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Bordeaux 1 of 6. Cultural analysis – an instrument for good communication among people. V-2013: Frankrike.
Bordeaux 1 of 6 Cultural analysis – an instrument for good communication among people V-2013: Frankrike Cultural Analysis is about the process of acculturation. It is about a model of accultuiration. It goes from Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Socialization. The second part treats Interpersonal Communication. Some methodology and some theories of leadership will be illuminated. Magid Al-Araki Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences [HiOA] Postbox 4, St. Olavs plass NO-0130 Oslo, Norway. Tel: (+47) 22 45 35 63 Homepage: http://home.hio.no/~araki/ [2] Private homepage: http://home.online.no/~al-araki/ [3] Min CV: http://home.hio.no/~araki/arabase/spm/aracv.html [4] Reference: Kulturanalyse: et verktøy for god kommunikasjon mellom mennesker. Cappelen 2007 ISBN: 978-82-02-247 23-2
Bordeaux 2 of 6 ISDS IACD TertiarySocialization SecondarySocialization PrimarySocialization SRAS PEAI AESL MCAP Innborn predispositions & senso-motor abilities
Bordeaux 3 of 6The book I-identity See-identity Do-identity Should-identify Integrative style Adaptive style Calculative style Deviative style Styles of acculturation Identities during interaction Tertiary Socialization In each social context, our feelings are implied through the mixture of our styles of acculturation SecondarySocialization Primary Socialization Stereotypes & Prejudices Roles & Ranks Age & Maturity Sex & Personal profile ? Ancestral Claims Ethics & Religion Social Experience Language & History Power & Authority Economic Reasoning Abilities & Skills Independence Myths & Symbols Climate & Nature Artefacts Patterns of Thinking Communication Disciplinary Aptitude Social Predisposition Rudiments of Selv-assertion Social Solidarity Innborn predispositions & senso-motor abilities
Figuren på side 46 og 128 Bordeaux 4 of 6 5. Understanding 6. Networking 4. Attentiveness 3. Safety 2. Self-esteem N. Luhmann, G. Kelly, W. Bion, Ibn Khaldun osv + + + ÷ 1. Orientation through rucksack ÷ ÷ ÷ + Premises for Cultural Dialogue
Bordeaux 5 of 6 Vi stopper her.
Bordeaux 6 of 6 The End: Cultural Analysis and Communication Merci References • Al-Araki, A. Magid. "Kulturanalyse: Modellskisse." http://home.hio.no/~araki/arabase/spm/arakipub.html. • al-Araki, Magid. Oktografen. Vol. 2011 nr. 15, [Oslo]: Høgskolen i Oslo, 2011. • al-Araki, Magid. Kulturanalyse Et Verktøy for God Kommunikasjon Mellom Mennesker. Oslo: Cappelen akademisk forl., 2007. ISBN: 978-82-02-247 23-2 • al-Araki, Magid. Oktografen En Modell for Forståelse Av Organisasjonens Ansvarsområder Og Virksomhetsprosesser. Hio-Rapport Nr 17. Oslo: Høgskolen i Oslo, 2006. • al-Araki, Magid. The Octograph with Cases in Organization Development and Project Management, Leadership and Human Resource Management. Hio-Notat 2006 Nr 6. [Oslo]: Oslo University College, Faculty of Business, 2006. • al-Araki, A. Magid. "The Octograph and E-Learning by Labyrinth-Cases." International Journal on E-Learning 4, no. 3 ( 2005): 281–98. • al-Araki, Magid. Case-Eksempler Og Løsningsforslag I Organisasjonsutvikling Og Prosjekt Styring. Hio-Notat Nr 5. Oslo: Høgskolen i Oslo, 2005. • al-Araki, Magid. Case-Eksempler Og Løsningsforslag I Ledelse Og Personalansvar. Hio-Notat Nr 13. Oslo: Høgskolen i Oslo, 2004.
Bordeaux 1 of 11 Theory of Systems System Theory
Bordeaux 2 of 11 The Octograph Actors, responsibility and process Process of Decision Making [Responsibility for Steering the Organization ], Process of Communication [Responsibility for Employees] Process of Production [Responsibility for Efficiency and quality] Process of Innovation [Responsibiliy for Change] Leadership Objectives & plans Supporting group Empowerment & commitment Input & demand DistributionSystem Outcome & accept Development Output [efficiency]
Bordeaux 3 of 11 Theory of Systems Oatiavar, his organization, his systems, his leadershp and development plans
How and why Oatava_1? Bordeaux 4 of 11 Leadership_1 OATIAVAR: 1 & 2? How? 4 systems 1_Identities & self-esteem 2_Systems of Thoughts 4_System of Actors O L S E ( ) D Environment I Environment O D O 3_System of Organization Outcome & Conformity Input & demand Supporting groups Think responsibility and behaviour Daily Organization Empowerment & Economy LEAD through insight & cultural mix Objectives & plans Output & production Important: vacation and spare time Leadership Development of Resources
How and why Oatava_2? Bordeaux 5 of 11 Leadership_2 8_System of Risk Management Differentiation of Input Development of offer Ownership of resources Resource Development 5_System of Responsibilities 7_System of Behaviour: LEAD Responsibility for styring the organization Exchange of views Participation Responsibility for supporters and employees Ownership of ideas Resonsibility for efficiency and quality Organizational learning Responsibility for change consequences 1_System of Identities & self-esteem 2_Systems of Thoughts 3_System of Organization 4_System of Actors 6_System of Operation Process of Decision Making Process of Communication Process of Production Process of Innovation
Bordeaux 6 of 11 The Octograph Actors, responsibility and process Process of Decision Making [Responsibility for Steering the Organization ], Process of Communication [Responsibility for Employees] Process of Production [Responsibility for Efficiency and quality] Process of Innovation [Responsibiliy for Change] Leadership Objectives & plans Supporting group Empowerment & commitment Input & demand Distribution System Outcome & accept Development Output [efficiency]
Bordeaux 7 of 11 Change agent SAVE through: Productivity Working Conditions Resource Development Save through Results control Save through… Evaluation (Final) Exchange of meaning Time perspectives Empoerment & Ownership 4_ System of Thoughts Tasks (Additional) Participation 3_Sys. of Identification & self.esteem 2_System of Actors 1_System of Organization Save through mastery of Organizational Understanding Problem Solving Methods Project Management
Bordeaux 8 of 11 Efficiency & effectiveness_1 Efficiency and effectiveness Production Internal Efficiency Utilized Resources Efficiencey and effectiveness_1 Low efficiency Much resources High satisfaction High efficiency Less resources High satisfaction High «Right» products «Right» products External effectiveness Satisfaction of needs Low efficiency Much resources Low satisfaction High efficiency Less resources Low satisfaction Low «Wrong» products «Wrong» products Low High Al-Araki, 1.1..2012
Bordeaux 9 of 11 Efficiency & effectiveness_2 Efficiency and effectiveness Production Internal Efficiency Utilized Resources Efficiencey & effectiveness_2 We are not effective, we utilize much resources, but we produce We are very effective, we utilize less resources and we produce High «right» products «right» products External effectiveness Satisfaction of needs We are not effective, we utilize much resources and we produce We are very efective, we utilise less resources, but we produce Low «wrong» products «wrong» products Low High Al-Araki, 1...2012
Bordeaux 10 of 11 Merci End og 2nd. Part: Oatava & his organization References • Al-Araki, A. Magid. "Kulturanalyse: Modellskisse." http://home.hio.no/~araki/arabase/spm/arakipub.html. • al-Araki, Magid. Oktografen. Vol. 2011 nr. 15, [Oslo]: Høgskolen i Oslo, 2011. • al-Araki, Magid. Kulturanalyse Et Verktøy for God Kommunikasjon Mellom Mennesker. Oslo: Cappelen akademisk forl., 2007. ISBN: 978-82-02-247 23-2 • al-Araki, Magid. Oktografen En Modell for Forståelse Av Organisasjonens Ansvarsområder Og Virksomhetsprosesser. Hio-Rapport Nr 17. Oslo: Høgskolen i Oslo, 2006. • al-Araki, Magid. The Octograph with Cases in Organization Development and Project Management, Leadership and Human Resource Management. Hio-Notat 2006 Nr 6. [Oslo]: Oslo University College, Faculty of Business, 2006. • al-Araki, A. Magid. "The Octograph and E-Learning by Labyrinth-Cases." International Journal on E-Learning 4, no. 3 ( 2005): 281–98. • al-Araki, Magid. Case-Eksempler Og Løsningsforslag I Organisasjonsutvikling Og Prosjekt Styring. Hio-Notat Nr 5. Oslo: Høgskolen i Oslo, 2005. • al-Araki, Magid. Case-Eksempler Og Løsningsforslag I Ledelse Og Personalansvar. Hio-Notat Nr 13. Oslo: Høgskolen i Oslo, 2004.
I-identity See-identity Do-identity Should-identify Integrative style Adaptive style Calculative style Deviative style Bordeaux 11 of 11The book Styles of acculturation Identities during interaction Tertiary Socialization In each social context, our feelings are implied through the mixture of our styles of acculturation SecondarySocialization Primary Socialization Stereotypes & Prejudices Roles & Ranks Age & Maturity Sex & Personal profile Ancestral Claims Ethics & Religion Social Experience Language & History Power & Authority Economic Reasoning Abilities & Skills Independence Myths & Symbols Climate & Nature Artefacts Patterns of Thinking Communication Disciplinary Aptitude Social Predisposition Rudiments of Selv-assertion Social Solidarity Innborn predispositions & senso-motor abilities Reference: Kulturanalyse: et verktøy for god kommunikasjon mellom mennesker. Cappelen 2007 ISBN: 978-82-02-247 23-2