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Technology Use in the Schools

Explore the power of technology in education with a focus on utilizing blended models - Bloom’s Taxonomy, SAMR, and TPACK. Discuss the importance of incorporating critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication in teaching. Learn how to redesign learning spaces, promote authentic learning, and bridge the digital divide between teachers and students. Receive valuable insights from the Technology Needs Assessment Survey and discover strategies for improving technology use planning. Join us in transforming teaching methods to enhance student learning outcomes.

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Technology Use in the Schools

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  1. Technology in Our Schools Technology Use in the Schools Jennifer Johnsen ED780

  2. Agenda 10:00 Welcome 10:05 PowerPoint Presentation Needs Assessment Results Greatest Need 10:20 BREAK 10:30 Presentation (continued) Blending Models Transforming Teaching Example 10:40 Small Group Task 11:15 Closing Remarks

  3. “The power of the teacher comes not from the information she shares but from the opportunities she creates for students to learn how to learn, solve problems, and apply learning in meaningful ways.” ~ Katie Martin

  4. Technology Needs Assessment Survey • Questions Exploring these Topics: • Definition of educational technology • Areas of training needed • Developing critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication • Promoting deeper learning • Redesigning learning spaces • Authentic learning • Bloom’s, SAMR, and TPACK models • Assistive technologies • Technology use planning • The digital divide between teachers and between students

  5. Survey Responses Regarding the EdTech Definition Most definitions discussed the physical technological resources we have available, such as 1:1 laptops, tablets, and Promethean boards. A few of our responses discussed how technology is used – for benchmark testing, stations, early finishers. Some responses discussed how technology should be used – for the creation of a product to demonstrate learning, robotics, and drone classes. • AECT’s definition: “the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources”

  6. Survey Reponses Regarding the 4 Cs – communication, collaboration, critical thinking,creativity Collaboration and communication seem to be taught more than critical thinking and creativity. More efforts towards incorporating creativity and critical thinking

  7. Survey Responses Regarding the NMC Horizon Report Suggestions for promoting deeper learning at our schools: more PD, incorporating 4 Cs, improved learning spaces, less material to cover so that quality takes precedence over quantity, project-based learning, authentic learning

  8. Survey Responses Regarding Accessibility • From the survey, the majority of you felt technology is accessible to all of the students in your classroom. • You also expressed an interest in learning about assistive technologies for children with autism. • In the future, we will have professional development geared towards specific impairments and/or disabilities, such as autism. We will also provide training in simple changes that can be made to the computer’s settings, as well as browser add-ons, to further assist students.

  9. Survey Responses Regarding the Digital Divide • Narrowing the gap among students: • technology to take home • haves vs. have nots AND the educated vs. the uneducated • more information made available to parents • after hours computer lab • free internet to needy students • opportunities for parents without technology to use/learn about it • Narrowing the gap among teachers: • more training & observation • more collaboration • more practice • all have the same technology available • one-on-one guidance sessions with tech specialist

  10. Survey Responses Regarding Technology Use Planning Surprisingly, the majority of those surveyed did not know whether or not their school had a technology use plan. The technological equipment at schools, though, was mostly new or useable (with upgrades needed). Most teachers/administrators felt teaching with technology should be addressed first.

  11. Survey Responses Regarding Blended TaxonomiesBloom’s TaxonomySAMRTPACK Many of those surveyed still had difficulty explaining how educators could use technology to modify and/or redefine learning. They would like more professional development in how to use blended taxonomies to use technology that transforms learning. The use of blended taxonomies to improve the use of technology in the classroom seems to be the most pressing issue, so we will discuss this further.

  12. Transforming Teaching through the Use of Technology

  13. “Educators need to move from simplicity to complexity to ensure that they use all the tools at their disposal to reach that goal” ~ Marcovitz & Janiszewski

  14. Blending Models to Transform Teaching Blending these models, Bloom’s Taxonomy, SAMR, and TPACK, allows us to increase teacher and therefore student learning. Students are encouraged to think on a more critical level – to reach the highest level of the pyramid. The use of blended taxonomies encourages educators to use technology to its fullest capacity. Teachers should continually ask themselves whythey are using technology and howthey can incorporate technology to promote deeper learning.

  15. Blending Models to Transform Teaching (continued) • The TPACK model is another framework that is most powerful when a teacher possesses all three components and uses them in conjunction. • PCK = knowing how to teach a specific subject • TCK = knowing the technology that applies to a specific content area • TPK = knowing how to teach with technology • …. therefore, • TPACK = knowing how to use technology to teach a particular subject area • Which area do you need to strengthen? We will tailor our next PD sessions to help you in your respective areas.

  16. Sample Progression of Technology Use Shallow  Deep • Type a how-to script using Microsoft Word. • Type a how-to script using Google Docs; share the document with peers and the teacher to receive feedback. • Write a how-to script using Google Docs, and then use it to create a how-to video, using the app, iMovie. • Small groups take a virtual field trip to learn how to _________ (ex. code). They then collaborate as they create a how-to video, slideshow, podcast, voice thread, etc. to present how to ______________. In order to use technology in a manner that transforms the learning process, teachers need to have strong knowledge of the content, technical knowledge, and knowledge/use of best practices.

  17. Steps for Transforming Your Instruction through Technology • Break down to rebuild. Get rid of preconceived notions of how your classroom “should” look, sound, and feel. • Redefine with a goal in mind and ask if the technological tool can help you reach that goal. Decide the goals you have for your students. (Ex. increase differentiation – To accomplish that, I can use interactive video mini-lessons modeling three different levels of reading passages.) • Get more app for your money. “What can I do with these devices that would be impossible to do without them?” Move away from content apps and towards student-creation apps. Exs. Educreations, Toontastic, iMovie, Garage Band, Kabaam, Popplet, Aurasma Lite, Thinglink. • Embrace failure. If a new app or software falls flat, ask yourself what you’ve learned. • Enjoy the results; reflect towards the future. Active engagement, motivation, differentiation, increased achievement, and more.

  18. Form groups of 3-4 by grade/content area. 1. Watch the YouTube app introducing the application designated for your group. Applications include Explain Everything, ThingLink, iMovie, and Google Slides. 2. Consider a skill you will be teaching in the upcoming weeks. 3. As a group, respond to these questions, with that skill in mind: • How do I usually teach this skill? Ex. reading fluency – expression component • What goals do I have in mind? Ex. For the students to read with expression • Which technological tool can I use to better teach this skill? Ex. Audionote • What can I do with this tool that is impossible to do without it? Ex. An app that allows them to record and listen to themselves reading • (After implementation) What have I learned from the use of this new technological tool/process? • What were the results? Did student achievement increase? Were all learners reached? 4. Open the designated app (Explain Everything, ThingLink, iMovie, or Google Slides) on the tablet provided. 5. Create a product (using the app designated for your group) that presents your responses to the aforementioned questions. 6. Prepare to share your products with the whole group.

  19. References: Alliance for Excellent Education. (2018). Digital learning day 2018: Technology is transforming America’s classrooms [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ-X4CdKfC8 Association for Educational Communications and Technology. (2012). AECT standards, 2012 version [PDF document]. Retrieved from https://www.aect.org/docs/AECT standards2012.pdf Lee, D. (2014). How to: Google Slides iPad app tutorial v.1.0.1 [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFczBauQeXI M. C. (2013). SAMR in 20 seconds [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us0w823KY0g Magiera, J. (2012). Redefining instruction with technology: Five essential steps. Retrieved from https://www.edweek.org/tm/articles/2012/01/25/ tln_magiera1.html Marcovitz, D. M., & Janiszewski, N. (2015). Technology, models, and 21st-century learning: How models, standards, and theories make learning powerful [PDF file]. Retrieved from http://webdev.loyola.edu/dmarco/SITE2015PaperFinal.pdf Rich Colosi Media. (2015). ThingLink for teachers [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5F226Ck8xg Tech Coaches. (2017). iMovie trailer tutorial [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdEUZY4wStI Winninghoff, J. (2017). Explain everything: Explain for teachers [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUpNvLiBgdg

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