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Absence Quotas: Understanding, Displaying, & Processing

Learn to manage absence quotas efficiently: types, balances, payouts, and accruals for various leave categories. Course emphasizes using IRIS system. Gain insights now!

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Absence Quotas: Understanding, Displaying, & Processing

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  1. TM: Absence Quotas HR_TM_330 Use the Forward button below ( ) to advance through the slides. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  2. Prerequisites and Roles • Prerequisites • UK_100 IRIS Awareness & Navigation • HR_200 HR Overview • HR_TM_310 TM: CATS Time Entry • HR_TM_320 TM: Variants & Reports If you have not completed all of these prerequisite courses, please do so prior to taking this course. • Roles • This course is primarily intended for users responsible for the recording and reporting of working times and absences. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  3. Course Content • Unit 1 - Absence Quotas • Unit 2 – Displaying Quota Balances • Unit 3 – Quota Compensation Payouts • Course Summary HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  4. Course Learning Objectives • Gain an understanding of absence quotas and how they are accrued and used • Learn how to display absence quota balances • Be able to process various absence quota payouts upon separation or retirement from the University HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  5. Check for Understanding • The Check for Understanding is a series of questions which will be presented at the end of each unit. • You must successfully pass a unit’s Check for Understanding before proceeding to the next unit. • To complete: • Click on the radio button next to your answer • Click on the Next button • Repeat Steps 1 & 2 for each question • After answering all of the questions, click on the Submit All or Submit All Answers button • Upon passing, click on the Finish button to continue to the next unit in the course HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  6. Unit 1 Absence Quotas HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  7. Absence Quotas • The term Absence Quota refers to an employee’s entitlement to absence for the following quota types: • 01 – Vacation • 02 - Temporary Disability Leave (TDL) • 03 – Military Leave - Training • 07 – Holiday • 11 – Vacation - 10/11 month faculty • 12 – Vacation - 12 month faculty • 13 – Vacation - Faculty member in staff position • Absence quota balances are maintained in IRIS for all eligible employees except Post Doc Scholars and Housestaff employees. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  8. Absence Quotas (Continued) • The day-to-day use and thus reduction of absence quota balances occurs from the time data being entered in CAT2 with the appropriate Absence Type. • Major adjustments to absence quota balances are made only by the HR Employee Relations office. For example: • A new employee is eligible for Holiday Leave for an upcoming holiday, but they were not active in IRIS at the time of the normal accrual. • An employee participates in the Sick-to-Vacation Leave Conversion in April, or donates Vacation Leave to the Staff Shared Leave Pool in May. • Note: Departments must communicate and work with Employee Relations for any major adjustments. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  9. Absence Quota Accruals • Eligible employees accrue absence quotas based on HR Policy and Procedure (http://www.uky.edu/HR/policies). • Vacation and TDL quota accruals occur during the “Prelim” payroll run each pay period, but the number of hours accrued in a pay period will not available for use until the first day of the following pay period. • Holiday quota accruals occur at least three weeks in advance of the holiday and six weeks for the four bonus days. • Faculty members (10-, 11-, and 12-month appointees) are granted all allowable Vacation quota on July 1st or on the hire date for the new faculty. The amount is prorated when the hire date is later than July 1st. • An employee must be in a paid status for at least 50% of a pay period in order to receive the quota accruals for the pay period. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  10. Vacation Leave Quota • Absence quota accruals for Vacation Leave are stored in separate “buckets” for each Fiscal Year (FY). For example: • At the end of a FY, any unused Vacation quota earned during that FY will be available for use for an additional 12 months. The system will make the quota unusable at the end of that time period. • IRIS will automatically adjust accrual amounts as annual Vacation allowances increase for an employee (based on years of service and employment status). FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  11. Vacation Leave Quota (Continued) • IRIS will not accept entry of Vacation Leave if sufficient quota is not available or the employee is still in their “new hire” orientation (probation) period. • Refer to Human Resources Policy and Procedure Number 80.0: Vacation Leave for more information: • http://www.uky.edu/HR/policies/hrpp080.html HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  12. Temporary Disability Leave (TDL) Quota • Absence quota accruals for TDL are stored in one “bucket”. • There is no “use it or lose it” rule with TDL, thus the expiration date for TDL is 12/31/9999. • IRIS will not accept entry of TDL if sufficient quota is not available. All FYs Expires 12/31/99 HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  13. Temporary Disability Leave (TDL) Quota (Con’t) • Eligible staff may convert TDL quota to Vacation quota in April at a conversion rate of three TDL days for one Vacation day. • The UK TDL/Vacation Conversion Form (http://www.uky.edu/eForms/forms/templeave.pdf) must be completed by the department and forwarded to Employee Relations. • Refer to Human Resources Policy and Procedure Number 87.0: Conversion of Temporary Disability Leave - http://www.uky.edu/HR/policies/hrpp087.html • Refer to Human Resources Policy and Procedure Number 82.0: Temporary Disability Leave for more information: • http://www.uky.edu/HR/policies/hrpp082.html HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  14. Holiday Leave Quota • Absence quota accruals for Holiday Leave are stored in separate “buckets” for each Fiscal Year (FY). For example: • Holiday quota earned during a FY expires June 30th of that current FY. There is no 12 month extension, as with Vacation quota. • IRIS will not accept entry of Holiday Leave if sufficient quota is not available. FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 Expires 6/30/11 Expires 6/30/12 Expires 6/30/10 HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  15. Holiday Leave Quota (Continued) • When an employee is required to work or is normally off on any University holiday, equivalent time-off with pay shall be granted on another scheduled work day, within a specified period of six weeks, at the convenience of the department. Departments with special scheduling and staffing problems may extend this period with the approval of the department head and Employee Relations. • Refer to Human Resources Policy and Procedure Number 83.0: Holiday Leave for more information: • http://www.uky.edu/HR/policies/hrpp083.html HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  16. Military Leave Quota • Military Leave quota is manually added by Employee Relations and covers a two week time period for annual training purposes. • IRIS will not accept entry of Military Leave (Absence Type 7402) if sufficient quota is not available. • Refer to Human Resources Policy and Procedure Number 75.0: Uniformed Services Leave (Military Leave) for more information: • http://www.uky.edu/HR/policies/hrpp075.html HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  17. Unit 1 Check for Understanding HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  18. HR_TM_330 Unit 1

  19. Unit 2 Displaying Quota Balances HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  20. Displaying Absence Quota Balances • Appropriate department users and business officers will have access to display absence quota balances for employees within their organizational unit(s). • There are two transactions in IRIS which provide real-time absence quota balances: PT_QTA10 and PT50. • Absence quota balances may also be seen on the Leave Balance Statement and the Pay Statement for eligible employees via the myUK/Employee Self-Service screen. • Contact Employee Relations regarding any absence quota balance concerns or errors. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  21. Absence Quota Terminology HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  22. Absence Quota Date Terminology HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  23. PT_QTA10/Absence Quota Information • Transaction PT_QTA10 provides a very basic report of absence quota balances. • To display absence quota balances for one employee for the current Fiscal Year (FY) only: • Leave the Reporting Period as Today • Enter the employee’s Person ID or Personnel Number HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  24. PT_QTA10/Absence Quota Information (Con’t) • Ensure the desired dates are listed in the Quota Selection section (usually the defaults are adequate) • Deduction Period – the start and end dates of the quota deduction period • Key Date for Deduction – displays all quota used up to this date • Key Date for Entitlement – displays all quota accrued up to this date • For example, to find an employee’s balance(s) on a specific date in the past, set the Key Date for… fields to that date. • Dates that are the same as the last day of the payroll cycle will take into account quota accrual and leave usage as of the end of the payroll cycle. • Click on the Execute icon in the Application Toolbar HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  25. PT_QTA10/Absence Quota Information (Con’t) • This is an example report: • Ignore the Vacation(Legacy Transfer) and first Holiday rows. They are no longer valid quota types. • You will see these mostly with employees who were in an Active status in IRIS at the time of the conversion from the legacy HR system (HRS) to IRIS. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  26. PT_QTA10/Absence Quota Information (Con’t) • To display balances from all FYs, change the Reporting Period to Past (until today) and click on the Execute icon. • For the Vacation and Holiday Quota , each row represents a FY’s data. The rows are in ascending order by FY with the bottom row being the current FY’s data. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  27. PT_QTA10/Absence Quota Information (Con’t) • To display only usable quota, you can filter out expired time. On the report screen: • Click on the Set Filter icon in the Application Toolbar • Locate and double-click on Deduction to in the Column Set • Click on the Filters icon below the Column Set HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  28. PT_QTA10/Absence Quota Information (Con’t) • To display only usable quota (Continued): • Enter today’s date and 12/31/9999 in the Deduction to date range fields • Press Enter • This will display only quotas that are available for use today through the future. All lines that represent quotas that have expired will disappear. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  29. PT_QTA10/Absence Quota Information (Con’t) • To view multiple employees you can use the concepts taught in the Selection Variants course. For example: • Use the Multiple Selection icon to the right of the Personnel Number field to list multiple Personnel Numbers • Use the Selection Fields icon to add the Organizational Unit field to the screen, and then enter your Org Unit number HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  30. PT50 - Quota Overview • Transaction PT50 displays one employee’s absence quota balances and their accruals for each pay period. • Enter the employee’s Person ID and press Enter to populate the employee’s information on the screen • On the Selection dates tab, click on the All button in the lower- right corner HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  31. PT50 - Absence Quotas Tab • Click on the Absence Quotas tab to display all absence quota balances. • Note: These are only the grand total lines ( ). To view further details (like quota balances for individual Fiscal Years for Vacation and Holiday), click on the Expand button in the lower-left corner of the screen. Ignore the 04/Vacation(Legacy Transfer) and 06/Holiday lines. They are no longer valid quota types. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  32. PT50 - Absence Quotas Tab (Continued) For Vacation and Holiday, the top row is the oldest FY’s data, and the bottom row is the current FY’s data. Click on the Collapse button to display only the grand total lines again. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  33. PT50 - Absence Quotas Tab (Continued) • Scroll to the right to see the four date columns. • Remember, the Deduction to column is the “expiration date”. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  34. PT50 – Accrual Information Tab • Click on the Accrual information tab to display the accrual amounts (in the Generated column) an employee has received every pay period for each quota type. Balances loaded during conversion just prior to the IRIS HR go-live (April 2006) Accruals generated each pay period HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  35. ESS/Leave Balance Statement • The Leave Balance Statement is available in the myUK portal for employee’s to review their quota balances and other absence details at any time. • The quota balances are updated only once each day, so they are not as “real-time” as in PT_QTA10 and PT50. • To access the statement: • Log on to myUK • Click on Employee Self-Service • Click on Working Time • Click on Leave Balance Statement HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  36. ESS/Leave Balance Statement (Continued) Click on PDF for a printable version Click here to view previous FY data The Remaining balances are as of the date at the top of the statement. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  37. Pay Statement • Absence quota balances will also be listed on an employee’s pay statement each pay period, and will be as of the date of the “Final” payroll run for that pay period. • Any changes to quota balances after the “Final” payroll run will be reflected on the following pay period’s pay statement. • To access the statement: • Log on to myUK • Click on Employee Self-Service • Click on Benefits and Payment • Click on Pay Statement HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  38. Pay Statement (Continued) • Scroll to the very bottom of the statement to view the absence quota balances. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  39. Unit 2 Check for Understanding HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  40. HR_TM_330 Unit 2

  41. Unit 3 Quota Compensation Payouts HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  42. Quota Compensation Payouts • Upon separating or retiring from the University of Kentucky, eligible staff and faculty may be paid for all or a portion of their accumulated Vacation, Temporary Disability Leave (TDL), and/or Holiday Leave through what are called quota compensation payouts. • Before processing a payout, always review UK’s HR Policy and Procedure Manual to determine eligibility. • http://www.uky.edu/HR/policies HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  43. Quota Compensation Payouts (Continued) • Quota payouts should be processed the day after the Preliminary Payroll Run of the employee’s last pay period. • For example, if a monthly employee’s last day is March 31, 2011, then the quota payout should be processed on March 18, 2011. • This will ensure the employee’s last quota accruals have occurred and all eligible hours are available. • The hours entered in the quota payout will be processed during the next payroll run (Trial Payroll Correction Run), and the pay amount will be included in the employee’s last paycheck. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  44. Quota Compensation Methods • At one point early in this transaction you will be prompted to select the appropriate compensation method. The methods available are: • For the first four methods, the last letter in the 4-letter code will be either E if the employee is Exempt, or N if the employee is Non-exempt. • Do not use the VACL Vacation method. It is no longer valid. • The VAFS Vacation method is to be used for a faculty member in a staff position. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  45. Quota Compensation Methods (Continued) • An employee retiring from UK may have up to two (2) transactions for TDL compensation: / • TDL payout non-exempt/exempt – This is a 22 day lump sum option (22 days X # hrs/day) which should be processed first! • TDL payout non-ex/exempt Ret 10% - This is referred to as the Retirement Contribution Component. The employee can be paid for 10% of the remaining TDL quota amount after completing the 22 day payout. In the No. to compensate field, enter the total number of hours remaining. IRIS will automatically calculate the 10% of this remaining amount. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  46. Time Quota Compensation (0416) • Enter transaction PA30 • Enter the employee’s Person ID and press Enter • On the UK Time Data tab click on gray select box left of the Time Quota Compensation (0416) infotype • Click on the Create icon HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  47. Time Quota Compensation (0416) (Continued) • Double-click on the desired quota type (Vacation used in this example) • Enter the Start date, which must be the employee’s last working day • Ensure the correct Comp. method is displayed – If not, cancel and repeat steps 4 and 5 to select correct method. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  48. Time Quota Compensation (0416) (Continued) • Based on HR Policy and Procedure and what the employee is eligible for, enter the number of hours to be paid out in the No. to compensate field • Click on the Save icon in the Standard Toolbar to save this record In this example, Jonsey accrues 20 days of Vacation leave a year and works 8 hours per day, which means he is eligible for a maximum of 160 hours. Since his quota balance is 123.45, he is thus eligible to be paid for all of that quota. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  49. Quota Compensation Overview • Click on the Overview icon in the Application Toolbar to review the payout record(s) you have created. • If you need to make any adjustments to the information entered, click on the gray box to the left of the row to select, and then click on the Change icon – Make the necessary changes, then click on the Save icon. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

  50. Quota Compensation Subtype Field • When processing a different compensation method it may be necessary to clear out the subtype (Sty) field in the Direct selection section at the bottom of the PA30 screen. The code for the last, saved payout may remain in the field, and the system will “think” that is the method you are wanting…when it really may not be. HR_TM_330 TM: Absence Quotas

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