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Locally Linear Support Vector Machines

Designing a classifier, locally approximating data using anchor points, differentiating between Linear and Kernel SVMs, with a focus on smooth decision boundaries and optimized performance.

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Locally Linear Support Vector Machines

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  1. Locally Linear Support Vector Machines Ľubor Ladický Philip H.S. Torr

  2. Binary classification task Given : { [x1, y1], [x2, y2], … [xn, yn] } xi - feature vector yi {-1, 1} - label The task is : To design y = H(x) that predicts a label y for a new x

  3. Binary classification task Given : { [x1, y1], [x2, y2], … [xn, yn] } xi - feature vector yi {-1, 1} - label The task is : To design y = H(x) that predicts a label y for a new x Several approaches proposed : Support Vector Machines, Boosting, Random Forests, Neural networks, Nearest Neighbour, ..

  4. Linear vs. Kernel SVMs Linear SVMs • Fast training and evaluation • Applicable to large scale data sets • Low discriminative power Kernel SVMs • Slow training and evaluation • Not feasible to too large data sets • Much better performance for hard problems

  5. Motivation The goal is to design an SVM with: • Good trade-off between the performance and speed • Scalability to large scale data sets (solvable using SGD)

  6. Local codings Points approximated as a weighted sum of anchor points v – anchor points γ V(x) - coordinates

  7. Local codings Points approximated as a weighted sum of anchor points Coordinates obtained using : • Distance based methods (Gemert et al. 2008, Zhou et al. 2009) • Reconstruction methods (Roweis et al.2000, Yu et al. 2009, Gao et al. 2010) v – anchor points γ V(x) - coordinates

  8. Local codings For a normalised codings and any Lipschitz function f : (Yu et al. 2009)  v – anchor points γ V(x) - coordinates

  9. Linear SVMs The form of the classifier Weights w and bias b obtained as : (Vapnik & Learner 1963, Cortes & Vapnik 1995) [xk, yk] – training samples λ- regularisation weight S – number of samples

  10. Locally Linear SVMs The decision boundary should be smooth • Approximately linear is sufficiently small region

  11. Locally Linear SVMs The decision boundary should be smooth • Approximately linear is sufficiently small region

  12. Locally Linear SVMs The decision boundary should be smooth • Approximately linear is sufficiently small region

  13. Locally Linear SVMs The decision boundary should be smooth • Approximately linear is sufficiently small region • Curvature is bounded • Functions wi(x) and b(x) are Lipschitz • wi(x) and b(x)can be approximated using local coding

  14. Locally Linear SVMs The decision boundary should be smooth • Approximately linear is sufficiently small region • Curvature is bounded • Functions wi(x) and b(x) are Lipschitz • wi(x) and b(x)can be approximated using local coding

  15. Locally Linear SVMs The classifier takes the form : WeightsW and biases b are obtained as : where

  16. Locally Linear SVMs Optimised using stochastic gradient descent (Bordes et al. 2005) :

  17. Relation to other models • Generalisation of Linear SVM on x : - representable by W = (ww ..)T and b = (b’ b’ ..)T • Generalisation of Linear SVM on γ: - representable by W = 0 andb = w • Generalisation of model selecting Latent(MI)-SVM : - representable by γ = (0, 0, .., 1, .. 0)

  18. Extension to finite kernels The finite kernel classifier takes the form where is the kernel function Weights W and b obtained as :

  19. Experiments MNIST, LETTER & USPS datasets • Anchor points obtained using K-means clustering • Coordinates evaluated on kNN (k = 8) (slow part) • Coordinates obtained using weighted inverse distance • Raw data used CALTECH-101 (15 training samples per class) • Coordinates evaluated on kNN (k = 5) • Approximated Intersection kernel used (Vedaldi & Zisserman 2010) • Spatial pyramid of BOW features • Coordinates evaluated based on histogram over whole image

  20. Experiments • MNIST

  21. Experiments • UIUC / LETTER • Caltech-101

  22. Conclusions • We propose novel Locally Linear SVM formulation with • Good trade-off between speed and performance • Scalability to large scale data sets • Easy to implement Optimal way of learning anchor points is an open question Questions ?

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