freight handled in ports and ports facilities of Tianjin 港口旅客吞吐量34万人次, Volume of Passenger Handled in Ports is 340000 person-times; 港口货物吞吐量30946万吨, Volume of Freight Handled in Ports is 309.46 Million tons; 集装箱吞吐量710万国际标准箱, Handled Containers 7.1 Million TEU; 港口泊位142个, 142 Berths; 集装箱班轮航线110条, access 110 Container liner routes. 仓库总面积 436437平方米, 436437 sq.m store houses; 堆场总面积 7724981平方米, 7724981 sq.m goods pile; 集装箱堆场堆存能力417510国际标准箱, Capacity of Piling Containers is 417510 TEU; 港口货物吞吐量30946万吨, Volume of Freight Handled in Ports is 30.946 Million tons;
便利的交通设施情况 ——空港Convenient Transportation - Tianjin airport 高新区两个核心区距北方最大的货运中心 ---- 天津滨海国际机场分别为18公里及9公里, The distance from our science parks to the largest freight center in north china --- Tianjin airport are 18 km and 9 km. 2、 民用航空机场主要指标 (2008) INDICATORS OF CIVIL AVIATION AIRPORT 2008 旅客吞吐量464万人次,增幅达到20%, Passenger Traffic is 4.64 million persons with increase rate of 20%; 货(邮)吞吐量16.7万吨,同比增长33.5%, Freight Traffic is 167 thousand tons with increase rate of 33.5%; 开通国内外航线92条,航班1691班次/周,通航68个城市 92 freight line, 1691 flight per week, access to 68 cities.
理想的人力资源——丰富的教育资源Human Resource – Well-educated employee market 教育能力保持全国前3名,高校超过50所,在校生近50万人,博士后流动站163个。在站博士后500余名,全年引进各类高级人才1.36万人。 Maintain the top3 education capacity in China, 0.5 million student in more than 50 universities; over 500 post-doctors in 163 post-doctor station; gathering about 13.6 thousand hi-level talents come to Tianjin every year. 去年,7303人被授予博士学位, 26460人被授予读硕士学位 7303 postgraduates be granted as Doctor degree, 26460 postgraduates as Master degree in 2008; 2819人攻读工博士学位,9293人攻读工硕士学位 2819 doctor degree and 9293 master degree postgraduates are majoring in Engineering; 488人攻读医学博士学位,2845人攻读医学硕士学位。 488 doctor degree and 2845 master degree postgraduates are majoring in Medicine。
理想的人力资源——活跃的科研活动环境HR resource - Environment of R&D 大中型工业企业科技活动基本情况 R&D IN LARGE AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES 全市科研机构共252家,科研经费支出超过70.76亿元,共申请专利3615件,61708名从事科技活动人员。 252 S&T research institutions in Tianjin with the expenditure of 7.076 billion yuan, 3615 patent applications and 61708 employees engaged in S&T activities; 专用设备制造业科技机构数19个,科技机构经费支出1.66亿元,申请专利138件, 3967名人员从事科技活动 19 S&T research institutions in equipment manufacturing for special purpose industry with expenditure of 166 million yuan, 138 patent applications and 3967employees engaged in S&T activities.
理想的人力资源——活跃的科研活动环境HR resource - Environment of R&D 大中型工业企业科技活动基本情况表 续 R&D IN LARGE AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES, 2008 continue 电气机械及器材制造业科技机构数 24个,科技机构经费支出7.13元,申请专利940件,9724名人员从事科技活动 24 S&T research institutions in electric equipment and machinery industry with expenditure of 713 million yuan, 940 patent applications and 9724 employees engaged in S&T activities. 通信设备、计算机及其它电子设备制造业科技机构数 31个,科技机构经费支出12.13亿元,申请专利282件, 4079名人员从事科技活动 31 S&T research institutions in telecommunications Equipment, Computer and Other Electronic Equipment Manufacturing industry with expenditure of 1213 million yuan, 282 patent applications and 4079 employees engaged in S&T activities. 仪器仪表及文化、办公用机械制造业科技机构数 2个,科技机构经费支出0.16亿元,申请专利77件, 10446名人员从事科技活动 2 S&T research institutions in instruments,meters,cultural and office machinery industry with expenditure of 16 million yuan, 77 patent applications and 10446 employees engaged in S&T activities.
投资环境 ---土地资源Industrial environment ---Land • 规划面积 Planned Area • 华苑科技园 11.58平方公里 Huayuan Science Park –covering 11.58 km2 • 滨海科技园 30.5平方公里 Binhai Science Park- covering 30.5 Km2 • 未来科技城宁河拓展区40平方公里 National Science city PⅡ– covering 40 Km2 • 对于确认的所需土地面积,通常可提供数个选择 As long as you have confirmed your size requirement, we will offer 2-3 land lot choices with layout drawings. • 高新区所提供的土地均配有成熟的设施,水电气等直接到地块上。 All the land to be transferred in THIP are equipped with necessary utilities. Electricity, water, gas, communication, roads, etc are connected to the border (red line) of the land lot. • 三大政策体系:产业、创新、人才 • ThreePolicies System:Industry, Innovation and talent