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The local housing system needs your clients!. ESG HUD Continuum of Care Chronic Homelessness Rapid Rehousing HEARTH McKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions. A little background…. HUD – U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
The local housing system needs your clients! ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
A little background…. HUD – U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Congress created the McKinney-Vento Act in 1987 to provide emergency shelter and transitional housing to homeless persons. Since 2005 it has increased its preference for develop permanent supportive housing. ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
HEARTH ACT Enacted in May 2009 as a significant update to McKinney-Vento Act For nowyou may hear McKinney-Vento and HEARTH Act used interchangeably by the housing system to refer to HUD’s Continuum of Care programs. ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
HEARTH revised the Emergency Solutions Grant (formerly the Emergency Shelter Grant) Increased Emergency Solutions Grants from 10% to 20% of total homeless programs budget to emphasize: Homelessness prevention homelessness among those at imminent risk. Rapidly rehouse individuals and families who do become homeless ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
Emergency Solutions Grant Rapid Rehousing Helps homeless families and individuals find housing with short term assistance with security deposit, rent and utility start up costs Must serve families at 30% of area media income at entry Persons fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence are eligible ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
Emergency Solutions Grant Homelessness Prevention Homelessness prevention among those at imminent risk Household income limited to 30% of area median income at entry Program will assist with rent arrearages and unpaid utilities ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
Definition of Permanent Supportive Housing Long-term, community-based housing that has supportive services for homeless persons with disabilities. Permanent housing can be provided in one structure or several structures at one site or in multiple structures at scattered sites. There is no limit on the length of stay. ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
Chronic Homelessness An individual or family with member with a disability who has been homeless at least one year or more continuously OR Had 4 separate episodes of homelessness in the previous 3 years ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions *There must be 30 days between episodes
Examples of homeless episodes that will qualify toward chronically homeless definition Incidents of hospitalization < 90 days Was temporarily doubled up with family or friends Has been evicted or will lose housing within 14 days Stayed in a shelter Stayed on the street, in a car, etc.
The definition of disability for HUD programs: • Mental Illness • Substance dependency (even street drugs) • AIDS • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder • Brain injuries. ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
Homeless Categories Category One: Literally Homeless Sleeping in a place not designed for or used as a regular sleeping accommodation, including a car, park, abandoned building, etc. OR Living in a shelter designed to provide temporary living arrangements OR Exiting an institution where they resided for ≤ 90 days AND were street homeless immediately prior to entering the institution ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
Homeless Categories Category Two: Imminent Risk of Homeless • Will lose primary nighttime residence within 14 days AND • No subsequent residence has been identified AND • No resources or support networks to obtain permanent housing ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
Homeless Categories Category Three: Homeless Under Other Federal Statutes Unaccompanied youth < 25, OR families with children and youth, who: Qualify as homeless under other federal Statutes such as Administration for Children and Families programs *List of other federal statutes at end of slide show ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
Homeless Categories Category Four: Fleeing/Attempting to Flee Domestic Violence Fleeing, or is attempting to flee domestic violence AND No subsequent residence has been identified AND No resources or support networks to obtain permanent housing ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
Category One: Literally Homeless Category Four Fleeing/Attempting to Flee DV Category Two: Imminent Risk HUD Supportive Housing Program State/Local Housing Trust State/Local Housing Trust HUD Shelter Plus Care HOME or CDBG HOME or CDBG HUD Supportive Services Only ESG Homeless Prevention Homeless Prevention Transitional Housing ESG Rapid Rehousing Rapid Rehousing State/Local Housing Trust Transitional Housing HOME or CDBG VAWA Transitional Housing Transitional Housing ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
Data Sources Drive Funding Allocations! Point in Time Count Collaborative Applicant oversees the bi-annual event. Literal count of homeless persons in a 24 hour period that HUD designates. Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Database for all client activity in the homeless system from first point of entry to final service ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
HEARTH Act Performance Measures Reduce the number of people who become homeless Reduce returns to homelessness Reduce length of homelessness Reduce overall homelessness Increase jobs and earned income ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
Get to know your local Continuum of Care body (CoC) The Continuum of Care refers to the collection of HUD programs for different populations and types of housing. The Collaborative Applicant submits one application on behalf of the total jurisdiction's homeless programs. BUT…individual agencies administer programs they obtained through the CoC ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
Advocate to your local Continuum of Care Planning Group Ask CoC housing providers to add preferences for your clients to move up the waiting lists faster Provide data to show percentage of your clients who will gain income Commit to deliver services and supports for at least six months and send reports to the housing agency Commit to document the value of your services by individual (can use unique identification numbers for confidentiality) ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
Advocacy with the CoC and individual housing providers • Identify your local CoC Collaborative Applicant 2. Ask to see a copy of its strategic plan to end homelessness in 10 years and how they envision serving your clients 3. Ask for names of related groups that work as part of the homeless services delivery systems Example: Stark County has the Homeless Collaborative that meets monthly and all interested providers are welcome to attend 4. Volunteer to help with the Point in Time Count ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
Violence Against Women Act funds for housing Transitional Housing Grant ProgramThe Transitional Housing Assistance Program Grant for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Stalking, or Sexual Assault Program (Transitional Housing Assistance Program) focuses on a holistic, victim-centered approach to provide transitional housing services that move individuals into permanent housing. Office on Violence Against Women http://www.ovw.usdoj.gov/ ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions
Contact Information Maryellen Hess Cameron mhess@ican-inc.org To follow my blog about homelessness and housing www.maryellenhess.com http://www.facebook.com/ICANHousingSolutions Join discussions with me on Linked In about housing policies and strategies at Maryellen Hess Cameron | LinkedIn ESGHUDContinuum of CareChronic HomelessnessRapid RehousingHEARTHMcKinney-Vento Homeless Definitions