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Vatsa Information System

VIS is a comprehensive information system that aims to enhance the efficiency and quality of services provided by Vatsa-Bai Spa. It includes modules for hotel management, stocks management, restaurant and bar management, healthcare management, tourism agency services, education support, and IT department support.

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Vatsa Information System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. VatsaInformation System By V.Ciclicci, V.Sidorenco, I.Druta, E.Ciumac, R.Albu, S.Stanila, V.Doni, S.Dolenco, S.Pustovalov Systemcomputer S.R.L. Softcom S.A. www.syscom.md

  2. VIS: a Projectof complex information system Project’s devise: “Hospitality directly depends on the quality information services and technologies used"

  3. Main Objectives of VIS project • Increasing of integral efficiency of administration and management tasks of Vatsa-Bai Spa • Creation of modern information infrastructure that can improve all services of Vatsa-Bai Spa: hotel services, recreation, health care, restaurant and bar services, education and professional training etc.

  4. VIS: Internal Architecture Main principles: FOBO - Front Office – Back Office ERP – Enterprise Resources Planning Web Access SQL Server

  5. VIS:Main Subsystems • Ethernet LAN connected to County-level ATM Backbone • General Administration and Management System • Hotel Management system • Stocks management system • Restaurant and Bars Management system • Health Care management system • Tourism Agency Services system • Education Support System • Information Technology department support

  6. VIS: Main software modules

  7. VIS: ATM Backbone of WAN RomTMN HD

  8. VIS: Topology of LAN

  9. VIS: Logical structure of LAN

  10. VIS:Hotel Management System • "Front Office/Back Office“ concept: • Account of hotel guests and resources(capacity, services, logistics) • Reception (local and distant rooms reserving, account of free and reserved spaces, check-in and check-out)

  11. VIS:Hotel Management System Application interface

  12. VIS:Hotel Management System Spaces reservation and optimizing

  13. VIS:Hotel Management System Reception interface

  14. VIS:Hotel Management System Account and Check-Out

  15. VIS:Hotel Management System Analysis

  16. VIS: Logistics management Stocks management configuration

  17. VIS: Logistics management Stocks management: purchasing

  18. VIS: Logistics management Internal exchange

  19. VIS:Meal System Management

  20. VIS:Meal System Management Transformation of produces

  21. VIS:Meal System Management Ingredients account

  22. VIS:Meal System Management Consuming account

  23. VIS:Meal System Management Products selling

  24. VIS:Health Care System Management • Reception and registration • Resources account and distribution • Treatments planning • Patients account. History of treatments • Information about capacities

  25. Web VIS

  26. Web VIS

  27. Web VIS

  28. Web VIS

  29. Web VIS

  30. Web VIS

  31. VIS:Information Department Multimedia programs broadcast

  32. VIS:Information Department Windows Media System

  33. VIS:Learning Department • Preparing electronic lessons • Electronic presentations • Workshops on information technologies, networking, computer science, telecommunications, programming • Internet Exploring

  34. VIS:Learning Department Virtual Classrooms with NetOp School

  35. VIS:Learning Department Virtual Classrooms with NetOp School

  36. Thank you! Systemcomputer Ltd Softcom S.A. http://www.syscom.md E-mail: cvv@syscom.md Chisinau, Decebal, 99 2038 Moldova, Republic of Tel.Fax: +373-2-563306

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